Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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Yes :wacko: I'm 25 and have been with my boyfriend for close to 8 years.

yes I do i'm amazingly in love with him i've like him since augest 8th of 2008 and we are now fianly dating yay it's been almost a week (tomorrow at 1:03 am) I was up late talkin to him, but i've been happy ever since :lol:

Have I replied... I think I did. Well, I'll just say again.

No, I do not have a boyfriend. I have guy friends, but I'm not interested in any of them. x3 I'm 13. I don't need to be in a relationship. I'm working on getting school finished. Yes. It's more important than dating. xD

Now leave me and my celebrity crushes alone. xDD

I have yet to meet anyone I'd consider dating. Plus my dad's one of those dads who wouldn't ever let me date. He thinks even HIGHSCHOOL is too early to date.

Here's a conversation we had once.

Dad: No boys.

I opened my mouth.

Dad: No girls, either.

I opened my mouth again.

Dad: Or robots.

Me: What about genderless aliens?

Dad: No.

Me: Whatever.

If I ever do get a lover, I'm not going to be telling him. But again, no guys I know are worth it. And I don't even know any girls who like girls. Besides, I'm 13. I have my whole life ahead of me, and the best friends anyone could ask for. I don't believe I have to have a lover quite yet, and the time will come when it comes. ...Though having one would be nice, cause I always feel lonely at the theater or fireworks and other couple things.

*goes off to sulk*

And I sure as heck don't want to end up with one of those guys who hops to a new girlfriend every week.

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^ I like girls y'know. *dies*

Boyfriend: Yes.

Happy with him: Not really.

Case closed.

^ I would so date you. Except 1, you're taken. 2, you live in New Jersey and I don't xD

^ I would so date you. Except 1, you're taken. 2, you live in New Jersey and I don't xD
1. Won't be taken for long.

2. and yes, that is a problem, isn't it?


1. I don't know what I want out of life and Chris is playing strip poker with a whore at his friends house. Df would I stay with him for? *dies*

2. You me and Rei could have had a threesome D:

1. Is he really? o_o I thought you were joking about that.

2. That'd be hard core xD

Shall we move this conversation to PM?

Truthfully, I've never had a boyfriend. *empty sigh* -.-

So, I've resorted to having an imaginary boyfriend named Philip. He's a sweetheart with jet black hair and cobalt blue eyes. <3



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