Do you have a annoying neighbour?!


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Active member
Jun 5, 2010
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Nova Scotia, Canada
one of my neibors is a fat chick who loves gardening but her farts are super loud!i like her cats!

the other one is mean cause she made me get off of my bike so some little dude could ride it .

Oh boy I have some of the worst neighbors ever, we have a sex offender living across the street from us. Then next to us we got this guy that rides his Motorcycle all hours of the day and night. Then we got a family with over 10 children in the house and you can hear them all the time. We also got a family that ties their yappy dog up outside and she barks at everything including flies! She is sweet but way too loud. Oh did I mention my neighborhood stays white out real late too. We have no African Americans anywhere near us, and if an African American visits someone on the street everyone sits on their porches and watches them until they leave.

I remember you posted this topic a little while ago. With the exact same sentence about your neighbour, too. x)

..My next door neighbours on one side are annoying.. they have a dog who always comes on our lawn and pees all over ourgrass, so the grass has huge patches of ugliness on it -_- We had to spend a bunch of money on a fence and shrubs and stuff to block them away. At night, they have a teenage son who likes to randomly go outside and play basketball in the middle of the night... on our net. And my room is closest to the front yard so I'm the one who gets woken up by it all the time:(

My other next door neighbours are amazing, I lovvve them :D They have 3 adorable little boys, and one of them is like attached to me. They even out the bad neighbours we have on the other side =)

Oh I remember this ! :'D

But no. My neighbors are alright.

Surprisingly, not many of them have kids.

They don't do anything to bother us, we don't do anything to bother them. {:

  • Doesn't everyone? D:
    So my neighbor's house is like .. a daycare center. Not an official one, though.
    There are like 8 kids at a time and they're so dang loud.
    Once we called the township on them. D: We hate them, they hate us. :p

My next door neighbours play their music too loud.. late into the night, sometimes.

And an old lady's cat a couple of houses down bullies my cat.

Across the road their is a "couple". They are forever arguing rather loudly.

Their are plenty of energetic kids on my street, too.

well...the neighbors on my left are nice. the neighbors on my of them likes me, the girl is nice and the oldest is annoying and is like tryin to add me on facebook after i ignore him over 20 tiimes. the ppl across the street r okay. the one next to the right neighbor is a pervert. the one diaginal are mean and like sit outside. btw the man is in the boxers and no shirt sitting outside watchin everyone like all day. creepy. the one diagional left is super nice, next to him the girl hates me, the one next herr r okay. the one next to them r annoying and the girl hates me. (prep) then 2 doors down from them, this kid is on house arrest (well now parole) and rides his four wheeler at 11 at night, shoots bbguns at ppl, breaks into houses. my street is horrible. but i would hate to live on some of the other streets by me so compared to those my street is okay. oh yeah and my neighbors play the drums at like 1am and its annoyinn

^^ You're amazing.

My next door neighbor is a cop. So no raves at my house. );

The woman next door to us on the other side has two huge collies, which my sister and I are currently taking care of, and if you give the female too much attention and the male feels neglected, he'll wail. It's actually pretty funny.

And directly across the street from my house, there's a boy about a year younger than me, and to be honest, he's sort of a creeper. /: He watches me when I go outside, through his window.

I live in an interesting neighborhood, though. We have three cops, a detective, and the ice cream man. :D

My neighbours are all old people with CATS. There's like 5346341 roaming the streets, and I can't step outside without all the old people watching me. It's weird :| The old people living across from me have these two crazy little dogs, which bark really loud 24/7.


My cousin has annoying upstairs neighbours they watch harry potter movies 24/7 (in my opinon) and my cousin is trying to play webkinz (he is only 8 yrs old) and he cant play with that Racket Going on. and there downstairs neighbours have a hedgehog ground (something like that) and during the night, they make ALOT of noise. Someone said it might be a mating thing. I DONT KNOW :ichigotchi:

I have no neighbors.
For I am a Survival man living in the forest living off grubs and catching baby doe.
Oh noes I have a forest buddy D:

Have you had those fried centipedes yet? They cost 2 grubs at Don's Shrub Shack!

Back on topic, I have a creepy neighbour who lives behind us and watches us eat dinner while smoking.

My neighbour on the right is a woman with a son. ;3. Someone goes in and out of the house, slamming the door and gate late at night. Their garden is way to over-grown and has rats in it -_- . To my left I have this awesome gay couple. Their garden is epic, its huge. The grass is neatly mowed. They built a porch sorta thing. Its pretty. They're crazy about football though. With the World Cup going on they make alot of noise. Other then that, they're awesome.

I used to live in an apartment. We were on the bottom floor. Unlucky us. Footsteps would be going in the night and music would be BOOM BOOMing. It was bad music, too! Mom called security on them.


The neighbors on my left are very friendly. They give me chocolate for christmas, and gave me swan plant seeds. :3 .And their granddaughter, I think, goes to my school.

The ones on my right, I don't really know. The people used to live there, had two daughters who were my friends, but they moved. ): .The new people are alright. Once they played this music really loud during a party, but I liked that sort of music.

So yeah, no annoying neighbors :)

I have this guy who lives across the street.

he was my crush for a LONG time

then he had my first kiss with me and then he disappeared

THEN we are going out

THEN he brakes up with me because I dont want to lose my V. card to him.

then he trys to get me back.

now he just flips me off every time I walk outside.

My neighbor isn't just annoying, she's a complete stalker!!

She tried to arrest me and my brother's for harrassment, and in order to arrest us she needed proof so she video tapes us in our own backyard! :)

You'd probably think she's some old lady right? Wrong. She's a 40 year old mother and she flips out everytime we throw a party or put music on. I mean, seriously, she has three screaming kids of her own, you'd think she'd be more occupied in her own life but NOPE! She's completely occupied in trying to get my seven year old brother arrested for saying "poop".

We talked to the police and they told us that she complains about us allll the time. Lovely.

Oh, and the other day when my mom was walking our dog, she was driving by in the car and gave my mom the finger. What a friendly neighbor!

[SIZE=8pt]i want you to try having a seventy five year old neighbor who comes outside in her NIGHTGOWN to wave to me as i get on the bus. [/SIZE]

"who's that?" "the neighbor from hell, darling."

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