Do You Believe In Gay Marriage?


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Who am I to stand in two people who are in love's way?

NO ONE IS. Regardless of your views on it, it should happen. You are stripping away the rights of these people just because YOU have an issue with it! How stupid is something like that?

I will never, ever see from an anti-gay person's point of view.

All for gay marriage.

EDIT: Looking at the past posts,


You think the f*****g population will DIE OUT if gay marriage is allowed? Yeah right. You're saying if gay marriage was allowed EVERYONE would be gay. That isn't the f*****g CASE. The fact is, people will be gay whether or not gay marriage is allowed. NOT THAT EVERYONE WILL SUDDENLY TURN GAY IF IT WAS!!!!!!!

Holy s**t. Seriously.

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I'm all for gay rights, but I'm very traditional in the fact that I believe the act of marriage is predominantly a religious tradition. If your religion doesn't allow or accept homosexuality, then I can understand them not accepting homosexual marriage.

I don't belive in it. I've had this convo with a friend of mine at school and we both agree it's just gross and wrong. ANd he said "Gay peope scare me" Which made me laugh 8D

Its reallt wierd when to gay/lesbian people adopt kids, Then There kids grow up with two dads or two moms and I't really quite discusting ;P
"Which made me laugh"? Why would you laugh? Gay people are they're own person and shouldn't be defined as "gross and wrong". Gay people just want to be with who they love, and you can't stop that. It's a force of nature.

I hope that in the future, all gay people will be accepted for who they are. African-Americans were finally accepted after a hard, long time of pushing towards equality, so why can't gays do that too? Would you like it you couldn't be with the person you love? Of course not.

What's wrong with 2 dads or 2 moms? Some children across the world don't even have parents. They want family, and if they were offered 2 moms or dads, I don't think they would refuse.

You obviously haven't been in love yet. :D

I believe that gay's should be able to love eachother with as much dignity as straight people, but not be married. I've always believed marriage was a sacred bond between a man and a woman. Please dont be offended, it's just my own opinion.


To me, if you think it's wrong your opinion shouldn't really matter. It's those two people's lives, and if they choose to share it together by marriage, that's their business. They're as much in love as a man and a woman, therefore should be allowed the same opportunities.

Alot of people don't like marmite, but they haven't banned it. If you don't like gay people getting married, then don't be gay and get married. Simple. But you have no right to rule somebody else's life. Maybe you'd like to go on a dream vacation/holiday, but someone unfairly snatches that opportunity away because of the way you talk or the way you look or somebody you love.

I think that if you are gay and wish to get married, you go for it. Because your love has nothing to do with anyone else.

I am not for it because i felt like god started humans as adam and eve,not adam and bob,ya know? lol! And it might be weird as a kid having like two daddy's or mommy's,u need both.....its hard to explain for me lol anyways yall get my point.
Strange? I understand your reasoning, but how is having two parents 'strange'? Many kids all over the globe have no family. They want someone to accept them and love them and treat them like they're their children. I don't think any orphan would be as foolish enough to have no parents then two parents of the same gender. :rolleyes:

I am not for it because i felt like god started humans as adam and eve,not adam and bob,ya know? lol! And it might be weird as a kid having like two daddy's or mommy's,u need both.....its hard to explain for me lol anyways yall get my point.
I know this is from July 2009, but I felt the need to quote this to say Kit Kat's used to be just chocolate, now they have peanut butter in too. / The world used to be completely heterosexual, now there's homosexuals, bisexual and pansexuals.

Things change over time, no ones forcing you to be gay but those who want to be gay should be allowed to be gay. Just like those who want to buy peanut butter Kit Kats can, and those who don't can buy regular Kit Kats.

That was just an example. A very bad one but an example all the same. Please don't go buying Kit Kat's based on your sexuality. xD

No, I absolutely do not. This is obviously a sensitive issue, so obviously I can't get way into my view. I'll try to sum it up...

I would think the human anatomy would be enough. It's like two magnets... it only works one way. You can't try to force it to fit (ever held two magnets and turned one over? Doesn't work...). It's the way humans were designed, and how God intended it. Yes, I believe in that too, but please don't let my religion block out my point to you.

There's really not much more I can say since this is a forum and all...


I believe that gay's should be able to love eachother with as much dignity as straight people, but not be married. I've always believed marriage was a sacred bond between a man and a woman. Please dont be offended, it's just my own opinion.
Thought I'd just clear up my own view (this post got me thinking again).

I think anybody who wants to be gay can do so, by all means. But that doesn't make it right. LEGALLY, marriage should always be one man and one woman. If gay people want to get married, don't call it marriage, because it's not. Bringing up a point someone else pointed out, I know I can't stop gay people from being gay. It's their life, I'm not trying to control them, but again, that doesn't make it right (and that doesn't mean I'm going to try to sway their opinion). Same principle: If an alcoholic wants to be an alcoholic, I can't stop him/her.


I am astonished that anyone really believes that if Gay marriage was ok, then EVERYONE in the world would become gay and not have kids any more and the world population would die out...?
If people allow gay marriage, the human race will not be destroyed over time.

Think about it carefully and logically.

If you are straight, would legal gay marriage make you want to change your own sexual orientation and marry someone of the same gender and live with them for the rest of your lives?

Call me a cynic, but I doubt it.

This is not the same as whether people approve of Gay marriage or not - everyone is entitled to an opinion and should be able to explain why they are for or against it. I just find it a little difficult to accept a theory that the human race will die out if gay marriage is allowed...(for the reasons explained above).
People can love who they want. My opinion, but its true - and they could have that sperm donor thing

P.S - I don't really know how, but as a Bi, that sort of offended me

I support it.

You should be able to love whoever you want, not based on race, nationality, and of coarse, gender.

Being gay isn't a choice. Why should we stop gay people, who were born gays, from getting married and living happy lives together?

And I don't believe that the human population would somehow die out if gay marriage was legalized. Like TM said, it won't change your own orientation whatsoever, so how would it change other people's? Unless for some reason, hetro marriage was banned, THEN we might be in danger of extinction, but it'd obviously take quite a long time.

TO be honest, I can't believe that this is even a question. Of COURSE they should be able to get married. My mother is a lesbian and she's been with the same woman for many years, but the sad thing is that if either of them got hurt and went to the hospital the other wouldn't be able to be with them, because they aren't family and aren't married. It's really....sick.

I mean, obviously, this bigotry won't last long. I hope not. We as a country should be better than this. In the future we will look back and be embarrassed at ourselves for being so willfully ignorant, just as we do now when we consider slavery or unequal rights for women.

I'm Catholic, and this is against my religion. But I think it's not any of my business if you like a man or woman or whoever. Religion shouldn't get in the way of that. It's not my decision, it's that person's.

But, since I live in the retarded state of New York, and no, not the city, it's not legal.


It was the International Day Against Homophobia yesterday.

On Friday we had a huge unplanned debate in PE about homosexuals and homophobics. One immature kid asked "Is homosexuality a mental disorder?"

There are a few people against homosexuals in my class, and some of us who are really hostile to homophobics. Bella and Denis pretty much led the negative points of the argument, while Linda and I defended gay rights.

Seriously, it's only because being heterosexual is more common that homosexuality is frowned upon. There's no right or wrong sexuality. If it were reversed and there were less straight people, then everyone else in the world would be... heterophobic, correct?

Sheeeeesh :|

loves love ;

People should be able to marry who makes them most happy.

iFight with my mom about this all the time since i'm bi ;

She dosnt support it at all . /:

This is like saying "do you support interracial marriage?"

fifty years ago, a black person marrying a white person caused as much controversy as homosexual marriage right now. So yes I support gay marriage all the way. I don't think I'll ever change my mind because this is prejudice. Like saying "oh you can get married, so can you, so can you.... and you... waiiit you said you want to marry a girl? and you're a girl? Nevermind, give me your ring back." Its absurd. If I wanted to get married to a girl, I'd find it really offensive that just because I liked the same sex, I couldn't get married. I think in a hundred years mostly everyone will think being homophobic will be just as bad as being racist. I hope to death that kids will be taught in class "did you know, same sex marriage wasn't allowed? weird right?! there's nothing wrong with it"

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