Do u have a music star?


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I have 3. I bought my first one because i wanted it like mad crazy. then i bought the second one so i'd have one to interact with it to see what it does. then i bought one for my boyfriend at the time because he got jealous. then i just bought another yesterday because it came in a set with the movie and the figures. i didn't want the tama music star but that was the only way to get the figures and the movie XD :)

I have 1 and its black with white ear plugs/headphones round sides.

Its currently an adult named Zane

Hopefully it'll mate soon


Yes I do, but I didn't like it,

so I sold both.

Planning on getting one today. First Toys R Us, then Target, then eBay. Let's hope I find one before I resort to eBay! They look like fun.

I have two. They're fun the first couple generations but after the third it starts to get... I don't know... boring and annoying.

I have one and I doubt I'm going to get another. They are really fun but also require a lot of work for something that is, in my opinion, not that rewarding. I don't like the adult stage with the auditions and stuff all that much. Overall though it isn't bad, just not my Tama of choice :D

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