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My parents lived in different houses at one point, but they were never divorced ~

My dad moved back in after a while, but the whole situation was hard on my sister and I.

My parents are getting divorced and it is really hard on my sister and I and my older sister who has autism was crying for about 3 hours and like i have never seen her cry before. I am really sad, they were not happy for a couple of monthes (7 or 8) and they were staying together for us and then one night my dad just said to my mom we should divorce, she was crying and we didn't know what was going on so she went to my grandparents that were up the strret and was there for an hour. they told us the next morning at 6:00 we were crying for about 5 hours and my dad cried wich he never ever does (never ever saw him cry ever) and my dad stayed in our house for a month then got an apartment and now it feels like i never see him any more even tho we do but it just isn't the same

~Brettypascetti :)

PM me if you can help plz

many of my friends have divorced parents.

My friend's parents were fighting and her dad recently left the house. It's been about a week since he left. I don't really know what's going on, I feel so bad for my friend. I always let her know that she can always talk to me about anything (and she often does)

My parents are getting divorced and it is really hard on my sister and I and my older sister who has autism was crying for about 3 hours and like i have never seen her cry before. I am really sad, they were not happy for a couple of monthes (7 or 8)  and they were staying together for us and then one night my dad just said to my mom we should divorce, she was crying and we didn't know what was going on so she went to my grandparents that were up the strret and was there for an hour. they told us the next morning at 6:00 we were crying for about 5 hours and my dad cried wich he never ever does (never ever saw him cry ever) and my dad stayed in our house for a month then got an apartment and now it feels like i never see him any more even tho we do but it just isn't the same~Brettypascetti :p

PM me if you can help plz
Honestly, you're overreacting.

It's their relationship not yours! You may not like it but it's their choice!

My mom got divorced with my dad. And guess how I found out? By seeing the files! She never even told me.

You found out a muucccchh better way. Trust me!

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No, my parents aren't.

They used to fight terribly, but they've been better lately. ^^

This one New Year's Eve about 2 years ago... Dear Lord, it was terrible. DD: I was up all night listening them scream at each other and my mom threatening to leave.

They've talked about divorce many times, but they never have. I think they're staying together for my brother and I, as well as for fianancial support.

But like I said, they've been much calmer for a while now. Much better. n____n

Many of my friend's parents are divorced though. ;-;

Honestly, you're overreacting. It's their relationship not yours! You may not like it but it's their choice!

My mom got divorced with my dad. And guess how I found out? By seeing the files! She never even told me.

You found out a muucccchh better way. Trust me!
Ok, that's not nice at all.

A divorce is extremely hard on the kids, and she's not overreacting. I feel for her. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have your mom and dad split up.

Forgot to add, mine aren't divorced, but they used to fight a lot.

Nope, but I just remembered the fight they had around december 21st last year, and at Christmas day, they weren't talking at all.

Sure, we had presents and stuff, but Mum and Dad just wouldn't talk. I don't even know what Dad did to start the fight. But Mum was talking to dad on the phone and Mum was crying and shouting "YOUR BREAKING MY HEART!" and my sister was crying.

Worst Christmas ever. :|

But they rarely fight. It's like a once in 7 years thing or something. So I'm happy.


Ok, that's not nice at all.
A divorce is extremely hard on the kids, and she's not overreacting. I feel for her. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have your mom and dad split up.
The only time where it's not painful, is when your in my shoes. When your tired of watching your parents be mad and upset and hate eachother's guts, and you just want peace.

Honestly, you're overreacting. It's their relationship not yours! You may not like it but it's their choice!

My mom got divorced with my dad. And guess how I found out? By seeing the files! She never even told me.

You found out a muucccchh better way. Trust me!
:) That was just mean.

No, she's not overreacting. Sure, some people just want peace and for the fighting to stop, but most kids would be distraught if their whole family unit was pulled apart. They say the greatest thing a father can do is to love the mother, and divorce stops that and warps marriage and family life. This is my opinion and my view, but don't go around telling children to 'get over it' when their parents are divorced.

:) My parents broke up when I was around seven years old because my mom was losing her mind and thought my dad was cheating on her. They would scream and scream at each other... ever since I was two years old I remember them fighting...

So, he gave up fighting and left... I'm still kinda mad at him for being such a wimp. My mom could never handle being away from him and her mental state just kept getting worse until I was 16 and CPS stepped in to finally take my sister and me away from her.... not that we wanted to because my dad remarried to a witch who'd make us clean her pigsty of a house whenever we had visitation... I got so involved with all my school music classes that I could avoid going on visitation when I was in high school just to not see his woman.

I still hate her.... even now that I'm an adult. Even my half brother hates her for being such a witch and that's his mom! I feel horrible for him that he thinks that way about her... so I always let him come over my house when he wants to... I've even offered my sister to move in with me but she's afraid that my dad's woman would kick her off of the auto insurance plan if she moved out...

Although, all of my dad's woman's kids (my stepsisters) are pretty much failures at life... into drugs and getting pregnant as teen agers and whatnot.... Where as my sister and I have been pretty successful... good relationships, I was Student of the Year my senior year, my sister is gearing up to be in the medical field, I'm making comic books (I'm the weird one)... even my half brother is in a special school program for smart kids .... (I was accepted into the same program but my mom didn't want me going to a "brain farm") ;)


Having your parents divorce sucks, major. Just know, it's not forever and you don't have to make the same mistakes your parents make, nor do you have to let your difficulties hold you back in life. The hardest part about being in the middle of a divorce is keeping self-confidence. You are unique to the world and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, if you can turn it into something. :)

Honestly, you're overreacting. It's their relationship not yours! You may not like it but it's their choice!

My mom got divorced with my dad. And guess how I found out? By seeing the files! She never even told me.

You found out a muucccchh better way. Trust me!
:) I know a lot of people have responded to this... but...

Not all divorces are so clean cut. Many times one side feels vengeance towards the other parent. My mom always described their divorce as a war where she was against him and we were the soldiers... There is yelling and punishment for defecting at all times even when they're not together. In many cases divorce is a mentally stressful thing for the children caught in the middle. Torn between two people they once loved and trusted, the world becomes a cold cruel place.... One side always telling you how bad the other side is and having to sift though what is lie and truth... sometimes leading a double life where you tell one side only what they want to hear... Especially for the oldest child who often gets the brunt of problems to shield the younger one or explain what is going on...

It's something that weighs on you every day for years and years. It's not like a death where once it's over, it's over... it's more like a cancer that just keeps growing. When you see or hear violence it makes you uneasy. Some of these fights get very verbally violent, sometimes physically... even when you don't have a parent who takes rage out on you, huddling in your room, waiting until it's over isn't something one can just get over either.

There are some divorces that end smoothly with both sides still being friendly... but not many adults are that mature. :) You are very lucky that your parents had such a good relationship. Just don't assume that everyone has such good fortune.

Ok, that's not nice at all.
A divorce is extremely hard on the kids, and she's not overreacting. I feel for her. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have your mom and dad split up.
thanks so much. what she said was rude and i dont think that i am over reaccting. it is super hard on me and i try to be tough for my older sister (autistic one) and my little (1 minute younger) sister.

Mine are. It ruined my life. If they hadn't, I probably would have more friends and be more outgoing. Also I want to move with my dad but it will be 2 years so he can get a new house. Also he is leaving for 6 months to go to the middle east. I can't stand my mom's house. 4 younger brothers and a teenage daughter do not mix well. Me and my mom don't get along well either. I want to leave...

Mine aren't they say they never will..... i trust them on that right now, i'm depressed if they divorced i would probably die of depression....


My parents divorced when I was three...

...but then got remarried when I was six, so no problem with me.

They show no sign of getting divorced.

If they did get divorced, I don't think I would mind.

I respect their decisions.

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