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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
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What is the worst natural disaster (tornado, hurricane, flood, etc.) you have ever gone through?

For me it has been Category 4 Hurricane Charley , Category 2 Hurricane Francis, Category 3 Hurricane Jeanne, and Hurricane Ivan (forgot the category) all of them in the year 2004.

During Charley, I lost my whole entire house and all my stuff.

During Francis, my family and I had to flee the state of Florida to Georgia; where we still ended up getting hit.

During Jeanne, I cut my hand open running to the car so we could try to get home from my uncle's house.

During Ivan, we basically did the same thing we did for Jeanne except I didn't cut my hand open.

Please post back because I would like to learn about other Tama-Talkers terrifying experiences with weather.

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I've been in a really bad storm but that's about it. We don't get cyclones in Brisbane because It's too far from the equator... I think.

Thank GOD! Although, The storms I've been in were pretty bad, They didn't do very much damage.

The worst natural disaster I've been in is a bushfire. It was when I was 4, part of our house was burnt out, but the firefighters got there in time to save the rest. We ended up losing some books, an old computer and some clothes. Pretty lucky, in my opinion.

Like Caiti said, we don't get hurricanes/cyclones in Australia much. or at least, not on the eastern side.

The worst cyclone the east coast's had was Cyclone Larry. He was a category 5 cyclone.

It sound like you're in a pretty hurricane-prone part of the States, if you ask me. Have you ever thought of moving?

4 me I'd have to say that my down stairs got flooded from the sewer. like one of my family members was in the bath room down stairs n it started rising when she flushed. r whole basement was full of *ahem* pooh and *ahem* pee. lol. very disterbing!

Yeah, we do live in a hurricane-prone part of the states------- Southwest Florida. But keep in mind all of those storms was within less than a one month period of time. And since I'm only 12 (about to be thirteen) years old and it isn't my choice.

But lately (by lately I mean this year) I've went through:

Tropical Storm (forgot the name) like a small rainstorm with wind and hail. (small, huh)

Tropical Storm Barry when I was on vacation in northern Florida with heavy rain, some tornados, hail, and wind. Luckily I was on a military base that had sirens and all to warn us about the weather.

I started this topic so I could learn more about weather, because I want to be a meteorologist when I grow up.

C: None. But that doesn't mean that I'm safe, ethier. If a big fat earthquake comes my way, I think you'll know.

um well i live in ontario so we pretty much just get ice storms, fluds, snow storms, hail storms, um in i think it was january we couldnt go 2 skool for like 5 days and over 1 hour it snowed 4 feet.

I've been through small hurricanes, bad rainstorms, blizzards, really bad thunder storms... nothing ever serious though! ^ ^

What is the worst natural disaster (tornado, hurricane, flood, etc.) you have ever gone through?

For me it has been Category 4 Hurricane Charley , Category 2 Hurricane Francis, Category 3 Hurricane Jeanne, and Hurricane Ivan (forgot the category) all of them in the year 2004.

During Charley, I lost my whole entire house and all my stuff.

During Francis, my family and I had to flee the state of Florida to Georgia; where we still ended up getting hit.

During Jeanne, I cut my hand open running to the car so we could try to get home from my uncle's house.

During Ivan, we basically did the same thing we did for Jeanne except I didn't cut my hand open.

Please post back because I would like to learn about other Tama-Talkers terrifying experiences with weather.
Wow that's terrible! I've been thorugh hail bcuz we were in the car and got home and the hail was HUGE and it hit us when we had to get inside.

I've been through a few tornadoes, severe microbursts, floods, and all the other good stormy things that happen in Kansas. :huh:

The worst tornado outbreak was when I was pretty young, probably about 8 or 9. Several houses on my street were damaged pretty badly, they lost walls and roofs, cars were turned over, and a metal pole barn was literally blown into bits and dropped over a mile away. My house had nearly every window shattered and spread into the rooms, our big chainlink fence was flattened, we had big cracks in the walls, and our 2-level giant wooden playgym/fort/thing was picked up, twisted in half, and laid over on it's side. It was crazy.

My yard floods pretty badly sometimes when it storms really hard, I literally get a river running around the perimeter of my yard that can become over 3 feet wide and a foot deep. I like to walk barefoot in it when that happens. :gozarutchi:

When you live in Tornado Alley, an area of the Midwestern to Southern U.S., you get used to this kind of weather. It's a regular part of summertime.

During Hurrican Jeanne this HUGE tree fell in our Pool. It was a fun thing to play on though. It took forever to fix the fence and Pool though -.-

During Ivan I believe we got a 2 Day Black-Out

Thats cool except.....Did you maybe get blisters all over your body?Just kidding...

The Worst thing that happened to me is During Katrina...I stepped on a nail and I had to go to the hospital just in case, So we waited like 1 hr and 30 mins and then it was my turn,So we went in and explain the story.Luckly (SP?) I had already taken my shot...The problem is that just for that little visit the bill came out to be a total of .... 389$ plus Tax...

Faint Chanting: (* SUE SUE SUE!*)

I was downstairs during this big rainstorm and it rained and rained and rained and then guess what? IT RAINED SOME MORE! We live near this big ravine so by the time it was finished, the whole thing was flooded. Our street was filled with rain upto our waists and the front bumper on our truck. The unfortunate thing was that the sewage was so backed up it came through the drain in our basement and we had to cut off the bottom of our walls because it would have moulded the walls on the inside *YUCK*! The funniest thing was, me and my sister went swimming in the street! :huh: lol! My dog quite enjoyed our basement though because we usually lock her up in the laundry room when we go to school because my parents are at work and she could go right under the walls and stay out all day (we never lock her up anymore!) Hope you enjoyed! :p

Another one I went through was just this month actually and it was a bad thunderstorm and our power went out (and the phone lines) I was kinda hungry so I made some rice and then the phone rang so I picked it up and my mom was freaking she said turn all the power off, and get downstairs (what she didn't tell me was that when she was downtown -Toronto - the buildings were bending!) So we closed all the windows da da da da da blah blah.... and we went downstairs on the couch (my sister and I) then, there was this big flash of pink through one window and blue through the other. It made a sparking sound that you hear in the movies and I FREAKED! We ran into my computer room in the pitch black (while eating my rice) I was trying to calm my sister down, trying to call my mom and worrying about whether or not the house was on fire! It turned out, the power lines in the guy's backyard 2 doors down from us fell down but we're all fine! :huh:

I don't know if any of you live in Ontario but if you do, do you remember that big black out because of the nuclear plant? Yeah, guess what? It was the nuclear plant down the street from me! It just came back online and they had stopped its running for like 10 years and then *BAM* it died! LOL! But yeah, it sucked, no air conditioning no food for like 3 days! And boy was it HOT! :huh:

Lol, sorry for all the stories...

One time I was at my cottage and me and my sister were playing by the lake and you know how when you're by a lake the current usually take the waves onto the beach? Well it was like that for a while but then it changed and half the lake was going north the other half was going east and the waves weren't going toward the shore, they were going in! I ran as fast as I could to my cottage and soon after the power went out and it started pooring rain. A bunch of trees fell on the power lines and the power was out for 1 1/2 days. The sadest thing though was *SNIFF* :huh: I lost my chopstick for my hair in a big puddle and it took forever to find it and when I did I lost it again! :p

The worst natural disaster I've been in is a bushfire. It was when I was 4, part of our house was burnt out, but the firefighters got there in time to save the rest. We ended up losing some books, an old computer and some clothes. Pretty lucky, in my opinion.
Like Caiti said, we don't get hurricanes/cyclones in Australia much. or at least, not on the eastern side.

The worst cyclone the east coast's had was Cyclone Larry. He was a category 5 cyclone.

It sound like you're in a pretty hurricane-prone part of the States, if you ask me. Have you ever thought of moving?
Cyclone Tracy was also a pretty bad cyclone in Australia's history. It hit Darwin a while ago.

Anyway. I've not been in any natural disasters. =]

Just a couple of earthquakes and storms. Disasters excite me for some reason.
Lol... Same here.

We're probably experinceing an earthquake at the moment.

You see, millions happen everyday... Weird eh? I can't fell anything...

The worst cyclone the east coast's had was Cyclone Larry. He was a category 5 cyclone.
Yes, actually, It almost created a new category.

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