Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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Pretty much, yup.

We don't use the label yet, but we really like each other so pretty soon it'll be made official. :)

He makes me so happy, which is what I've needed, considering I hadn't been in the greatest place before we started dating.

I do not have a boyfriend :(
Your time will come! :) Continue to enjoy your life in the meantime. Just want to reiterate a previous poster's helpful advice:

I'm glad I let things just happen. I wasn't putting myself out there, but once we started hanging out during our trip, things just happened.That's my advice to anyone who is looking for a relationship - just let it progress naturally. If you see an opportunity, take it. You have nothing to lose.
Yeah the 'I'm happy to be single' thing is wearing off now. Lol. I've started actually searching for a guy but there's noone. I wish one day I could wake up and be where I was 2 months ago. ): Oh well. There are some ohosocute guys in my school but I know I'm gonna have to keep dreaming.

I did.

I broke up with him because he liked farts (it turned him on o__o), he wanted to go too far & fast with me, and he wanted to touch my butt. SO basically he was a creep who didn't know when to stop.

We started using the label :)

His name is Michael and he's two years older than me, but that doesn't matter to either of us.

We're going ice skating this weekend! I'm so pumped! :D
Good for you! 8D Also two years isn't that much of a different. The average married couple are 5 years apart, so y'know. I don't know where this crazy notion came from that people who date must be the same age (although more than 5 years is a little weird). And ice skating is really fun, i'm sure you two will really enjoy it, especially this time of year!

No. I'm only Eleven.

I have been asked out and guys have hit on me.

But other than that, no.

I'm 13 and pretty bummed out about not having a girlfriend. The thing is that nobody really gets to know me. I'm different than everybody else.

I'm planning on asking out this girl named Samantha. I'm going to draw a picture for her! Do you think that will work? We've been Kinda- Sorta friends since the beginning of the year.

Yes. Out of pity. But I had one before that was nice...

I broke up with him nearly a week ago. I liked someone else and it just wasn't working. It was alright while it lasted though.

I did.

I broke up with him because he liked farts (it turned him on o__o), he wanted to go too far & fast with me, and he wanted to touch my butt. SO basically he was a creep who didn't know when to stop.
Woah! That is just . . . sick and wrong. -.-""""""""" rofl Glad you got rid of fart dude ^.^b

Nope I'm single. But I'm looking. Always looking. (I totally just sounded like a creepy stalker didn't I? xD

Edit: Opps I totally forgot that I just posted. Sorry about that. Won't happen again. :)

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I have ego issues. They all suck for me.

Unless they get a sexy voice, grow taller than me, play guitar, and get enough plastic surgery to look like Josh Farro.

I mean I like a couple of guys(who don't fully fit the above description), but nothing's ever gonnna happen. >.<

Liek I care.


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Yess Ah doo.

His name is Zachy and we have been together for 7 months.

I really do like him.

I won't go into any sort of details, if you don't mind.

i got my first boyfriend just recently 8) only thing creepy about it is that he asked me out on the same day as my parents 17th wedding anniversary ): but omg i love him so muuuuuch

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