Do you believe in ghosts?


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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2007
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Candyland~ :D
I say yes, just because I've seen so many strange things ever since I moved into my current house. When we got to my house, There were a lot of things left behind. Not just trash and such, but things like old wedding photos and stuff. In other words, things people wouldn't leave behind. Then, very odd things started happening. We put in a new ceiling in one of the rooms, and found old toys and photos in the ceiling. Ever since, electronics have mysteriously gone off, and we've heard voices and things like that. Call me crazy, but It's what I think. What about you?

I really don't know. Half of me says yes, and the other half says no. Some of it may seem real, but some of it doesn't. It's like a yes/no situation.

I'd just like to say that spirits can be attached to objects. So you might just be experincing residual ghosts, which means its more like a memory thats still be lived. I do believe in ghosts.

Show me real, photographic proof that's not just whooshing noises or a blurred spot on a camera, and then we'll talk.

Till then, no. Everything is just a coincidence.

I have to say, yes and no. I'm kind of paranoid after watching paranormal activity D:

No not really. I believe ghost sightings are just a figment of the mind/eye. Once you think you see one ghost, your mind begins to be paranoid and you trick yourself into believing you see more.

Also, with electronics going off, it's either something scientific with the area that causes this, or just coincidence.

This is all my opinion though. Don't take it seriously.

I guess it could be completely possible, but I'm the type that takes beliefs with evidence.

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I don't think so. But, now that I think of it, I'm a little scared now. -_-


I believe in ghosts. Not like what you see in the movies, but some sort of paranormal things.

I do believe in ghosts, but I don't think they are there to haunt or be mean.

I've seen some cat ghosts.

Yes! I believe in ghost. I even think I felt a ghost pass by me, because I felt a cold breeze. My mom told me it was just the wind, but our doors, windows and AC wasn't open or on. Weird... I've also watched shows about ghost and they seem really.

No, I haven't. Load of BS in my opinion.

But if we're talking about demons.. well, that's a whole 'nother story

Yes, I haven't had an experience though.

I get creeped out by my laundry, and my friends do too. I 'talk' to the ghosts to calm myself.

YES, YES I DO! I've had my experience as a 2 year old! The day my Grandma died, my parents left me at home for well safety reason... But, her spirit was around the house with me comforting me. She left when my Mom and Dad came home and I ran to them saying, "Where's Grandma Viola?" To my parents.

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