Do you ever feel like a tama loner?


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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2009
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None of my friends here play with tama's, nor do they have an interest to. A couple of them seemed interested, but that quickly went away when they saw that they had to actually take care of it. I asked my boyfriend if he'd try one and I got "....I'll pass...". I told a couple of my other friends about it and they showed some interest but the spark went away with the realization that they didn't have one.

I'm thinking about buying a couple music stars to give to a couple friends to try, in hopes that once they actually have one, they'll get interested. But I still don't think they'll catch tama fever.

I just wish that there were someone in my area that would like them enough so I could connect with them and trade with. It loses it's fun when you have to have 2 of the same tama yourself just to connect.

Do any of you find yourself being the only one around you that plays with tamas? Have you tried to get your friends/family interested in them?

Let us tama loners converse and unite!

All of my friends think Tamagotchi's are stupid, so I don't tell them I have Tamas, but yes, I do sometimes feel like a Tamagotchi Loner

Ah, I'm quite accustomed to the feeling. At my school, where I live at in general, they are a novelty. A novelty that tends to wear off after a few minutes of playing games and binging it on snacks (both without my permission, mind you).

I've had to resort to having multiples of the same one, just to avoid the match maker/dating channel. I tried going to a few Tama conventions, and, I met a really good group of nice people to connect with, but, while they all lived around each other, I did not.

So, yeah. Tama Lonership? I know it quite well.


- Nae

Wow that's actually the story of my life. When I was 8-11 everything was great because I knew a tonn of people that had Tamas. Now people just say "You play with Tamagotchis? Ok..." So now I'm a TamaLoner. B)

I get that reaction a lot "You play with tamagotchis?"

I miss the 90's when they first came out and everyone had them, even the Connection v1 rush had people getting them again. It was quite fun (Though I didn't know they were still around at the time, I was still playing with the P2's)

I wish I were near a place that had tamagotchi conventions lol, I live in Iowa, so everything here is... well we have nothing here XD nearest walmart is an hour and a half away from me.

A lot of my friends and my boyfriend just see them as "Toys" which they are toys, but it's not like it's not age appropriate. My grandma still has her white angel tama, and she's thought about trying it again.

Wow,I feel like a tama loner all the time.I tell my friends at work about them,to try an encourage some interest,but they just go god heidi,youre 29,an you play with tamagotchis???????????theyre good when youre 6,not when youre nearly 30.I just say some choice swear words an tell them about the latest poo my tama did!

The only tamas ive seen near where i live in Wales,is Toys r Us in chester which is about 35 miles away,u can get v6 for £4.87,but i did see a couple of v3 a few weeks back where my sister lives 45miles away,an she says shes seen v4s around too.xxxxxxxxxx

I am tamaloner. My family just kind of blah about them. I tried to get them interested but none seam to like them like I do. I do not know anyone that plays with tamagotchis accept everyone here :D

Do not fear Miss Heidi.

I visit my mom at her office job and sometimes gather a crowd of over 25 adults who are curious about new Tama.

Sadly, I do not feel like a loser... but I kind of understand the feeling.

When I originally planned to restart collection, my intent was to keep it a secret.

Once my P1 arrived, that feeling went away and I did not care. Lucky for me, most of my friends have their own quirks.

Hello Kitty, Sailor Moon, Video Games, Skellanimals... even Tokidoki which is expensive! I just happen to like them all and them some.

I think being around Tamagotchi takes people back to the childhood days of Saturday Morning Cartoons. ♥


I have to say that seeing adults on here that play with tamas makes me feel a lot more comfortable about playing with tamas. (I'm only 18, and people tell me often that I'm too old! Those people are just too boring!!!)

I haven't known anyone else to play with tamagotchis since I was a kid in 1997. I tried to get my boyfriend into them, too, but he didn't seem to excited. Haha, his loss right? I have a few friends who I might attempt to get into the hobby, but I don't know how to broach the subject yet. A tamagotchi convention sounds ideal! To be honest, I didn't know they existed, but now I may try to attend one sometime in the future...

~Stands up~ My name is Jess, I'm 19 and a TamaLoner/Lover. I've only had 3 friends ever that knew I play them, 2 of them scoffed and one of them actually bought one, I don't know if he still has it lol. I've always played multiple Tamas and connected them lol, usually my V2 and V3, then my V4 and V4.5 :D

I am 25 and both my tamas running have a special spot on my desk at work. Usually my fellow colleagues don't even seem to notice them, but yesterday a lady came in and saw it and said "don't tell me you're STILL playing with that thing". Well, yeah I am and my husband don't mind since they make me happy. I am currently meeting deadline after deadline for writing up my Masters Dissertation and a break with my tamas is the only thing that seems to keep me from going insane from stress :p Anyway, so I guess I am a tama-loner, but what is the use of living life if you're not to have some fun - to each his/her own, even if it is a tamagotchi or 20 :D

:3 I'm 19 this year and I definitely feel like a Tama loner... >< I guess that was the reason why I stopped playing with my v6 for 8 months last year... After that I was like wtheck... And started playing with them. Many of my friends don't even know what a Tamagotchi is let alone what to do with it... So I usually just keep to myself... Uuu.... So sad...

Not only that... But getting Tama's where I come from is extremely hard! I envy you people who can just order them off ebay... T_T

My parents think they are stupid and think I am just wasting all my money on them and my friends... I don't know about them but I don't think they care at all about my lover for tamas

I am a 15 year old boy and I still like them. I don't really plan on getting anymore, but I have one annoying friend who sometimes makes me feel like a loner. Although, when he shouts out quite loud that I am looking at my 'dark secret' on the Internet, he is usually ignored, or I get "Oh yeah, I forgot you liked them". So actually, probably because everyone used to be into them, not many people really care...

My flatmates, boyfriend and some other friends know I have them and like them, but none of them mind or care or think anything of it because they know I like cute things :) but when I was in school I was very much a Tama-loner in that people would laugh at me if they saw my ones back then.

I'm definitely a tama loner. I have never connected with anyone. I'm in 9th grade, and the last time they were popular was in 6th grade (familitchi came out). That'd be so much fun to go to a convention. My parents hate that I waste my money on tamas. I envy you adults out there that play tamas. I wish I could time travel and experience what it was like when the tamagotchis first came out. Unfortunately I was only two when they did come out.

Sometimes I do :p

none of my friends at school have one, or they lost it or it ran out of batteries so i can't connect with anyone ;(

but yeah, sometimes I feel like a tama loner

my circle of friends are almost all nerds, not like math nerds but like Japanese pop culture nerds. so people don't really think twice when i say i like tamagotchis, then i tell them i have 39. and they are now disturbed, and the fact that i know so much about the franchise disturbs people even more! and lets just add on the fact that i am a dedicated nintendo fanyboy, and im not talking wii here folks im talking 80s NES. so now that its been like a year my peeps just don't mind it anymore.

but yeah its gets annoying sometimes, but i at least have 1 friend who collects tamagotchis as much as i do and that i am very grateful for.

I do feel like a loner... I take them to school and fiddle with them in free time. The person who I sit with in spelling hates Tamagotchi's Digimon and Pokemon. No one cares other than that, atleast not in my class. I get a lot of stares from other classes though. My friend WANTS tamagotchi's, as well as her sister, but neither can afford them and their mum won't get them for them... And I'm sort of afraid for my friend (I forgot them at her place, and couldn't get back to them. They're were two, so they both cared for one. The one my friend had was fat and starving and had no more discipline, while the one her sister had was at minimum weight, quite a few more discipline and she wasn't complaining about the beeping.)

My mum's friends little 7 year olds both have a familitchi. But one's lost it. The other one is a ninja family. Their big sister has a v4.5 somewhere, I think she knows where it is. I asked to see it (With the intent of then asking for it),l but she had a friend over. I also have another friend, who has a v4 and a v5. I looked at her, but I didn't have the guts to ask for it because she's realllyy nice and stuff.

^ I guess that makes me less of a tama loner, but I still feel like one...

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