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Aradia sighed, not paying much attention to her friend. She did enjoy to ramble. The Ringmaster called out something about a catgirl, and I knew it was Ginger's turn. "You're up" Shw announced to her friend, pushing her slightly.

Ginger grinned and ran out with her tige speed. "I'm Ginger Williams," she said loud enough. It sounded so much like a purr it was creepy. "And now for my first trick!~" She ran up to the edge of the crowds wall and grinned as she showed her teeth and jumped over the wall and onto the railing. "Cat balance," she doing flips and jumps on the railing. "Now the second act." She look at a boy all the way across the tent. "You. Are you wearing lime green socks?" she yelled. The boy galced around and yelled," Y-YES! I-I AM-M." "Good," she purred. "NOW THE FINAL AND TOTALLY AWESOME ACT! TRANSFORMATION." Still being balanced she jumped off did a flip and in the midst of all that she changed into a perfect and graceful white tiger. Grinning sheepishly she roared and ran off the stage.

Ikuto's attention was Caught by Gingers' Preformance. The transformation to a White Tiger was Stunning. The Tiger was Amazing. He completely forgot that he was upset with his non normal appearance. "Uryu~ That was amazing!" He whispered to himself.

Ginger walked into a bathroom then pulled her ears back. She couldn't close the... door. If she went back... she'd be neud. Looking around she nudged a boy's leg then shook her head at the door. Her blue eyes pleaded.

OOC: Aww, how cute.

Aradia clapped loudly for her friend, and walked onto the stage. She waved to the crowd. "I'm Aradia D'Angilo. I can talk to animals. It seems that no one has any pets here, so I'll use the ones here" she explained, whipping off of her hat to show her horns. The crowd gasped at her horns and the appearance of three hungry looking tigers. Aradia merely smiled, and nodded her head towards the big cats. One of them ran up close to the crowd and growled savagely. The other two began fighting, tumbling and rolling closer and closer to Aradia. She didn't even lift a finger. After scanning the terrified crowd, she noticed a suspicious looking man. He was a spy for the government. He was supposed to report this circus to the officials and have it shut down. She commanded the tiger to attack the man, and the big cat gladly obliged. It lept over most of the crowd, and pounced on the man, ripping his limbs apart. The man screamed, but soon fell silent. The other tigers joined in as well, hungrily devouring the man. All that was left was the hat, which one tiger presented to Aradia. "Thank you, Cuddles" she said to the tiger, petting it. She quickly put the hat on and explained to the crowd about the man being a spy. She smiled somewhat creepily and walked off, Cuddles and his two friends following.

Ikuto Looked at the Girl. He nodded in a Reply and Shut the Door For her.

His attention then shifted to Aradia's Preformance. He looked at the Tigers rip him to shreds... The crowd looked horrified but he could not help but Grin a little bit. "This Circus is not for the faint of heart, People do die and get hurt here." He said aloud for anybody near him to hear.

Ginger went inside and changed back. Some pelt fell on the floor and she picked them up. Putting on her clothes once again and fixing her pigtails she reapplied her make-up and walked outside. "One downside to transformation. Nakedness," she shok her head and sat on the couch and nommed on some strawberries.

Aradia decided to stay and watch the other performer of the night. She sat behind the curtains, sitting next to another tiger named Duffy as she watched.

Looking up she saw the boy who helped her standing with half a strawberry out of her mouth she waved her hand in front of his face. Taking the strawberry out of her mouth she said,"Thanks... for shutting the door. It would of been awkward if I became human and was naked in front of everyone," she giggled.

Aradia continued to watch the other acts, her eyes wide in awe. She knew she had been at the circus for some time, but her act wasn't nearly as good as the others. She petted Duffy's head, listening to the beast purr.

Ikuto head turned to See Ginger. "It's Okay," He said with a smile. "You are new Here... Arn't you?" Ikuto Then Grinned. "What was your First Preformance like here at the Cirque? Was it as good as it seemed? Did you enjoy the Faces of the Audiance?" His eyes turned a Blissful Green. "Uryu~ Maybe I should stop pounding you with questions, Huh?" His eyes then changing back to his Normal Brown and Red.

"Err...Yes. Yes you should," he said. She imagined a picture with all those questions on her as she was all the floor with the following face: x.x "Yes it was fun. It was very good. And I did enjoy their faces," she said ticking the answers off her fingers.

Aradia was heading back to her dressing room, squeezing past the people who were leaving the circus. She heard sounds coming from Ginger's room, and wondered what it was. But the dark haired girl decided not to interfere with her friend's buisness.

Aradia smiled knowingly at her friend. "It's alright. You tend to be clumsy quite often" she replied, moving out of the way so Ginger could walk bye.

Aradi frowned slightly as she watched her friend storm off. Did she say something wrong? She sighed quietly, and followed her friend quietly.

Ginger stared, not really in the mood of watching... But did it anyway. She had her ears and tail out. Part of her claws were out to. She didn't ask for this. It was not planned. She look down. Her pelt was coming out. Calming down she went backt o normal and looked up again. A single tear fell.

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Ikuto Stood up. "Uryu... Tired" He barely Whispered. Walking out of the tent to the outside back Trailers. Opening up his door with a key he walked in. Changing into some comfortable clothes he slipped back outside. and layed inside a Hammock.

Ginger wiped her face and ran out of the tent. Bringing out her key while she was running she jumped a couple feet and landed on someone's trailer making a dent. Tears blurring her eyes she crawled through her window and 'roared' into her pillow and cried some more.

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