Do you have a cell phone?


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I have a old, stupid Nokia phone that have zero credit.

Plus my mum won't let me use it.. =(


May I ask how that happened?
Yes, it's new (Got it on Nov. 7th) and whenever I drop it, even from less than a foot, the back falls off, the batter falls out and so does the memory card, so one day i'm going to loose something :) . It also freezes randomly.

I'm not trading, though. I love the thing.

It's name is Darren. <3

The lacrosse team at my school were going to a big game in another city.

We drove there the day before and got a hotel.

My friend and I were in our room's balcony just hanging out.

I decided to text my friend to ask him something and I was against the rail.

My friend says to me, "Connor, you should probably step away from the railing or next thing you know you're going to drop your phone, knowing you."

Next thing I know, I dropped my phone.

I was happy and sad at the same time.

"YES! I might get a new phone!"


I go down and get it and it still works, maybe a small scratch on the screen, but it worked perfectly.

Yes. I've had a cell phone since 4th grade. I just got a Voyager. It's pwnsome!

Yeah, I have one but I'm getting a new one for x-mas woo!!

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I voted: No..Or Do I?

I don't have a Cell Phone, But I Use My Mom's Alloootttt.

So Yeah.

Yeah, I have a lovely pink one!! But I'm on Pay As You Go which my parents pay for, so they say it is for emergencies and I haven't been using it that often. Plus it badly needs charging! I need an adapter, though (English phone! Woop!) Us Brits call them mobiles, btw. :eek:

Pink Samsung J700 =D

I <3 it!

I want a Samsung Omnia though......

I said b4 (on my old accont) that I have one that's old and crappy. It's full of stratches (none on the screen).

My brother got guitar hero for the ds and it came with stickers you put on the ds. I got some and put it on my phone, my phone looks awesome now. ^-^

It's still crappy phone on the inside though. When you take a picture, it's darker or lighter than it should be. :D

My parents might make me keep it through next year too, so maybe after I graduate next year i'll get a new phone for high school.

My cell phone is a razr.

I rarely use it, when I do I talk to my mom. I find txting to be highly annoying.

No. And I don't want one. Sorry, I don't find cell-phones that great.

Maybe I'll buy one when I'm older. Not now.

But I do look at cell-phones, mind you... I just... don't want one. Too much, too soon.

I just have some odd motorola one. It calls, texts, takes pictures and videos so I'm fine with it. It's name is Ray. My friend has one named Toro..hehe put it together RAY TORO!

I have a LG but its not really called anything...... ;) B)

Sadly I'm not allowed to text

;) :D

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No. And I don't want one. Sorry, I don't find cell-phones that great.
Maybe I'll buy one when I'm older. Not now.

But I do look at cell-phones, mind you... I just... don't want one. Too much, too soon.
I know their not that great I feel the same way (but I have one)

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