Do you believe in ghost?


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Yes, I do. I was born and partially raised by my indian relatives, and i've been taught to beleive in them. And there is no tricks or anything that explains what happened to my closest friend Micky...

^^ I do. I've had a lot of expirience (I totally butchered that) with them. Please, nobody call me crazy or anything, because I saw what I saw. I know how to control and help and get rid of them.

And the only reason why people don't beleive is because they have never had an expirience.
I agree.

But, I also, personally, can't say that I one hundred percent believe in them, one hundred percent don't.

Can't ever be too sure, I guess.


^^ I do. I've had a lot of expirience (I totally butchered that) with them. Please, nobody call me crazy or anything, because I saw what I saw. I know how to control and help and get rid of them.

And the only reason why people don't beleive is because they have never had an expirience.
I have had lots of experience too... THEY FREAK ME OUT! One was my dads one. When my dad was young he was sleeping in he grandfathers room while his sisters were getting washed. By the way his grandad wad in the grave, you know.He heard footsteps under the bed and really scared and checked there and there was his grandads old shoes lying there.. Creepy..

Once I was at school and I went to the loo by myself [ok laugh] I heard someone come in bacically open the door and walk around the loo. I wanted to see who it was and went outside and no one was there and that was scary because they only went IN not out. :)

Once I was sliding of my bed for fun and something,something wierd pushed me right of head firrst on the floor

I believe ghosts could exist because I'm trying to keep an open mind. When animals go slightly strange and start chasing things or staring at something we can't see it's kinda creepy, right? Well, one of my cats does it in my room and actually tries to climb up the same corner of my room all the time, and often even starts walking around chasing whatever he sees in the air, looking up at it all the time. I don't know what he's seeing, but one of the many possibilities could be a ghost. Animals can see better than humans, so they might be able to see ghosts whereas sometimes we can only see them when the conditions are right.

Personally, I'd like to believe something my religious studies teacher was talking about: that ghosts and spirits are different things. I'm not saying I believe IN ghosts or spirits, but I'm saying if they do exist then I'd like to believe it in the way he explained it. Basically, the spirit is the actual person and moves on or is reborn or whatever, and the ghost is like a leftover shadow of the person that plays on a continual loop. We can't interact with it because it can't see us, it's like... in a different dimension, or plane or existance, however you want to think of it. But yeah, that's sort of what I'd like to believe, that there's something after death, and that spirits are real and sometimes visit us and ghosts are shadows of them and stuff. This is the thing which makes sense to me, as my cat always follows in the same direction, so for all I know I have some creepy ghost in my room. I don't actually think that, he's probably chasing dust, but you never know.

EDIT: Also, I forgot. There's another reason I believe they might exist in a different way than I mentioned above. At my grandma's house (nice grandma, the psycho one is just ugh), in the room she used to sleep in (she doesn't anymore, she sleeps in the small room) you can hear this breathing if you listen carefully. My mum's heard it for years, so has grandma and my dad's even heard it. I've heard it too because I used to live there and sleep in that room. It's not scary or anything. But my family has a tendency for seeing ghosts and things which aren't there on my dad's side. My mum's side only has that, but my dad's side? Well, they're all crazy but for all I know they really do see ghosts and stuff. They don't like to talk about it, though, so I don't know a lot.

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Yeah, I do actually because ghosts are basically spirits of dead people who haven't moved on. Somtimes they don't even know they're dead.

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