Discovering Earth


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Chira also saw Kitty and said "Hi thank gotchi king I'm not the only tama here do you no how did we get here?"

Coral landed on her face on the gravel. "Owch!" she said, feeling her face for scratches. "What's this? Where am I" she said in her mind and saw a human. "Ohmygosh we're studying the blue planet in school! I'm here!!!!!!" Coral spazzed in delight.

Kitty walks off finding a chamametchi and a kuchicpatchi. "Oh my!! OTHER TAMAGOTCHIS! YAY!!"

Chira walked off feeling lost walking trying to find any other tama when she saw Darius and Kitty "OMG HI guys "

The car skidded and drove towards thm, trying to run them over. "Run! The monster is chasing us!" Coral screeched.

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