Diet Question


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Active member
Sep 20, 2008
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Right now I'm on a small diet becasue I'm trying to rub off a few pounds. All I did was change my diet, my amount of excercise is still almost nothing. Since I'm loosing weight because of my eating habits and not my amount of excercise I was wondering if it will look like I've lost weight. The only reason I'm trying to loose weight is so I look somewhat thinner, so I was just curious.

Don't quote me on this, but yeah, it should. You're still losing weight. It doesn't matter how you lose it. I think like if you exercise, your gonna get like muscles, but that's it. If you lose it from dieting it will still show.

Yeah, I know that sucked. xP

you are probably at a fine weight. Just dont stress over how much you weigh there are more important things in life. Also check with a doctor before you start the diet.

Thank you. : ^ D

I think I'm going to start excersising so my body will be toned and because I have nothing else to do and since I'm trying to pretend I have a life.

Yes, if you lose enough weight you can tell. I would excersize (sp?). I would only lose weight if a doctor tells you to. If you are doing this because you think your fat, you are probably not.

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