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Well-known member
May 21, 2008
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I just felt curious, because some members I see here are active only in the Non-Tamatalk forum and the Fun stuff. I'm just wondering if you still like tamas... As for me, I like it, but not as much as before. How about you? :angry:

Yes. I still like my Tamas.

But I'm always dying of bordem, which is one of the only reasons I even bother to go on the computer.

I accidently voted the third option. o_O

Well, I used to be here for Tama stuff, but as I grew older, and as I stopped feeling like buying new batteries, I gave up on my tamas.

I have always loved tamas since 3rd grade and still like it now.

:D ^_^ :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: ^_^ :mimitchi: :mametchi: :gozarutchi:

I LOVED tamas since 4th grade! i never lokked away from them but then my mom took it away :p :p but i get crazy from no tama so i stole it from the drawer and played away

i joined because my bro was like get a forum man and im like fine and he was like what do you like and im like tamagotchis! and thats the stry of how i joined tamatalk =P

I joined because I had a lot of questions when I got my v5 and when i googled them, I was mostly sent here, so when I got my Music Star and I asked another question an as sent here, I just decided to Join.

Forever and always ;) I love Tamagotchi's!

And, well yes it's true some people just move over to Non Tamatalk , RP's, and Fun stuff over a while :D But they're still part of the Tamatalk Family! :)

I like to go around all the areas of tamatalk!

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I was rather addicted to them when I first joined here and for about 6 months after, then I got bored of them and my interests diverged. I guess as you get older you move onto other things and get real friends?

For me I'm off and on.

One month I don't even touch them, the next it's like I've totally rediscovered them and they never leave my hand.

yes, but there's nothing to do with them right now cause they're not coming out with new ones till, like, next year.

Not really, no.

I only joined here for the tamagotchiness, but now I've given up on my tamas, like Weiwei, because I'm much too impatient with them. Plus my batteries died, and I can't be bothered getting new ones.

Though tamas are what brought this site together, so I'll always love them, no matter what. I really want a music star and a v6 too :3

I joined because I like tamagotchis.

But as I've gotten older, and as we got more real pets, I don't really like them as much as I used to. My friends don't really use them either, so its kind of boring using them by myself. :/


But they are still fun to play with and they are amazing time-killers :D

YEs!! of course i love tamas or i would not be a member of this site and destroy all tamas i had


I joined because I love tamas and I loved them since I was 6 ! now I'm 18 but I have to say that it did a long time that I haven't played with them... :eek:

I still love my Tamagotchi. :D I can't wait to play with the new Tamagotchi I'm getting for my birthday. :huh:

like wha Megan9 said,one month I can't bare to look at them and the next month I play them 24/7!

yep, that would be me. always changing what I like and dislike and always changing my attitude.


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