Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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Yeaa!! I have one. He is half a year older to me but he doesnt care :p . He loved me since 3rd grade (AWKWARD) when i joined my current school. I had started loving him since 5th grade when i found out we were separated from the guys, and I REALLY missed him. But now we two are FINALLY together. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! People think loving someone is sick and kissing them is EVEN sicker. But i realised that loving some one who really thinks ure hotter than the world and loves you like some one he hasnt loved before - is the BEST feeling in the world.. Sorry for the WORDS IN CAPITAL :( but im trying to show you how i feel about someone who i love. I think having a Boyfriend is the best feeling in life.

:D :D :D !!!!!!!!!!! I love you!!!

Just the way you are by Bruno Mars makes me hear his voice.... :D

No, but there's this guy I have a crush on. He's like one of my best guy friends. He's really funny, listens to my problems, and always seems to make me laugh when I'm down. <3

I don't think he likes me like that, though.

No, but there's this guy I have a crush on. He's like one of my best guy friends. He's really funny, listens to my problems, and always seems to make me laugh when I'm down. <3I don't think he likes me like that, though.
How come I don't know about this? D: Is it Justin?

I just broke up with my boyfriend a few days ago. He was a year older than me. He was a total flirt, and apperently he cheated on me, but I didn't like him that much anyway. It still hurt when he cheated though. )':

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You do. I told you about it when I started liking him. No, Kevin.

you spelled apparently wrong i told you to break up with him a long time ago, i had a bad feeling about him from the beginning. hope you feel better soon though. <33

I'm becoming extremely picky lately, so at the moment I don't have a boyfriend. I'm getting quite lonely to be honest, but I don't mind. I know I'll find someone soon.

I don't have one currently. I feel extremely lonely, too.

Oh well, I'll meet the right gal eventually.

I have a wonderful girlfriend who loves me for the crazy spazz that I am. XP I had one past girlfriend, and the break up didn't hurt. :) (if anyone wants details, they can PM me, because it's a long story.)

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I have a crush on a guy, went out with the guy. Got dumped by the guy, went through minor depression, still liked the guy, I asked out the guy, he declines me, he goes out with another girl, I go through depression again.

I have a crush on a guy, went out with the guy. Got dumped by the guy, went through minor depression, still liked the guy, I asked out the guy, he declines me, he goes out with another girl, I go through depression again.
Unless you've been diagnosed with depression, you're not depressed. Unhappy, disappointed ,sure. But people use that word WAY to often.

Still single >:] (Claire will come around someday jklolcats)

Still do :)

Recently we just jumped over the 9 month mark and I couldn't ask for anything more.

He's adorable and quirky, in a good way. Normality is a flaw.

No. Still no.

I like this one guy. He likes the same music as me, we laugh at all the same stuff and he is ohoso cute <3

But he's a year older than me and we only see each other at the bus park and in music block. And those meetings are scarce ):

So I guess I have no chance.

My freinds keep trying to set me up with people. It gets annoying.

No. Still no.

I like this one guy. He likes the same music as me, we laugh at all the same stuff and he is ohoso cute

But he's a year older than me and we only see each other at the bus park and in music block. And those meetings are scarce ):

So I guess I have no chance.

My freinds keep trying to set me up with people. It gets annoying.
Your story sounds very familiar. My boyfriend and I first met in high school and he was a grade above me (though we are actually only 7 months apart). Up until I started college, we hardly saw each other and we never said more than a few words to each other, let alone have romantic feelings for one another. We did a lot of the same things though, especially since we were both involved in the music program at school. We didn't really see each other though because he was a band geek and I was an orch dork, so we didn't meet up unless there was a big concert with both groups coming up. He ended up going to college 2 hours away, making the chances of seeing or talking to each other even more remote. I decided to befriend him on Facebook after I started college because I wanted to connect with as many high school classmates as I could (we also had a lot of mutual friends) and so we started to talk. One of the things that attracted me to him the most was that he loved the same music I did, almost down to a tee, even the classical music and oldies that I loved. We both had the same dorky humor. Wall posts over Facebook slowly transitioned into conversations over AIM, and one day, he gave me his phone number. We've been together for 4 years and counting and I honestly don't think that I could ever find a more perfect match. :)

If you asked me 5 years ago to tell you who I think I'd be with, I probably wouldn't have dreamed of responding with my current boyfriend's name. To be honest, I thought I was slightly out of his league. I looked up to him as a role model while in high school. Life works in very funny ways sometimes. I'm not trying to get your hopes up for nothing but I'd like to encourage you to remain optimistic and to not automatically rule anyone out just because you don't see each other as often as you'd like. What you want is what you make of it and the possibilities are endless. We are more in control of our destinies than we think. :)

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Kinda stuck in a tough spot..

I talk to two guys. The one has a major crush on me and is very obsessive at times. He can also get annoying. He cries about almost everything We dont have everything in common, but we are pretty good friends. He's a year older than me, and Not to seem shallow, but I also dont find him attractive (there needs to be SOME attraction in a relationship.. at least for me.)

This other guy, must be an exact twin of me. But he's two years older. We have everything in common, and we talk a ton. He is pretty cute too. He's gonna take me to this one concert.. haha

I wanna follow my heart but dont wanna hurt people in the process >.<

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Kinda stuck in a tough spot..

I talk to two guys. The one has a major crush on me and is very obsessive at times. He can also get annoying. He cries about almost everything We dont have everything in common, but we are pretty good friends. He's a year older than me, and Not to seem shallow, but I also dont find him attractive (there needs to be SOME attraction in a relationship.. at least for me.)

This other guy, must be an exact twin of me. But he's two years older. We have everything in common, and we talk a ton. He is pretty cute too. He's gonna take me to this one concert.. haha

I wanna follow my heart but dont wanna hurt people in the process >.<
Well go for the guy that is two years older then you. =o I don't see the problem here. You seem iffy on the other guy. And if you iffy now then you'll be iffy later. I don't it's gonna change much. Plus obsessive behavior is just troublesome and will cause a lot of fighting. Just kinda let the obsessive guy down easy and at the same time don't let him stop you from falling in love.

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i prefer being single. far lass complicated. and to be honest, i don't wanna be in a serious realtionship until it actually matters.

Your story sounds very familiar. My boyfriend and I first met in high school and he was a grade above me (though we are actually only 7 months apart). Up until I started college, we hardly saw each other and we never said more than a few words to each other, let alone have romantic feelings for one another. We did a lot of the same things though, especially since we were both involved in the music program at school. We didn't really see each other though because he was a band geek and I was an orch dork, so we didn't meet up unless there was a big concert with both groups coming up. He ended up going to college 2 hours away, making the chances of seeing or talking to each other even more remote. I decided to befriend him on Facebook after I started college because I wanted to connect with as many high school classmates as I could (we also had a lot of mutual friends) and so we started to talk. One of the things that attracted me to him the most was that he loved the same music I did, almost down to a tee, even the classical music and oldies that I loved. We both had the same dorky humor. Wall posts over Facebook slowly transitioned into conversations over AIM, and one day, he gave me his phone number. We've been together for 4 years and counting and I honestly don't think that I could ever find a more perfect match. :)

If you asked me 5 years ago to tell you who I think I'd be with, I probably wouldn't have dreamed of responding with my current boyfriend's name. To be honest, I thought I was slightly out of his league. I looked up to him as a role model while in high school. Life works in very funny ways sometimes. I'm not trying to get your hopes up for nothing but I'd like to encourage you to remain optimistic and to not automatically rule anyone out just because you don't see each other as often as you'd like. What you want is what you make of it and the possibilities are endless. We are more in control of our destinies than we think. :)
Thanks OldSchoolTama! I guess I should try and be a bit more confident about it. He knows I like him.. but to be honest, I'm not sure if I like anyone anymore. I'm confused. Maybe I should just stay the way I am for a while? I'm only young and have alot of time later in life for that ~

But thanks so much!

Yes, I do now.

Same guy as before :S But we both really like each other again and yeah we both said we wanted to give it another go.

He's cheated on me before. Twice. The first time I made it seem like it didn't matter, which probably gave him the clue that he could do it again and get away with it. Second time, he didn't tell me, but I broke up with him a while after, without even knowing. Then he started leading me on again, and whilst he was doing so, the person he cheated on me with told me that he had cheated. I got so angry and we didn't talk for a few days. I told him he would never get another chance. And he deleted his Facebook for a bit and overreacted and everything was weird. Then he apologised and it seemed as though he was genuinely sorry. He told me he really wanted to be with me and he promises he will never ever do anything like that ever again. And I said if he did then there would definitely be no such thing as any more chances. So yeah.

Plus we have literally everything in common, he has the most amazing taste in music and he's just a cool kid. The other day when we weren't going out yet, he invited me to his birthday partaaay and we talked heaps and it was really fun. Before that he told me he's planning on asking me out again. So he left it until the last minute and when him and his dad came to drop me home, he got out of the car and he asked me and I said yes and I hugged him :3 Haha, all in front of his dad..

And none of my friends know this yet, they sort of didn't want me going out with him again so I'm afraid about what their reactions will be like. But yeah. That's my story, haha.

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