Derpina's Tamagotchi Log!


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Active member
Jan 9, 2012
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Behind you...
Okay, so I've been off the site for a while because my interest for Tamagotchi's had dwindled (it always does that.) and I couldn't keep a succesful log. But I'm getting back into it, so I think by keeping a log I'll also be keeping my interest in Tamagotchis. I'm going to hatch one after this little "introduction" speech, but first I want to notify you of things and lay down some rules.


-I am not usually always so active, but I will post as often as I can.

-For now I'm only keeping one Tamagotchi for this log.

-I'm not a very good Tamagotchi- picture taker, so there won't be many pictures.


-Please don't comment in my log. If you have something to say about my log or you have questions or something, PM me.

... And. On to the hatching.

-I'm setting up the current date.

-I'm setting up the time.

-I'm setting up my birthdate.

-Picking username.

... And waiting for egg to hatch. I hope I get a girl!!!

Nope. Got a boy. I want to name him Phil.

Welcome baby Phil in to the world!! :D

I have this weird thing where I only feed the babies bread and pudding.

I think I might take Phil to school with me.

Well, Phil is going with me to do homework. Bye bye!! :)

UPDATE: I took the battery out of my v4.5 (Phil) because I'm thinking of giving my Music Star another shot, even though that one is a bit tough for me. But I shouldn't really update today. I'm really stressed out.

Sorry I haven't been able to log much.

So... I took the battery out of my v4.5 and decided to take on the challenge of a music star. I hatched her yesterday and name her Alice. The funny thing is that she got a stuffed rabbit as a toy (if you know what I mean) and a microphone. She evolved later that night last night to a Hitodetchi. I am still waiting for her to evolve into her teen stage. I've been playing lots of games with her, so she gets a good amount of skill points. In my opinion, I think that if you get a larger number of skill points you'll be better off with gotchi points and food and etc. etc.

She has 110 TONE points, 139 RYTHM points, and 204 ORIGINAL points.

While I was in school today, I saw that she met her teacher and was able to go to school. She was really excited. :) I played with her throughout the school day, feeding her and playing games with her. (Don't worry, I was discreetly playing and paying attention at the same time ;) ) In gym, we didn't do anything but quietly sit and we werent allowed to talk. So with the sound off, I got to play with Alice freely. I've seen that she's been practicing on heer intrument a lot, and I am very proud of her!! :D

She's asleep now though, and I can't wait to see what she evolves into next.

I'm not going to be able to log Friday or this weekend, so I guess if you are reading my log you will just have to wait. :)

Bye bye for now!!

Oh my gosh, I never thought this would be happening to me :D I'm really excited so I'm going to tell you what happened (even though this prolly happens to everyone's Music Star if they have one.)

Well first, I should start off by telling you what Alice has evolved into over the past couple of days. After her toddler stage, she turned into Chamemetchi (spelling?) and then into a Mimitchi. I have spent every waking minute with her, practicing and playing games.

She also formed a band with two other members, a Memetchi named Thu and a Makiko named Jenny. They decided to call their band rabbit. I've been making them practice together a LOT, and it seems as though that the practice is really paying off because Alice is really well off on her money. She has 511100 gotchi points right now.

She's been performing at a lot of concerts and making a lot of money. I guess this means I won't have any problem feeding her now, hehe :) .

Her Star Ranking is 10/999 and she has about 50 million fans.Even though Alice has to practice a lot, we still always have time to play with toys and games. I wonder what's in store for Alice today..?

Oh my gosh guys :( This log is totally not getting off to a good start and here's why:

1.) No pictures!! Why am I such a bad Tama picture taker!?!?

2.) I kept switching my battery out to each Tamagotchi and I don't even log on ONE PARTICULAR Tama that I'm taking care of.... Because I never stick to them.

3.) Absolutely no personality to my tama's... I need to make this more exciting and detail everything if I'm at least not going to have pictures.

...and I'm always saying that I don't really have time for the log it seems...

But I refuse to give up. I swear guys, if you even read my log I'm going to try to make it better.

So if you're reading please don't give up yet! I also guess I have to tell you of the bad desicion I made.

I reset Alice and took the battery out of her to put in a different tama, and anyways the battery ended up dying on me. I mean, I got the brand new v4.5 before Christmas, and it seems as though batteries last way longer than that... I guess it's because I kept resetting and switching this single battery to all of my tama's?

... yeah, I have no more batteries for now. But I will get some soon.

ANYWAYS!!! Let me stay on topic: Here is the bad thing out of those two (the battery and Alice)

Alice. I can't believe I did that. We were off to such a great start. And I loved her to death!!! Like I said in another log entry, that I spent every waking minute with her.

I guess I was getting bored of the Music Star.

But, let me promise you one thing: When I get new batteries, I'll put one in my v4 and start that up and log about it and save the other one and find out what I'm going to do with it. I also promise to detail my log more, and put more me into it.

Oh, and before I get these batteries I'm going to find tips on how to take good tama pictures.

Okay, bye guys!~ :marumimitchi: :marumimitchi: :marumimitchi:

Okay, log readers!!! I finally got those batteries and figured out just what on earth to do with them. I put one in my v4 last night.

It's the oldest version I have, and I love the older ones. She hatched while I was doing my science homework and I wanted to name her a unique name, so I named her Mayli. She was a pretty cute little girl and she later evolved into Mizutamatchi.

She was very needy for the first hour of my taking care of her, but I didn't mind. She actually went to sleep beside me on one of my pllows and she slept there the whole night. I just couldn't stop thinking about how much fun it was going to be taking care of her.

I promised her some things while she fell asleep:

-I will never reset her

-I will keep her alive forever

-She will never have to go to sleep on the hard, cold dresser droor

-She will go EVERYWHERE with me, even to my snoopy math teacher's class

When I got up this morning, I made sure the first thing I did was turn the sound off Mayli while she was

(She just beeped wait a sec)

Ugh! She beeped for nothing!! What a bad girl. I scolded her. She started crying. I hope she learned her lesson...

Anyways, what was I saying? Oh yeah, I turned the sound off Mayli while she was sound asleep and put her in my book bag.

Today wasn't much for her.

She pooped and ate while I was in class. I caught her in math once doing the wiggle dance so I took her to the potty right away.

I tried to stick her in my shoe while running the mile in gym today, and that didn't work out so she stayed safe in the locker room.

I played with her in the locker room and on the bus, and she kept failing at jump rope, so we're kind of working on that. I'm teaching her not to jump so late.

More to come.


Mayli evolved!!!!!

She's a young memetchi!!!!!

That evolution seems to have gone by really fast.

I'm going to play a game with her before she goes to sleep.

Goodnight, TamaTalk! :)

Quick update: Mayli evolved again. She evolved into Memetchi!! :)

And I'm getting a new pink tamago. Prolly going to be here after school tomorrow.
