Do u ever hear voices in ur head?


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Yeah! And sometimes I wonder if I said it out loud and nobody listened or if it was only in my head? xD
Me too! Today in class I was arguing in my head about the smell in the hallway because it smelled like rotten eggs in the hallway e_e it smelled so nasty and I don't normally complain about smells but that was terrible so my head was arguing about it and I though this girl next to me would hear lol silly me x3.

Sometimes, I can hear my mom or sister's voice, saying my name.
One time, during a test, It happend, and I KNEW it was one of the voices, so I screamed "Shut up! D<" out loud XD

Everyone was all "?" at me XD
Lol, thats really funny! did u get in trouble?

No, but my teacher was like "whutchoo talking bout?" XD
Lol when did that happen? I'm currently thinking about a song I like but I don't remember the name >_< it's a techno song too.

Hey HSTAMA2, or aka hannah lolz!!! :(

Odd topic, but sometimes the voices in your head are right. SOMETIMES.

Last night the voice in my head said to put LOTS of salt on my popcorn, I did, of course. I know what you are thinking, I am retarted for doing it. It tasted fine, but really salty.

I wonder........ ok, idk what I was gonna say lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

I hear voices saying my name in my head and like'what?'its creepy i keep thinking its my mom yelling my name but its not.

I never noticed anything going on up there...

But anyhow, I talk to myself often, so I guess I don't really need voices in my head... xD

It happens to me sometimes. I am in a hallway, and then I'll hear something and I'll spin around, but nothings there.

It's kind of annoying and creepy at the same time.

When I try to go to sleep, the voices start talking. But they always ignore me D:

Lol, today, I had a MAJOR spaz attack. so I was sitting in math, doing my work when suddenly the intercom comes on, and it said something about a bus schedule change, but then suddenly I scream and say, "AGHHHHHH! THE VOICES!" and then I covered my ears and rolled on the floor until the intercom was over. Then I sat in my chair and acted like nothing happened.

Not often. But sometimes when I'm places, I randomly hear the doorbell ring at my house, my phone ring, my cats, my dogs, and today I heard my band director say my name. I heard it all in my head. I don't know why though..

In class I zone out and have imaginary converations with people and like if one of meh imaginary peoples says something funny I giggle or smile... it's odd. x3

Anyway.. I have that one voice in my head.. and several others... which... I dunno. x3

I mentally talk to myself a lot.

Lol no but i know someone who said they got it and heres what happened..She was chatting with her crush, lets call him G and her S. And the voice inside her head is just Voice.

S: Hi!

G: Uh hi? You look nice today, wanna grab some lunch?

S: Uhh..

Voice: Tell him you love him, S, tell him you love him!

S: What? Oh, go away! Shut the hell uupp!!!

G: Wh-what?? I was just asking! Fine ill go.

S: Oh crap.


Lol no but i know someone who said they got it and heres what happened..She was chatting with her crush, lets call him G and her S. And the voice inside her head is just Voice.

S: Hi!

G: Uh hi? You look nice today, wanna grab some lunch?

S: Uhh..

Voice: Tell him you love him, S, tell him you love him!

S: What? Oh, go away! Shut the hell uupp!!!

G: Wh-what?? I was just asking! Fine ill go.

S: Oh crap.


They say random things, EXACT EXAMPLE FROM TODAY IN CHOIR WHEN SINGING NATIONAL ANTHEM ALTO: America... *remember to go down, instead of up* America.... God shed his grace on thee....*remember to hold for 4 beats* Oh say can you see....*don't hold, quickly, speed up* by the dawnserly(sp?) light..*eeeek can't go that low!* What so proudly we HAILED..*toast would taste so much better if it was fried instead of toasted.* At the twighlight's last gleaming....
O: I do that too!

I do it while Im singing, and while Im playing piano. Except when Im playing piano, I'll be muttering it, so it's not really "in my head" :)

I did that during a piano exam. The tester/supervisor (Whatever you call that person) was looking at me like I was mentally unstable.

Me: -starts playing and mutters- Eb. No, NO B, not A! C#! Good.....NO F!

Supervisor: .....

I also write stories in my head x33

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The voices usually aren't so much voices but faces. Mute. Mute faces. Sometimes I can watch their conversations. Watch them cry. Watch them sleep. They're also very good to keep a handle on my emotions, to maintain my self puppetry, to keep a straight face, or at least only a distant one. To maintain a mask. Because, god, how I do love those people. They're mine. They listen, all the time. They agree. They're also quite beautiful, and are usually in the form of anime characters, simply because I have problems picturing real people.

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