Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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No, I do not.

I try not to get into the dating scence. So far it has worked and I've never directly had to deal with rejecting anyone. Some people would be all like... depressed or whatever that they've never gotten that kind of attention but I dunno, maybe I just give out that "if you want ANYTHING to do with me, don't ask me out" vibe. That's okay.

I watch my friends with their boyfriends/girlfriends and honestly I have never ever been jelous of their relationships. Most the time they seem like complete wastes of time.

It sounds like I'm a bitter person about this stuff, lol, but I'm really not. I believe in love but I just don't like the immaturity involved with all the teen "relationships" I see everyday. Maybe someday for me, but not now. We'll see. :)


I don't have the patience to deal with another person. My life is way too stressful right now as is. Having a relationship causes more stress and I don't want to deal with it.

People my age seem to think showing off relationships in public is 'awesome'. I think it's disgusting. I don't want to walk through a mall seeing people make out on the benches. I mean really. Are they that desperate for attention to feel they need to do that in public?

Also, again people my age and younger are too touchy. It seems like everyone in a relationship needs to be hanging all over the other person. I absolutely HATE being touched, and especially hanged on. I don't care if it's in public or private. I hate it.

I prefer being single xP It's less complicated and I get all the 'me' time I want/need. I'm the kind of person who needs a lot of space.

Naw. I'm single...

I don't think I could handle a relationship at this point in my life.

Maybe when I'm older and far far away from my family.


No. Esther is single.

Although according to Toby, I am married with seven kids.

I've had a bad boyfriend experience in the past. I know some of my lovelies may remember the topic. My guy friends are so amazing - as exactly that. Guy friends. The second they become anything more I find out the real reason they're dating me. Because of looks or social status or some crap like that. So I'm not currently in a dating position. I'm waiting for the right guy to come along. But for now, I will live life single. I can then be a spaz to my own content, and never need to worry about guy standards. And after all, it's rather fun being the girl no guy can have. <33

Yes, I sure do. His name's Fernie. He's absolutely amazing<3


I have been single for over 2 years and I made a promise to myself i'd only date guys who will truely care for me and I really feel like it won't be a waste of time. No one has shown that to me yet. But if you go by what some guys I know say then they've all gotten to me.

No, but I've gotten pretty close. Lucky me I figured out that the guy really didn't care for me that much, and he cared more about his reputation.

If I were to get one, I'd think that'd be cool if they really deeply loved me, because a quote says that "Love can be the most wonderful thing in the world"...although it can also be the most horrid thing, and we all need to remember that.

But being single is fun, because I can spend time with my friends, ya know?

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but I ... sort of... had one before, somebody asked me out, and I felt bad for him, so I said yes. but I was a horrible girlfriend :D , I never did ANYTHING with him. I never even saw him since he asked me, and he always askd me if I wanted to go to the park with him or something and I'm like "nahhh.... no thanks" XD he dumped me and I don't blame him. but I didn't like him, so whatever.

I don't think I ever want to be in a relationship until I'm like... 16 because at my age, all the people who date end up breaking up in less than a month. It's stupid and useless, and unless I see someone I REALLY like, then I think I'm gonna be single for a while.

Nope. I'm as single as a cracker without cheese x3.

I don't want a boyfriend right now. Everyone seems to be dating at my age, and no one lasts...ever. It's not that great to just be dating cuz it's ''cool''. Most of the couples don't even care about eachother. They just want to look cool cuz they have a boyfriend/girlfriend.

For example, my friend Kathy, has had about 18 284757394 boyfriends in her life and she's only 12. She had about 8 boyfriends in one week. She broke up with one of them after an hour and got with another one. Gosh, she's a little....nevermind xP

*sigh*. my bff has a rlly kewl bf, yet i am sadly single. not just single, but SADLY single. cuz i still liik my ex and i think he still kinda liiks me but he, along with everyone else in my class is obsessed w.this one girl > :D

ah well, that's not your fault. Point being, no boyfriend. :D


I know many people like that! -Cough- Krista -Cough-

They will be the ones who never find a good guy to marry.

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@Michelle;; Yes. Many people are like that. Everyone seems to like this guy called Jordi -Hopes he never joins or sees this TT post-.

Lol, Jordi. Thats such a girl way to spell it -pointsAtHerSistersNicknameJordii- Thats odd because there a Jordan everyone seem to like but i've encountered him, sure hes hot but hes got problems.

Jordi's tall. Way too tall. Like, tallest person in the school. Even taller than me.

And strange, everyone who has a boyfriend in our school seems to like Jordi. -ReallyWishesJordiNeverSeesThis-

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