Deciding to try another comic


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
Well I have been doing another comic, on another forum. It has been going good and if ya wanna see it here-

I wanted to give one last crack at the Tamatalker's series before I asplode.

So I will call the new Comic "A Vacation" Something in that nature.

All I want is- Your character's name, and what he/she looks like AND the personality. If you have a full character profile you want me to use, email me it at [email protected] But I can't have alot of characters. No more then 12, If more then 12 you will have a spot in the next comic if I make one.

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Come-On??? Anyone? I PROMISE I have improved and I will do this one since I have a scanner now, I made the cover, I just need characters :(

Hmm...I'll join!

Name: Ennaira

Looks: Blonde hair up to waist, pale blue eyes, usually wears blue tank top with a heart with a devil tail, blue skirt up to knees, shoes dont matter, pale but not too pale skin

Personality: Calm, quiet and shy, but most of the time around friends, she's super hyper and screams idiotic things alot. She is snappy at times but pretty nice. Swears alot but that doesnt belong in the comic! LOL

And this is just if we can have more than one character:

Name: Melisa

Looks: Light brown hair about up to her chest, brown eyes, wears fuzzy t-shirts or lacey things with pink skirts up to her knees, fluffy skirts,

Personality: Loud and proud, she's hyper a lot but is a great friend and if she's mad, she just punches someone in the arm once or kicks em in the shin.


Name: Tenshi

Looks: Auburn hair a bit past her shoulders, hazel eyes

Personality: She is two things that start with "h": hyper, and hypersensitive. She's got boundless energy! And then someone insults her, and she pretends that she's not hurt-- but then she goes and sulks in a corner. Or sometimes she just gets real spacey instead. Tends to randomly go all fangirl over anything cool.

I might let ya have 2 characters if I don't rake in enough. I already am starting planning. I should have the comic done by April 1 after camp!

Edit: I found my ruler!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ Under a mess of crud!

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Name: Gemma

Looks: Long wavy chesnut hair, big, big, big, brown eyes. (Can my outfit be a lightgreen T-shirt, and camo skirt? Thankies!)

Personality: Alert, funny, hyper, noisy, kind, VERY stubborn! :furawatchi:

I loved your last comic meowbark. It was amazing! :angry:

can i see your last comic sometime? i want to get an idea of what you comics are like and it sounds good. so...

here's my character:


Looks:Brown straight hair up to shoulders, very pale skin, blue eyes (when you carefully look at them they look like two flowers with very long petals); shes thin, not very tall to put it that way and has average size legs (im just saying this because ive seen many comics where they make the legs too long and i dont want Réka to have such long legs), white t-shirt and black jeans or a jeans-skirt in either blue or black, trainers or sandals depending on the weather, her hair is always neatly tied up. she looks perfect except for her height and the spots on her face, they really annoy her.

Personality:very inteligent, often depressed, has problems with her parents even though she always does what they say, her parents are very scared of her getting hurt. She's not shy but she has her secrets, she never talks about them and so nobody knows the way she really is, she keeps quiet about everything at all times. Tell her a secret and it is completely safe.

in case you need another one


Looks: Dark blonde hair up to brest,hazel eyes. Not perfectly thin but not fat either, maybe 1kg too much. she NEVER wears tops that are too tight to the skin, she DOES have long legs, shes very tall, she wears jeans (the jeans ARE tight to the skin) ALWAYS. short sneaker-socks (if you know what I mean) and trainers ALSO ALWAYS. no spots at all.

Personality: on the outside she might look loud and noisy but if you get to know her better you realise she can be quite shy at times, shes also good at school but not as good as Réka. she opens up and lets people know thing more often than Réka but she has secrets too. The difference is Miriam goes around saying "I have secrets and I don't intend to tell you about them" but Réka just keeps quiet and makes everybody think she doesn't have any secrets.

(Miriam and Réka are real people and I chose them because they are the most mysterious of our school. they are best friends in case you want to put that in your comic)

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Name: GemmaLooks: Long wavy chesnut hair, big, big, big, brown eyes. (Can my outfit be a lightgreen T-shirt, and camo skirt? Thankies!)

Personality: Alert, funny, hyper, noisy, kind, VERY stubborn!  :furawatchi:

I loved your last comic meowbark. It was amazing!  :angry:
That demon one? *shudders* I kinda hated that one, well the First one in the Entertainment section? That was cool.

Thank you everyone!

can i see your last comic sometime? i want to get an idea of what you comics are like and it sounds good. so...
Click the link on the first post, or if you wanna see one I made a waaaay back go to "The Library" Then Tamagotchi Entertainment, my comic is the pinned one.

thanks wow it looks good, the one pinned is good and the one on the toon thing is great, i like the robot!!

Thanks! I have improved a while since the Tamatalkers one luckily! But I don't have any paper at the moment, why? We ran out between Me-My Mom-And My Dad+Brother. Oh well, soon my mom will have to buy some- needs it for her job.

I cant wait to see it!

I think I might start a new series after my school comic is done....


*Dances, then crashes into wall*

BTW, I reported that terrible youtube video...

Thanks, but Youtube is full of morons who won't even bother. Even if it IS a hate speech they will laugh

Im starting, I got a few strips done last night!

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