Do you believe in ghosts?


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Ok, that sounds a little bit more reasonable. I do believe that there are some sort of spirits, but absolutely no ghosts, I mean, that's ridiculous. Angels and spirits, that's it. Ghosts and demons, that's just completely out of the question.
Yes, I agree about the demon part. I mean, God wouldn't let them come bother us. He sends them to hell, right?

Let's not turn this into a religious debate... :)

Souls may have unfinished business before making it to their final destination, so they "haunt" us.

Are you referring to me?
FIANCE... :)

He's had a lot of weird things happen to him, so he feels he knows what looks real and what doesn't I guess. :p
Excuuuuuuuuse me! I agree with your fiance.

tenniswinner: If there were, I'm sure He would, but there are none, and if they are, they would already be in Hell.

Again, this isn't a religious debate, so let's refrain from talk of "heaven" or "hell" (as I believe in neither, I'm sure there are others that don't as well).


As I said, ghosts, etc., in my opinion, have unfinished business before their final destination (whatever it is)--the business doesn't have to be good.

We never made it a religious debate. I was just stating an opinion. And you know what, obviously, you don't really like me and I don't want to start any flame wars, so just forget about everything that I just said.

What? I don't even know you, so I really don't have an opinion.

I'm just saying I'd rather we not refer to heaven or hell because then it gets people talking about views in terms of religion.

Lighten up. :angry:

In that video, the clip from the '70s seemed very fake. :rolleyes:

No, because ghosts don't exist. It's all in your head. I say, if you believe in ghosts, get some therapy, and don't watch any more Sylvia Brown.
How can you say that? Both my mom and I saw the same ghost, she asked me if I had seen something and described what it looked like, it was exacly what I had seen, so, yeah, I do.

A lot of people won't believe it 'til they see it, so maybe one day she'll see something ghosty and then she'll understand. ;)

Sorry to double post but I'm making a point.

Does that pic look convincing? It shouldn't- I made it a year ago or so on a simple photo program. I took it from this random picture on google:

Really, if a seventh grader can do that what can someone else who has degrees in making fake pictures look realistic do?

I don't believe in ghosties or any type of 'wandering dead'.

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Sorry to double post but I'm making a point.
Does that pic look convincing? It shouldn't- I made it a year ago or so on a simple photo program. I took it form this:

Really, if a seventh grader can do that what can someone else who has degrees in making fake pictures look realistic do?

I don't believe in ghosties or any type of 'wandering dead'.

I thought it was real. You've got talent! xD

I'm half and half if I see one with my own eyes Thats when I beleive.But something weird happened i a week or 2 ago It was 3.33 Am and even the local retards are inside by then(the teenage boys that are useless)but there was one knocking on the freaked me out.My granny had died on boxing day but it was the night of xmas so it could have been 3am or so when she died I didnt know her well or it could be my dog as she could open the hall door...

o.o'I thought it was real.  You've got talent! xD

That wasn't even on my photoshop elements program. It took my about ten minutes, too. I'm sure I could make it much better now. But seriously, I don't even know what program that was- it may have been the free one on the computer for all I know- but people have programs that costs hundreds and even thousands that can do SO much more.

Just be careful about what you believe because the proof is in the 'pictures'.

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I do beleive in ghosts, the good and bad kond. Good kinds could very well be anyone trying to help you like tenniswinners ghosts, or they could be bad ones. I didn't have much beleif in bad ones until I started watching A Haunting and saw the movie The Excrism of Emily Rose. (That movie was one big mistake to see, couldn't sleep with the light off and many stuffed animals for atleast two weeks.._

And tamaw/pants, wich pic is the one you dited? I'm afraid to click one you didn't play aro0und with. xD


I do beleive in ghosts, the good and bad kond. Good kinds could very well be anyone trying to help you like tenniswinners ghosts, or they could be bad ones. I didn't have much beleif in bad ones until I started watching A Haunting and saw the movie The Excrism of Emily Rose. (That movie was one big mistake to see, couldn't sleep with the light off and many stuffed animals for atleast two weeks.._And tamaw/pants, wich pic is the one you dited? I'm afraid to click one you didn't play aro0und with. xD

I created the first one [which is NOT scary] I posted and the second posted was the random picture on google I used to create the picture.

That picture didn't look ghostly at all, just looked like you made a normal photo black and white... It took me a moment to even noticed the "ghost" part about it and it does look fake. :wub:

Again I'll say, a lot of people won't believe until it happens to them. If you can explain some of the crap that's happened to me, or my fiance even, then by all means... But considering, I really doubt there's another explanation.

I'm talking about toys going off without batteries, things moving from one room to another (when nobody has touched them and we're in the apartment, so we know nobody came in), seeing a strange little girl mess with my mom's alarm clock (at first she thought it was me as I was about 5 at the time), me having nightmares with that same girl in it, the neighbor girl in the building had her cassette tapes torn apart and I had a dream about it happening around the same time, dogs barking int he attic when there are no dogs... The list goes on.

My fiance has had things thrown at him, radios turn on, phones ring, doors open in front of him (he used to work overnight at a gas station where someone may have committed suicide), and he even was possessed once (as in, he blacked out and was still moving around, etc., and came to not knowing what he did that day and his friends said he was acting weird).

Explain. :angry:

I personally Believe in Ghosts and have since I've been little. My mother lived in a haunted apartment in her 20's. Before moving in she was a non believer after moving out she believed. It wasn't often thing happened but they did happen. One time in the middle of the night their bedroom was cold as ice in the middle of the summer. Also NO they did not have an air condistioner, when they opened the bedroom door they could feel the heat. My dad also seen a shadow person in the kitchen once. My mother says she never wants to expeince that feeling ever again. I remember after my grandmother died I had sometime weird happen in her bedroom. I was standing there when the pull string for the ceiling fan started spinning in a circle-like motion and I stopped it and started trying to disprove it. I stomped my feet I ran in the room really fast. I even tried to get it to spin the way it had before. I couldn't recreate it. I don't call it a real expeince just something weird that happened.

On Ghosts: I think ghosts are souls who are cofused and get lost of their way to the light. I don't think they are demons or anything. My mother's apartment ghost wasn't evil it never did anything to hurt anyone. It was sort of just there watching people and not liking when they got the apartment dirty. Its thought that the ghost was a neat freak.

No, because ghosts don't exist. It's all in your head. I say, if you believe in ghosts, get some therapy, and don't watch any more Sylvia Brown.
Theres always going to be disbelievers and they are entitled to their opinion just please don't call people crazy for believing. My mother isn't some crazy person, running around on the streets shes a very serious person. Doesn't believe in anything without expeincing it for herself. She doesn't believe in stories or pictures of ghosts that she hears, she believes in them but thinks its very rare thing to happen. I guess I'm a little offended that you think only crazy people believe in them. Oh and don't go by that fake, Sylvia Brown.

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That picture didn't look ghostly at all, just looked like you made a normal photo black and white... It took me a moment to even noticed the "ghost" part about it and it does look fake. :D
Yeah, that's what I did. ^^; It's pretty crappy but the point was to show that any one can make things look real especialy now with programs like photoshop. The original picture is linking in the next post if you missed it.

PockyGirl: So you are saying Sylvia Brown is fake? I never believe her, but I never could tell if people who actualy believe in some kind of ghost did. I saw her on Montel and she just annoyed the heck out of me- I could have done that! xD

Highlight below:

I do. When I was very young(about 5)I was getting dressed for school. I peered out in the hall and I SWEARE! I saw a black shadow walk by(person shaped). And once when I was walking up the steps i looked out the HUGE window by our front door and into the front lawn and guess what, I saw another! I had nightmares the whole weeks.

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