Desiraeisdesirae's Tamagotchi Log


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Nov 15, 2009
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[SIZE=14pt]Welcome to Desiraeisdesirae's Tamagotchi Log[/SIZE]

Hi! I'm Desiraeisdesirae and I'm new to TamaTalk. At school a girl named Mara was playing with her globe V4.5 and I promised her I'd bring her my Sing A Song V5 if I could find it. I brought it to her and, when I found it, I found my Chocolate Argyle V4.5! A girl named Daphne had a Ura Mametchi on her pink girly V4.5. A lot of people have Tamagotchis at my school.

I was convinced to start up mine so last night at 8:53PM (that's Central Time, folks) I hatched a little boy named Abe. I'm going with an alphabet naming theme. Abe turned into a Kuchitamatchi last night and then went to bed.

Abe became a Kometchi. I'm trying to get Ura Kuchipatchi. Daphne has a Girls Rock! V4.5 and the character is a Ura Young Memetchi named Darla. My other friend Natalia has a V4 with cute little sunflowers and... Well I forgot the name =( Abe wants to talk.


Abe: Hi everyone! Mr. Canvas teaches me- his face is silly! I am happy right now but I want to play a game. Mama?


Sure! =* Kisses! Abe should become an adult in two days. Bye everyone!


Abe: Bye!


*Chocolate Argyle V4.5

Blue swirly, 4th-of-July-ish V4

Glam Rock Music Star

Groovy Time V5

Cotton Candy V5


*This is the only one active.


All About Abe

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Training: 3

Skill: 4-16-28

1 yr, 31lb (fatso!)

Boy, 1st Generation

2880 GP

Username: Des



I know that Abe is very heavy. After school Daphne and I walked to the girl's restroom and took out the Tamas. I caught a glimpse of Darla's skills--they were at 130, 50 and 30 for the last I think. I want Abe to be like that. Have you read Girlz and the Tamas? Girlz always lets the Tamas talk so now Abe will talk. He'd like to because he's a chatterbox.


Abe: (blushes) Mom! Um... hey. My name is Abe. I'm a Kometchi. I like Carol a lot, we're friends. She's Natalia's V4 Tamagotchi. But I think that I like Darla more. She is funny, a very smart girl, and is nice to me too. But I don't think she is in love with me- we're friends but not girlfriend and boyfriend yet. (sighs) Look.... this is what happened earlier...


Abe: Hi Darla! My mom told me to come to your house because my mom and your mom are friends!

Darla: Hi! How do you know my name?

Abe: Daphne--I mean, your mother, told my mom, Desirae.

Darla: (smiles) Cool. What's your name?

Abe: My name? It's Abe, short for Abraham Lincoln. Did you know that he is on the penny for our owners? They have their own kind of Gotchi Points called dollars. Want to hear more?

Darla: (looks weary) No thanks. Hey who do you have as a teacher?

Abe: Mr. Canvas, around noon and in the afternoon. So around 3-5.

Darla: Oh, cool! I have him in the morning. Want to help me study for that big test?

Abe: (grins) Sure!


She's going to be an adult tomorrow. What if she thinks I'm so childish? What if she never talks to me? What if... she gets married?! I'm so worried- but I want to see her in her adult form. I'll bet she will look beautiful. I'll have to see tomorrow.


Aw, Abe has a crush on Darla! =D D is for Darla, Daphne and Desirae! Don't worry little Abe, if Darla doesn't like you well then she is a loser and you deserve better than her, alright? =* Kisses!

I took some pictures of Darla and Abe.






I think that's all for today, I don't know if there's any details I missed out in the posts above. Now, you can browse the other logs and stuff because I need to play some Manhole with Abe. =)


=* Kisses!

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After lunch my grade gets to go outside, sit on benches and enjoy the sunlight. Me and Daphne were playing with our Tamagotchis, a little sad because Darla hadn't evolved. I was telling her about TamaTalk when Darla evolved! She became Horoyotchi, the little drunk one! =) I was thinking that Abe wouldn't love her but it was the opposite!


Abe: (is angry) Mom! How can you not like Darla? She's gorgeous! And she loves me!


In Darla's friend list, she has Abe with 2 hearts and 2 faces like this =l. Abe only has her as 4 faces, probably because she's still a teen. According to a growth chart I found, if I keep up the Spiritual points (which is no problem because I love Manhole) I will have gotten Ura Kuchipatchi! =D Here's a picture of Darla's new form:




Can you imagine that, folks? Getting married at the age of three!

All About Abe


Happy: Full

Training: 7

Skill: 15-16-80

2yr, 29lb

Boy, 1 Gen

4040 GP



I'm playing with him more. Darla has 130-60-40 I think. Daphne loves to play the games. If Abe has a girl (I really hope so) her name will be Beth (another friend of mine) and if it's a boy he will be Bill, probably. And please don't post on here since it is my log. Send some fanmail, I don't mind that.


=* Kisses!

Abe: (hears doorbell ring) Coming! Hello?

Darla: Hi Abe!

Abe: (gasps) You're an adult! Already? Wow... You look... (blushes) Nice, I guess...

Darla: (sighs) Nice? Just 'nice'? =( I thought you would think I was pretty or propose to me or something... (starts to cry)

Abe: Darla, don't cry please! I do love you but the law says we have to both be adults if we would want to marry each other.

Darla: (sniffle)

Abe: Look Darla, I promise you that when I become an adult we will get married and maybe have children.

Darla: (smiles feebly) Really? Thank you Abe, I love you.

Abe: I love you too.

Darla: (sighs dreamily) Imagine that. Little Abe Jr. and Diane... I'll be a mommy.

Abe: (is shocked and tries to hide it) And... I'll be a daddy. =O

And I'll be a grandma...



hey hey!consider this fanmail!

i am a daily reader and i love your log!

read mine too!


Thanks! =) I love your log too! Peoples you should check out Shelby's log because it's cool too! Thanks for the first fan mail of my log!

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Your log, from what Ive read so far is awesome! I really love how you give your tamas personality by allowing them to talk. You and Girlz are very creative! But, anyways, consider me a daily reader.
Thanks again for all your help and thanks for reading!!

Thank you Allygotchi! Her log is amazing and I've read it all, you should too! Today seems to be fanmail day huh? Well I took Abe to school a lot and I've been feeding him snacks (don't worry, just a few) so we can play more games.


Abe: (snorts) Just a few?!


Me: RAWR! Abe here's an ice cream eat it NOW! (shoves ice cream into mouth)

Abe: (mouth full) Mrrf! =O



Don't be so dramatic, Abe! (rolls eyes) Ok, so I've been giving him lots of snacks. But one day you'll be a talented father who has an amazing job so you'll be thanking me! His skill points are now:


Skill: 35-27-100


Abe: Augh, mom... I'm TIRED of playing games! =(


Go take a nice shower, you'll feel better. Which is what I have to do so this is the last post for today. Thank you to shelby and Ally for the nice fanmail, and to you guys out there that are anonymous! =D

I have wonderful news! Abe is-


Abe: (dances into log) ENGAGED! =D ENGAGEDENGAGEDENGAGED! Darla agreed to hold the wedding off for another day!


...I guess Abe will tell you.


Abe: Flashback time!


Darla: (walks into house) Hello, Abe.

Abe: (grins) Hey Darla!

Darla: What are we going to do for our future? I mean... I'm your girlfriend but shouldn't we be more?

Abe: (grin fades away) Like... married? (is serious) Darla, really? Married?

Darla: If that's okay...

Abe: I thought about it last night and I want to be a father. I want to be your husband. I love you Darla, I always will.

Darla: I love you too Abe. But... I want to be me one last day. Tomorrow, I promise I'll be your wife and a mother, if you like.


And Abe didn't let me tell you that he's Ura Kuchipatchi. The real reason why I'm not a grandma is because I guess he has to be an adult for one full day. Me and Daphne are having a contest to see who can earn the most Gotchi Points and the contest ends tomorrow morning. We started out at 5000 and now I have 6000. =D My skill points have gone up too.


Skill: 55-27-121


To end this post you can see a picture of Abe's new form. It's very blurry, I know, but if I can take a better one I'll put it up.




(tears up) I'm gonna be a grandma... =O

I have wonderful news! Abe is-


Abe: (dances into log) ENGAGED! =D ENGAGEDENGAGEDENGAGED! Darla agreed to hold the wedding off for another day!


...I guess Abe will tell you.


Abe: Flashback time!


Darla: (walks into house) Hello, Abe.

Abe: (grins) Hey Darla!

Darla: What are we going to do for our future? I mean... I'm your girlfriend but shouldn't we be more?

Abe: (grin fades away) Like... married? (is serious) Darla, really? Married?

Darla: If that's okay...

Abe: I thought about it last night and I want to be a father. I want to be your husband. I love you Darla, I always will.

Darla: I love you too Abe. But... I want to be me one last day. Tomorrow, I promise I'll be your wife and a mother, if you like.


And Abe didn't let me tell you that he's Ura Kuchipatchi. The real reason why I'm not a grandma is because I guess he has to be an adult for one full day. Me and Daphne are having a contest to see who can earn the most Gotchi Points and the contest ends tomorrow morning. We started out at 5000 and now I have 6000. =D My skill points have gone up too.


Skill: 55-27-121


To end this post you can see a picture of Abe's new form. It's very blurry, I know, but if I can take a better one I'll put it up.




(tears up) I'm gonna be a grandma... =O

Abe: (paces nervously) When's Darla coming over?

Darla: (sulks in) Hello Abe. (blushes) Um...

Abe: (blushes and gets down on one knee) Darlal the Horoyotchi... will you marry me?

Darla: Yes, yes Abe! I love you!


The mood was romantic, the newlyweds had just finished eating dinner. Then Darla yelled with pain. Seconds later, two baby girls were in their arms.


Darla: (coos) She's adorable. Hello Logan! =3

Logan: Goo goo gaga!

Abe: (smiles) Aww, little baby... pretty baby. Welcome to the world, little Belle.

Belle: Goo, goo-- (yawn)


That's right. Two baby girls now! Daphne might name the baby Logan, maybe Claire (without the E probably because it won't fit) or Bella. And I am naming my granddaughter Belle. For now I'm calling Daphne's baby Logan though.


Abe: (sighs) The babies are sleeping in their cribs... I can't handle two babies. And I'd feel guilty to let you take care of both.

Darla: You take one, I'll take the other.

Abe: Alright. Honey, shall we leave for Tama Planet right away?

Darla: (shocked) No! We'd be cruel! We'll stay with them for two days. They can grow up a little and have memories of Mommy and Daddy. Right?

Abe: (sighs) Right.

Darla: We'll see them again. Imagine them growing up to be beautiful young ladies, getting married and then having children of their own! 'Grandpa Abe!'

Abe: (kisses Darla's cheeks) You're right. I love you... 'Grandma Darla.'

I think tonight is the last night to have Abe. =( I'm not ready to move onto generation two, I'm not I'm not I'm not!!! And to make matters worse, my baby was just robbed by some ninja! He still has 14210GP though. Abe's not in the mood to talk, he's too depressed. He hasn't seen his wife for a long time. His journal (I'm having my Tamas write little journals) is in the next post.

Dear Journal,

Darla. Darla. Darla. I haven't seen her for an entire year. I asked Des but she said, "I asked Daphne to let Darla see you before you two leave but Darla didn't want to see you." What? How could she not want to see me, Abe, her own husband? Maybe she is mad, maybe she is heartbroken that I haven't seen her for a while. I can't believe it. I will never see my love again.



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I cheated. I did, I did. Abe left Belle. Don't believe me? There's proof! =D


Abe leaving Belle


So I'm naming her right now. B-E-L-L-E, Belle. She already has skill- 10-3-22. And Abe's picture is in her scrapbook.


=( I quickly play Climb with her before I can sigh. She'd much rather gaze up dreamily into the clouds than jump and play. =] Oh, Belle. I'll raise you perfectly and pamper you and love you like your daddy would want. At that moment Belle looks up to me with her gorgeous big blue eyes and utters her first word.

Belle: Daddy?

No, Belle. Your daddy isn't here, I told her. Somehow she understands me.

Belle: Mommy?

I smile a watery smile and cradle her gently and coo about how I shall be her mommy. She yawns and cuddles into my arms, ready for a nap.


Welcome to the world, Belle, daughter of Abe the Ura Kuchipatchi and Darla the Horoyotchi.

Daphne got Darla at a place called Tuesday Morning. I went there and found 2 V4.5s for the price of one! Each was $6.99! One is purple with blue, green and pink puzzle pieces which I bought for my little cousin since he’s always bugging me to play with mine. The other is mine and it’s green with a yellow star antenna, then it has some leaves on it. The background is a city with shooting stars. It’s gorgeous!

Well I started it and a little girl was born. I’m still going with the alphabet theme so her name is Alex. =3 I connected her with Belle (who evolved into Kuribotchi last night) and, don’t get me wrong I still love Belle and all, but luck seems to be with Alex because she won Flag. The buttons on my Falling Leaves V4.5 are so much more responsive! It feels soooo good! =D

I’ll talk about Belle in pink (my chocolate argyle V4.5 is pink so the pink Tama is in pink!) and Alex in green, like I have been talking. I’ll start on the next post.

Belle's skill points are 20-15-26 and she's 11lb. Abe left her a large fortune- she has 16900points! =O While I play with Alex I send Belle to Pre K with Ms Frill. She is a good student.

Alex only has 800P and her skills are 0-0-6 but I'll help her get more points. Alex is so adorable! Her and Belle are so cute! =3 They aren't sisters though, they're 'neighbors' since their 'houses' are always next to each other. Awww!

Please send fanmail in PMs! I will quote you in this log and reply and tell readers to check our your log!

Chatterbox: Unnecessary Commentary

I'm giving my cousin my old V4 and keeping the Puzzling Pieces V4.5! =3 And I decided it was time for a change in log format. These extra things I'm going to say is called Chatterbox: Unnecessary Commentary and it will be in sky blue. =D What a funny title. My Falling Leaves V4.5 will be talked about in royal blue and my Chocolate Argyle V4.5 will be talked about in deep sky blue.

Falling Leaves V4.5: Alex

Alex turned into a Kuchitamatchi, which has a good chance of evolving into Ura Young Memetchi. I'm going to play lots of Shape because if I have the highest Gorgeous points I could either get Ura Memetchi or Ura Debatchi. =D Aww! I honestly hate the game 'Shapes' though so I'll just stick with Mrs. Flower. Do you guys remember Darla, Abe's wife and Belle's mom? Well her teenage form was Ura Young Memetchi. What a sweet and nostalgic (I hope I'm putting correct use to the word!) little moment. Alex is now in Pre K and I talked to Mrs. Frill about if her and Belle could come to school together since they are neighbors. Little Alex is lucky because she's in the same class with Belle!

Chocolate Argyle V4.5: Belle

Belle's still a Kuribotchi. Nothing new with her. She should evolve in about two hours.


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