Do you ever have dreams about tamatalk?


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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2008
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United States, stalking you. Turn around.
So do you?

Iv'e had 2.


I was on tamatalk and someone changed my skin from yellow to this one that had callipillars with different colors on them. I thought it looked cool but in my dream I shouted "Hey who changed my skin!!!" and someone changed my avvie to to a thing that showed a surfer on a board riding on a wave, then he would disapper and another wave would come up on the oppisite side of the first wave, they would meet and become a heart, then they would crash back into the ocean.


I was on tamatalk and I saw that in every forum there was a topic on top with a purple splat. I clicked on one and found out that the admin was closing down tamatalk, and I was sorta crying while I was sleeping cause I love this place and all of you in it (and that comes from the heart ♥) I found out that he would be closing it at midnight that night, so I started to post with this user Teresa2525. Then at midnight, TT shut down and I was sooooo sad. Then some guy came and we figured out how to save TT but then we remebered we couldn't because we can look at the old topics, but we couldn't do anything else. Just look. So then I went to this weird japanese website that was showing a video of 2 giant gofers that were married so the guy gofer told the girl gofer to get him something to eat, so then she was digging up a million little things that looked like little brown furballs with red dots for noses. Then she fell on the ground next to a dead gofer and couldn't get up, and all the little furballs escaped, so then the guy gofer came and screamed that he was going to eat her, and she was crying, and then he jumped over her and started to eat the dead gofer. Then i woke up all freaked out. o_O

Wow. Pretty interesting dreams. o_o

I don't really dream about TT. It's fun, but not my life. I dream about the more important things like life, friends and family more than a computer forum! But sometimes I have really weird and random dreams about ostriches or fluff or something random like that. Oh, and my crush slips into them a lot too! <3

XD I had one once where someone(I'm not saying who) got kicked off, and she sued all of us for $100,000.


I've had a trillion dreams about me and my friends, but all of them are either weird, perverted, or so confusing that I can't recall them.

I've never had a dream about TT. I like TT, but its not my whole life and I really only dream about my life off the computer like my friends and family (like bratztroxg said).

My weirdest TamaTalk dream would have to be..the one where everyone was getting married. Need I say more?

Uh... I might have... Where I met the people on TC.

T'was fun. Becca and Sky were oh so very interesting... xD

But I don't really recall them... except that one I was dared to jump off the CN Tower, and I did and didn't die but suffered amnesia... I landed on Paris Hilton, she cushioned my fall :3

Uh... I might have... Where I met the people on TC.T'was fun. Becca and Sky were oh so very interesting... xD

But I don't really recall them... except that one I was dared to jump off the CN Tower, and I did and didn't die but suffered amnesia... I landed on Paris Hilton, she cushioned my fall :3
xD I am cracking up right now!!!

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