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Ok. First, after getting home after a day of doing PE at school or something. :D

Go to her and say 'Mom, my armpits smell really bad, (lol) I need deodorant.And FAST! D:'

If she says no, then ask why. :D

Maybe she wants you stinky! x3


Ok I'm having trouble asking my mom for deodorant. It all started 2 years ago , that was the first time i asked her for deodorant and she said no so i started taking hers and then she caught me so I told her that i found it on the floor or something. And now I'm scared to ask her because she might say no again and if she catches me with her deodorant she'll get suspicious. I'm 12 now and also how could i convice her to let me use deodorant if she says no again ?
please post soon
I've been wearing deodorant since I was 9. Many of my friends have been wearing it since they were 7, lol, not kidding. If your new to it, wear Teen Spirit of Degree Girl. Try to get non scented for school or very little scented, but on the weekends, or after school, express yourself with scents, and you don't have to wear much perfume too.

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TamaMum's first post was really good! I agree with her!


I'm 12 and I'm scared about that stuff (y' know, asking my mom...) so I just use hers! she doesn't notice :eek:


But I don't really even need it, I only use it because of my hot and stuffy classroom, P.E. and stuff like tht. I don't get sweatmarks or smell bad but I still sweat and I still like it because it stops me from it! :)


P.S. why wouldn't she not let you use it? Wasn't she a kid once, how come she wouldn't want you to use it!? o_O

I just told her the situation, Saying that I do not want to smell like sweat and its a problem. Or, You could go with your mom to the Grocery Store and ask there. So she doesn't forget :D

Ok I'm having trouble asking my mom for deodorant. It all started 2 years ago , that was the first time i asked her for deodorant and she said no so i started taking hers and then she caught me so I told her that i found it on the floor or something. And now I'm scared to ask her because she might say no again and if she catches me with her deodorant she'll get suspicious. I'm 12 now and also how could i convice her to let me use deodorant if she says no again ?
please post soon
All you have to do is say I need deoderant and i neeeeeeeeeed it so let me have some!!!

I remember the first time I asked my mom for deodorant. I was 10, and in 5th grade and that morning I had raised my hand to answer a question in class and I started smelling something strange. I figured it was somebody else, but then I turned my head and realized that it was my pit. I freaked out and put my hand down. That evening I told my mom that I smelled pit stink on myself and she gave me deodorant. So if your armpits actually smell, tell her that. She won't give it to you unless she knows you need it.

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