Decorating Ur Tama!


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Good ideas, but I see you don't have any tips on the painting :)
[SIZE=8pt]Mmm...well, the problem with that is that liquids can get inside the tamago and ruin it. I guess my only idea would be to put tape over all the seams if you HAVE to use paint/glue.[/SIZE]

i have an idea, put the phone gems on your tamas!!! :p
[SIZE=8pt]Doh...that's what I was talking about. I didn't know what to call them. XD[/SIZE]

If you really want some wacky tamgotchi try spray painting it

Comment make sure you cover the tama screen well so no paint will ruin your screen

I have an idea for a case but i dont know if it will work it depends.

ok well

i only have 1 tamagotchi at the time i have a cellphone case i carry it in it looks really cool ^_^

OH I HAVE ONE THING TO ADD!!! can put cell phone charms on them 2 I did and so did my sister they look preety and they used to sell tamas with stickers for your tamas...=)

you don't need to change buttons but what me and my friend do is change backs with back is white hers is blue and we changed...its cooler

ya last summer i made a clay one! i MIGHT be able to get a pic of it.

EDIT: the clay holder that i made holds 6 tamas, 3 on one side and 3 on the back even though i only had 3 tamas. now i have 4! oh so my friend put hers in there 2 cause she has like a bazillion

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What's a lanyard? :mellow:

(Plz don't think I'm nuts. I'm not in my double digits yet.)

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k i'll say it socks as tamagotchi protectors which you can decorate
I love the baby sock idea! I tried it and it's really cool! You can ad letter beads and put your tama's (or your's) name on it! Thanks for the idea!!!!!! :ph34r: :D :) :)

do you mind if i post my idea? its a tama necklace and charm! :(

all you need is :



two heart/star ETC beads

three plain beads


a cute charm

a tamagotchi


with the scissors cut the ribbon to the desired length for the necklace part.

take of the big 'O' and at the end with the little 'o' tie a string to the end of it

and add the three plain beads and then tie the charm to the end

then at the chain where it first hold the tama put th ribbon though that first little "o" and add one heart/star/ETC bead to one end of the ribbon and push it throughto the o part and put the other bead at the opposite end of the ribbon and tie a bow and wear your beautiful tama-necklace. ad stikers and phone jewels to make your tama shine :)

i will post a picture of the finished product onece i get it

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Excuse me, may a put a few ideas of mine?Well, first you could put white out on your tama and draw over it

Then, you could make a mini tama house

Then there is always changing the background *PM me for details*

Thanks in advance!
ZOMG do not change the background i ruined my v1 tama by doing that XD

ok ive read most of the 'decorating tamas' topics and found that most of them use nail polish,and that is all they have.SO i've decided to give more ideas on decorating tamas!!

**``[SIZE=14pt]Key Rings[/SIZE]``** :angry:

what u need:

♣ string

♣ beads

♣ any little charms

♣ scissors

[SIZE=14pt]what to do:[/SIZE]

1.cut the string at desired length.

2.string the beads in a way that u like

3.put the little charm at the end and tie a knot.

4.Attach it to the silver 'O' on the side of the tamagotchi.

5.Tada!! u have a cute little charm for ur tamagotchi!!!

**'' [SIZE=14pt]Stickers[/SIZE] ''** :angry:

i heard stickers are wonderful to put on ur tama especially on the back so why not try it without any nailpolish :(

i tried the nailpolish and it took the paint away from my tama so do not use it

**'' [SIZE=14pt]Lanyards[/SIZE] ''*** :D

it isn't decorating but it is decorating the lanyard that hlds your tamagotchi!

what u need:

♣ a plain thick or thin lanyard

♣ string and needle OR/AND texta/paint anything like that.

♣ news paper

♣ paintbrush (if ur using paint)

what to do ( if you are using paint):

1. spread newspaper on the ground or on the table.

2. spread lanyard on newspaper

3. get your paint and your paint brush

4. paint any design you like on your lanyard.

5. flip it over, do the same design or do a different design.

6. hang it somewhere like a on a door knob to dry

7. when it's dry attach it to your tamagotchi

8. Tada you have a customised lanyard by YOU!!!

**'' [SIZE=14pt]a container for your tamagothci[/SIZE] ''** ;)

if u have a version 2 or version 1 read this:

what you need:

♣ clay (any colour you want)

♣ pva glue

♣ your tamagotchi

♣ newspaper

♣ paintbrush

♣cling wrap or any plastic

what to do:

1.spread the newspaper on the ground.

2. get a ball of clay the size of your palm and around 2.5 - 3.0 cm thick.

3. get the cling wrap and put it on the ball of clay.

4. get your tamagotchi and squish it into the clay to get the basic shape.(don't worry nothing will happen to your tamagotchi)

5.Take your tamagothci out.

6.Let the clay to dry over night

7.when the clay is dry get your paintbrush.

8.paint the clay model with a light coat of pva glue(this will make it shiny and it makes it not damage your tamagothci.

9.when the glue dry's up put your tamagothci in and enjoy!!

**'' [SIZE=14pt]a container for your tamagotchi[/SIZE] ''**

if you have a version 3 read this:

there's nothing much to it.Just get the container which your tamagotchi came in take out the plastic model & use that!! OR use the method for the version 2 and one!

**''[SIZE=14pt]name charm/keyring[/SIZE] ''**

what u need:

♣ letter beads

♣ string

♣ beads

♣ scissor

what to do:

1. it's really similar to the keyring charm (just copy that but add the letters)


sorry i made another post but i couldn't edit my first one & my 2nd one!!!! :hitodetchi: :pochitchi: :angry:

tell me if they r good ideas!!!!

tama-007 :eek: :p
uh..what silver O?

I have the v4 and it glows in the dark! it's sooo kool. Here is a picture of it:

it's kind of hard to see but the green part on it glows in the dark :(
I love everbody's ideas! they are soooo neat. I migh try the baby sock one and the key chain thng.

But I also ave another idea. You could buy a keycain from the store and what you do is:

remove the big 'O' from ur tama and add the keychain in replace of it. Or you could just put the keychain on the big 'O'

i haven't done that but it sounds kinda neat

I love everbody's ideas! they are soooo neat. I might try the baby sock one and the key chain thng.But I also have another idea. You could buy a keycain from the store and what you do is:

remove the big 'O' from ur tama and add the keychain in replace of it. Or you could just put the keychain on the big 'O'

i haven't done that but it sounds kinda neat
If you don't get wut I mean pm me

oh and one more tihng [sorry to keep being the only one posting]

but my friend has a v3 tamagotchi and she painted it with nail polish and it was fine but then like a day later the nail polish cracked off and it got into the battery thing and it broke. She replaced the battery but it still wouldn't work so she had to buy a new one.

So my tip is if you want to put nail polish on ur tama even being careful will ruin ur tama so like don't do it! Use all of the great tips everyone here has been posting or just when u buy ur tama make sure you like it's design!

how about baby booties,or baby socks.if you get socks for like newborns,you can do lots of stuff with can put your tamagotchi in them to protect them if dropped and keep them from getting scratched,and to decorate them you can use sharpies or paint or nail polish (if you still like the idea) or you could sew on beads and could also stick on sequence (is that how you spell it?) to the tamagotchi if you don't like stickers
OMG. . . Baby socks! I have been trying to think for forever how to get small enough protectors for my tamas! I have a ton of legacy v-pets and tamas, and I could not think of a good way to protect them while storing them or carrying them around in my purse. You are a genius, gruvgirl!!! :blink:

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