Do not debug your v3!


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Nov 18, 2006
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Do not debug your v3! it will not allow you to put in a username, it will not let you put in any passwords, it will not let you donate money to the king, and it will not let you get married! trust me i did debug mines and this happened. and the hypertime is so annoying! ( note that this does not effect v1 or v2) :furawatchi:

Thanks for the advce. I know some of it and it happened top my brother`s V3 and there was one problem. He had no idea the bad things that would happen, and phew. it was a good thing I didn`t debug my tamagotchi V3. Don`t people already know this?

I debugged mine and i picked ichigotchi.I wanted my tama back you normal so i..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................KILLED ICHIGOTCHI!!!!MUA HA HA!!!!

I debugged my v2, even without the passwords and stuff I hated it because what fun is it if you pick the tama you get?

Do not debug your v3! it will not allow you to put in a username, it will not let you put in any passwords, it will not let you donate money to the king, and it will not let you get married! trust me i did debug mines and this happened. and the hypertime is so annoying! ( note that this does not effect v1 or v2) :D
:D :( :( i have debugged my tamagotchi v3 many any times, even without undebugging it!! So your wrong. you just have to do it correctly. you can just get the character and undebug, or CONTROL THE HYPERTIME. just hit C to start and C to stop!! it's sooooooooo easy how did you not fugure this out??!! Plus i got married, and have a user name, and have donated 5000p to the king. :D :D :D :D Im not trying to start a fight, but im just sayin'

I see alot of people get v4s lately, can u plz tell me where u got it?

has it started selling the english version in thailand yet?

:p :p :p i have debugged my tamagotchi v3 many any times, even without undebugging it!! So your wrong. you just have to do it correctly. you can just get the character and undebug, or CONTROL THE HYPERTIME. just hit C to start and C to stop!! it's sooooooooo easy how did you not fugure this out??!! Plus i got married, and have a user name, and have donated 5000p to the king. :D :D :eek: :eek: Im not trying to start a fight, but im just sayin'
Then you must have done something wrong. The topic starter is right, it will not allow you to have a username or passwords, but they are also incorrect about the marriage part.

before you debug put in the passwords or whatever then debug it

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