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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2008
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In my Sock Drawer
Do you keep a Diary? Have you ever read someone else's diary? What do you write about?

I try daily to write in a diary/journal. Doesn't always happen because what you want to write about, you have forgotten or plainly can't put it into words.

Finding old diaries, I get tempted but if I don't know whom it belongs to... I read it. I got a journal in the mail that was thought to be unused. The seller didn't know of the invisiable ink on it. I go use an old blacklight on it because I saw it ripple, the paper, rage vomit all over the journal. It was pretty iffy to read and knowing it was pointed towards a younger audiance (the characters on it) Made me wonder who wrote it, or worse, if it was the sellers' daughter who had it before. (in short getting her into trouble because I told the seller about it...)

I've tried numerous times, but I just could never keep up with writing in it. So, to answer your question... nope, I do not.

As for reading others diaries', I have not read anyone else's. Probably because I never had the chance to, but even then I wouldn't.

I don't make myself write in my journal every day; it's simply need-based. Some days I'll write more than once, and sometimes it's several days between writing.

When I say "need-based," I really mean it. If I've got too many thoughts in my head, I start talking to myself (almost uncontrollably) and the only way to stop this problem is by writing whatever is on my mind.

Rarely do I write anything worth reading--it's usually just a bunch of diatribe thrown onto the pages, and sometimes ridiculous lists of ideas/things. Sometimes I'll write lists of things that I've already done just so I can check them off and feel accomplished. :p

I tried to keep a diary when I was about 8 because it was the cool thing to do. I wasn't very successful with it though...

Later on, in high school, I got back at it again, sort of. Basically, if I was having a bad day I would write about it in one of those password journal things that I got for one of my birthdays ages ago. Writing about that stuff definitely made me feel better about things.

I don't make myself write in my journal every day; it's simply need-based. Some days I'll write more than once, and sometimes it's several days between writing.

When I say "need-based," I really mean it. If I've got too many thoughts in my head, I start talking to myself (almost uncontrollably) and the only way to stop this problem is by writing whatever is on my mind.

Rarely do I write anything worth reading--it's usually just a bunch of diatribe thrown onto the pages, and sometimes ridiculous lists of ideas/things. Sometimes I'll write lists of things that I've already done just so I can check them off and feel accomplished. :p
Same! :wacko:

Occasionally, I look through my papers and find almost nothing but neatly-printed nonsense

Wonder if the time I take to write could be better spent doing something else

I've tried to keep a diary ever since 4th grade (we had to do it for English class).

It's been almost two years and I still can't keep up with one. :angry:

I keep a "diary" of sorts of funny stories and anecdotes from my day. Anything that gives me the giggles goes in there, from kinda funny to completely hilarious. Not only does it help me to re-read it when I'm in a bad mood, it gives me fantastic conversation material because I really like to make others laugh.

The amount of ridiculous nonsense that happens to me is pretty incredible, so I always have something to recount at the end of the day :p

I have to keep a writing journal for one of my classes, Creative Writing, but I don't really keep diaries. I used to, when I was younger. I would write in them every day. I've fallen out of the habit.

I have read someone else's diary. It was laying around and I couldn't help myself. I immediately felt guilty and I've never told the owner or anyone about anything I read.

Every time I try to make a diary or journal it always becomes a notebook full of doodles and random story planning.

Seriously, looking back at my old ones all I find is a couple Zelda comics I drew 2 years ago and random bad anime art. Then also some ideas and sketches for stories that I never wrote lol.

Eh, looks like my hobbies rather than thoughts get the best of me here XD

Well I USED to write in a diary, but then I didn't find the time to do it anymore...

i always thought it'd be dead nice to find a diary years and years later. my gran kept one for decades, and i only found about them after she'd died. i think it'd be kinda cool to like, leave a bit of yourself behind, whether for you to find years later or someone else ^_^

Like Mametchi lover my gran also kept a diary of sorts not one she wrote in everyday only one that she wrote in after events that happened fond memories I guess and she stuck photos and letters and things in there it's such a treasure I envy my cousins because of it as when she passed away my Auntie decided to take it and all her jewelry as she was the only daughter I know for a fact she will pass it onto her daughter later on and me and my sister won't have anything nice to keep of my grans...

Anyway I don't keep a diary in the sense that I think you guys are talking about but I do own a filofax and I love customizing and decorating it, I use it for organization purposes and also being such a scatter brain any important thoughts I have I jot down. I keep everything in there from my weekly - daily planning, monthly views, finance, random ideas and sketches to address and telephone numbers, birthdays and important dates, fitness notes, pet information, plushie pattern sketches, even a tamagotchi log so I remember which characters I have raised and which ones are left and how to get them absolutely anything that is any importance to me all goes inside.

I do, actually! But I lost my motivation for writing in it a year ago...And most of it is just what I did that day, I also never read anyone else's diary, I think.

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I find that the smaller the pages are, the more fun it is to fill them. I usually write thoughts about what I've learned or the next new plot development in whatever story.

Usually, what I write about is not important to me.

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