"dislike" button for facebook?


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Agreed. For now, I just write it in the comments box if I dislike something. :p

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I think they should have one, but I know its never gonna happen :angry:


and while they're at it, maybe remove this other 'like' button and bring back 'become a fan' ;]

I am on both sides.

There should be one, but when you see a page you don't like, why bother 'liking it'? just don't do anything.

But also, I think there should be one.

I am more on the 'no' side.

Yes,and while they're at it, maybe remove this other 'like' button and bring back 'become a fan' ;]
I agree.

And as far as the dislike button goes, yes, please.


I wish there was a dislike button but it will probably never happen. :D

We wanted a dislike button, not another like button for the fan pages. :/


Seriously. They keep changing the layouts for everything. The "linking your pages" pop-ups are annoying too.

I hate that I'm a fan of like 300+ pages and I have to delete them one by one too D:

I'm still not caring for this new layout they forced us into. They need to make it so we can have the old layout back if we want to. I liked having the bar at the bottom.

I thought a dislike button would be good to have.... but I swear we had one when people were still stuck on myspace. I don't know... That was years ago though.

agree agree agree.

And I absolutely hate the new like button. D:<

Bring Back 'Become A Fan'!

I think a dislike button would be nice.

But them again, you can just comment that you don't like something.

Everyone was asking for a dislike button, but instead they just gave another "like" button. Niiiice. :(

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