Do you get on with your Parents?


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I get a long with my mom but not really my dad. Though my relationship with my dad isn't the worst but it isn't the best.

My parents are about as nice as parents get. I do argue with them, and of course I get along with one of my parents better the other, but they're nice.

I love my parents just the same as each other - ALOT.


I love my mother much more than my father, I don't get along with my father that well but it's okay. I get along much better with my mother.

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I fight with my 'rents once-in-a-while, but we get along excellent, and I love them very much. ;)

They bring a smile to my face.

I get along fine with my parents. I rarely get into fights with them. But if we do, it's not really a fight. It's a debate, over some stupid subject. Like: is a coconut a fruit? Or an nut?

I rarely fight with my parents, or even argue, for that matter. Though it is stressful, because we're moving in four days, and my grandparents are with us..

My parents and I get along great! They're both good parents, and they try their hardest for me and my sister..

My mom and I fight but for for the most part we get along. My father and I is another story. I love him dearly but I don't get along with him at all. I will never be fit the mold he wants me to be. I feel like I'm just a screw up in his eyes and that I don't ever do anything right. My brother however is this and he is that. My brother could do nothing wrong in his eyes. I remember one summer I spent up there my father was saying "if you lived with me you'd be put on the track team weither you like it or not" I'm glad I wasn't raised with my dad because I'd have more emotionally problems then I do now. I don't like sports and competions so what made him think I'd join track because he demanded me to. Hes one big fruitcake I tell you!

My mom and I fight but for for the most part we get along. My father and I is another story. I love him dearly but I don't get along with him at all. I will never be fit the mold he wants me to be. I feel like I'm just a screw up in his eyes and that I don't ever do anything right. My brother however is this and he is that. My brother could do nothing wrong in his eyes. I remember one summer I spent up there my father was saying "if you lived with me you'd be put on the track team weither you like it or not" I'm glad I wasn't raised with my dad because I'd have more emotionally problems then I do now. I don't like sports and competions so what made him think I'd join track because he demanded me to. Hes one big fruitcake I tell you!
No my dad's a fruitcake. He wanted for me to forget about my mom just because some idiot psycologist said to. :\ And he married a woman who hit me with a ruler. Still haven't divorced. I get along with my mom and we have our usual fights but I love her way more than my dad. I mean, thanks to him and my stepmom I'm an emotional wreck.

I get along with both my parents. I get mad at my mom sometimes and we like yell at eachother, but we end up apologizing. My dad and I get along really good too, just sometimes he's very cranky, and gets mad and it makes me very angry, but in the most part he's awesome.

The only thing is they're divorced, so when I talk to them, they start saying "Oh that mother/father of yours is horrible." and stuff, and I never want any part of it. I'm always the messenger for them and it drives me crazy, so when I tell them to talk to eachother themselves, they get all mad at me.

No my dad's a fruitcake. He wanted for me to forget about my mom just because some idiot psycologist said to. :\ And he married a woman who hit me with a ruler. Still haven't divorced. I get along with my mom and we have our usual fights but I love her way more than my dad. I mean, thanks to him and my stepmom I'm an emotional wreck.
^^ Sounds like both our fathers are fruitcakes but I still think my dad is worse.

My father kept pricking my finger for about a week to check my blood sugar because I ate a ham and cheese sandwich, and by the way I don't have Debetes. Lets not forget the time he woke me up at six AM to yell at me because of a comment I made the day before that bothered him. Getting right up in my face and yelling saying this is what your boss will do because I didn't want to didn't want to pratice typing a resume. Then about an hour later he back yelling at me for the same thing again. Oh and yes how he critizes everything about right done to how my hair is. According to him hes helping according to me hes aways putting me down. Gosh forbid you have a different opinion then his, your opinions wrong and he is always right. He also likes to say my mother turned me against him, hm... I think he did that all on his own. I'm already emotionally wrecked from other things that happened in my life, he would just create more for me. On my birthday he called me and then went on about how I don't do this and I don't do that. That night I went into a full blown panic attack because of him.

I get along with my daddy better, my mommy is always yelling at me and causing me to cry and she doesn't care. I get along with both ok, and I love them both very much, but I get along with my daddy better.

I get along better with my Dad. I don't get a long with a Mom too much. We're always having an argument.

Ah, sometimes. xD It seems like me and my mom are always batting heads, and my dad never agrees with me. o_O But all in all we usually get along, though sometimes I think my parents don't believe me when I tell them things.

^^ Sounds like both our fathers are fruitcakes but I still think my dad is worse.
My father kept pricking my finger for about a week to check my blood sugar because I ate a ham and cheese sandwich, and by the way I don't have Debetes. Lets not forget the time he woke me up at six AM to yell at me because of a comment I made the day before that bothered him. Getting right up in my face and yelling saying this is what your boss will do because I didn't want to didn't want to pratice typing a resume. Then about an hour later he back yelling at me for the same thing again. Oh and yes how he critizes everything about right done to how my hair is. According to him hes helping according to me hes aways putting me down. Gosh forbid you have a different opinion then his, your opinions wrong and he is always right. He also likes to say my mother turned me against him, hm... I think he did that all on his own. I'm already emotionally wrecked from other things that happened in my life, he would just create more for me. On my birthday he called me and then went on about how I don't do this and I don't do that. That night I went into a full blown panic attack because of him.
Ok your dad's worse. I feel bad for you PockyGirl. I'm guessing your parents are divorced?

My mom is a bad influence, but she gets me stuff XD. LOL

But I don't like her as much.

My dad is a great influence, and alwways willing to help me get what I want. And I love him very much. He is a police detective, so I don't see him as much, but he is awsome.

My step mom...she can be nice, but she can be mean. Catch my drift?

And my step dad...I am not aloud to see him because he beet up my mom 3 times. And SHE MARRIED HIM. So thats why I only see her every 2 weeks, and I live with my Steo Mom and Dad.

I am pretty much an emotional reck...

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