Do You Believe?


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.:~Alice Cullen~:.

Well-known member
Nov 27, 2008
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I would like to know if anyone believes in Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, or Aliens. I wanna know. But Please DO NOT say like "THEY DONT EXIST BECAUSE THEY DONT111" or something :( please support why You do or do not believe. PLEASE TRY NOT TO FLAME we all have our beliefs, and if they explained why they think it then you shouldn't flame.


I honestly do not believe in bigfoot. Because for one, every songle piece of evidence seems to always be fake, and plus there are a lot of people in the world so don't you think someone would have found him by now?

Loch Ness Monster

I do believe in the Loch ness monster for a few reasons. 1, Loch Ness, is a huge lake so don't you think something could have lived down there without being noticed? It's not like people go that far under and if it's something more prehestoric it may be able to swim deep enough away from human life.


I kind of believe in them. I believe that perhaps on planets yet to be explored there could possibly be life.

I believe in none of them. They are all myths.
Can you please try to refrain from that? Put reasonable explainations please.

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Big Foot is just a myth. People make up stuff about him to scare each other. That's all there is too it.

People have been talking about the Loch Ness for centuries. And they still haven't found him. We have the technology now that if we wanted to find it, we could. And we haven't. Because it doesn't exist.

God made humans and animals. God did not make extra-terrestrials.

I don't see why I have to explain myself in depth like that. I said I don't believe in them, that they are myths. I don't believe in ghosts, monsters, aliens, none of that. They just don't exist. Period.

That they are myths is reasonable. To me, that's all they are.

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Thanks for explaining. And the reason I want people to explain so for one, people understand why, and two so people don't flame because they see it through your side to.

I think it is reasonable to say that I don't believe in any of them because it is generally accepted in today's world that they are myths and not facts.

For the moment there is no compelling evidence / proof that they exist, therefore they are generally considered to be myths.

If I am presented with some proof I might reconsider :wacko:

That does not mean to say that I don't believe anything without proof. It does mean that I apply that approach to Bigfoot, Nessie and E.T. ;)


Next your gonna say that humans exist... whos telling you these things :eek:

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Big foot: Not really, he COULD be alive. but i just dont beleive in that

Loch Ness Monster: Ditto what Alice said

Aliens: OK this is in my religion, dont put mean comments, There are many Gods. 1 god and 1 goddess (husband and wife) for each living planet. Our god was from a different planet. When we die, if we're lucky enough, we can make our own planet and we will be the god/goddess of it. So why would there be ALL that endless space for nothing but humans? Oh and i beleive that aliens arn't those gross three eyed green blob things. i beleive they look like us.

I don't believe in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, or aliens.

They're all just myths (except I think Nessie might be real), Bigfoot and aliens don't exsist. Several reasons were already listed in this topic, all very well stated. I don't want to elaborate on my reasons for believing what I do wince most were already stated. I'll just say one thing, honestly, I think when God put everything on this Earth, he didn't make "monsters" or anything of that sort.

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I highly doubt that Bigfoot exists. If Bigfoot did exist, wouldn't the have found hard-core evidence of it already? I've always thought that Bigfoot was just a schoolyard myth that was made to scare little children. Bigfoot sightings could also just be people dressed in costumes.

Loch Ness Monster

I highly doubt that the Loch Ness Monster exists as well. I mean, the lake isn't HUGE. It's big enough to search. Again, if it did exist, wouldn't they have found hard-core evidence already?


This one I think might exist. We've found pretty strange things in space. And if Ailens did exist, I don't think that the FBI would let any of us know anytime soon :eek:

Bigfoot: Maybe. I believe if he exists, he's not some kind of freaky creature, he's some endangered species of monkey. I believe this because it seems reasonable enough to be real, but there still isn't any proof it's real, so I'm not sure.

Loch Ness Monster: No, I don't believe. We have the technology to find it since it's in a confined area, and yet, nada. So, no.

Aliens: Maybe. I don't believe in intelligent life, but something completely different from us. Not for any particular reason, just.... the universe is so big, there has to be something out there. Maybe just bacteria. Maybe animals. Who knows.

I don't know for sure, really, about big foot and the loch ness monster.


No, just no. Everything about it so far has been false, it doesn't seem to make sense to me.

Loch Ness Monster: Possibly --- but maybe this is just wishful thinking, I'd kill to ride this thing.

Aliens: Yes. Not your green headed guys, but intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. I don't think we'll find it any time soon, though.

Bigfoot, No.

Nessie, Yes.

Aliens, Yes and No.

I don't believe in the stereotypical alien that we portray, but I do believe in life on other planets.

like kandi said.



sort of.

big foot is just a big HOAX. everything is fake about him besides, has anyone ever heard of a GORILLA? 0.o

i believe in nessie. i've been fascinated by her my whole life. there is also alot of wholesome evidence.

i do not like the way people portray aliens. green, slimy, 4 eyes? are you kidding me? "aliens" could look just like us. there IS life on other planets. there is our solar system, and other solar systems out there. there is NO WAY we are the only lucky ones.

like kandi


sort of.

big foot is just a big HOAX. everything is fake about him besides, has anyone ever heard of a GORILLA? 0.o

i believe in nessie. i've been fascinated by her my whole life. there is also alot of wholesome evidence.

i do not like the way people portray aliens. green, slimy, 4 eyes? are you kidding me? "aliens" could look just like us. there IS life on other planets. there is our solar system, and other solar systems out there. there is NO WAY we are the only lucky ones.
Couldn't have said it better myself hstama2 :)

Next your gonna say that humans exist... whos telling you these things :)
The aliens, silly! Don't you pay attention!?

Big Foot: Yes, because there is scientific proof of a mystery primate lurking in forest in canada i think, and it is beleived to be big foot

Nessie: Not really, because.. it just seems unlikely that something that big of a size can survive on just the fish in that lake

Aliens: Most definately yes, because we're just one small planet, in just one solar system, that is just one small speck on just one arm of the entire milkyway galaxy. and there are a whole lot of galaxies out there just like ours.

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