Do you ever dream about tamas?


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Well-known member
May 17, 2021
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Indianapolis, USA
Or vpets? I was having a dream last night that tamas could cast to the TV and had a rhythm game on them, and I was showing it off to my brother XD It would be really fun if such a thing really existed. Though if a tama could cast to the TV it would probably cost like $200 lmao.

And this wasn't my first time dreaming of tamas either.

Do you guys ever have dreams about them?
I remember dreaming about my first tama Henry dying because I woke up too late. I woke up at 12:30 in the dream . He died the next day at 12:30.
Once had a dream in which I went into my room and found two Tamagotchi Pixs and a P's. Apparently, they were a gift from my mom, who said she'd gotten them from a neighbor who was moving out and trying to get rid of some old stuff. She said she'd only had to pay a total of seven dollars for all three devices, and I was very pleased to have gotten all those Tamas for such a low price. I'm sure you can imagine my disappointment when I woke up lol.
Ah, I hate waking up from dreams like that and getting disappointed XD

I once had a dream that I was at a toy store and they had an entire SECTION of Tama goods, with all kinds of character goods and tons of Tamas in various shell types. There was a giant Kuchipatchi plushie bigger than me and I went to ask the store clerk to help me with it and she said the store was closed and I wasn't allowed to buy it because I spent too long looking at the other merchandise LOL

I kinda forgot about that dream XD It's not the first time I've had dreams about looking for Tamas while shopping, either. I've actually had quite a few of those dreams, and always find extra character goods like figurines and keychains and want to buy them.

I also had a dream recently that I was at a "cute things" convention and there was this Hello Kitty cake that made itself (idk how to explain it other than that XD) with little animations from 3D characters hahaha. But there was also a Tama booth and I remember when my friend and I were leaving the food court after she bought the Hello Kitty cake, we found someone had left some of their Tama goods behind and I stole them o_o!! When I would never do that IRL. I would take it to a lost and found or if it was me at a convention, I'd probably sit around next to them and pretend they were mine to protect them until the owner showed up (I've done that before with lost items... sometimes the person doesn't show up though lol. If it's in a shopping area I will give it to the clerk XD)

I remember once I left my wallet on an arcade machine and it had like $200 in it, and when I went to ask the clerk for it later in the day, he had it, and the money was still inside!! I was quite happy a kind person was the one who returned my wallet. But now I'm off-topic XD
i haven't played with tamas in years but i still dream about them quite often. i'll dream that im in a big store with a huge variety of tamagotchis ive never even seen before and i get so excited to pick some out.

i always wake up feeling so giddy and excited! tamagotchis were such a huge part of my childhood i love dreaming of them to this day!
Or vpets? I was having a dream last night that tamas could cast to the TV and had a rhythm game on them, and I was showing it off to my brother XD It would be really fun if such a thing really existed. Though if a tama could cast to the TV it would probably cost like $200 lmao.

And this wasn't my first time dreaming of tamas either.

Do you guys ever have dreams about them?
I dream about Tamas all the time!!! Just the other day i had a dream that i got the yellow P’s in mint condition!!! It was so awesome and when i woke up it wasn’t there and that made me sad and also i dreamed about getting my tamagotchi on in the mail!!!!
Man….I used to have STRESS DREAMS about my tamagotchis all the time!!! I’d be running like 7 at once and dream that forgot them ALL at home and couldn’t get back to them in time and when I find them they are all dead. Also have dreams about people stealing them.
i have a ton of dreams about tamagotchis but! never really about the vpets more about the characters or like dreaming about obscure books that exist only in that dream! a lot of them i learn about the obscure tamagotchi book or even comic in some dreams but! before i fully get a chance to read them i wake up D : ...!! ive also had a lot of dreams about viewing lost media of old tamagotchi animated adaptations which!!! makes me wish that i could actually watch the lost media of old tamagotchi adaptations! neat to see other people also dream about tamagotchis : D!
just last night i dreamt i was telling a famous person about tamagotchi, saying i was an expert on them haha, which i don't think i am! i guess my dream self wanted to impress them lol
I keep having dreams where I find tamas off flea markets for insanely low prices. In reality I never find tamas off flea markets :(
I've been having a lot of Tamagotchi dreams lately.

They always follow the same pattern, I am collecting tamagotchi that are very difficult to find and I am aware that I am dreaming because I just grabbed the tamagotchi in the dream to be able to bring it to reality.

Really my collection in dreams is fantastic... unfortunately they are trapped in the dream! LOL

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