Do you have a dog or cat..


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Well. I have a cat named Fatty.

Today I found my cat, Jodie Rosee. Wee Bobo was last seen in July but I found her today and she was quite the chunky monkey.

I have a rather handsome kitty cat.

He's not fat, he's just got a large bone and muscle structure : D

The name's Tiggrik.

I have three dogs named Calvin, Alixandra, and Abbygale. None of them are really fat, but Abby is fairly chubby. I call her "Fatzilla". She's heavy and eats a lot, I swear.

Am I the only one thats not allowed a doggy, or a kittycat or any type of pet at all, no goldfishes, hamsters, guinie pigs etc..........??? Oh well, my parents reckon its too hard, and they coulden't cope with it. Well, actually neither would I. Unless it was so adorable and sad looking I gave up.......

I want a cubby kitty. That'd be soo cute. I'd call him muffles. But my mom and sister are alergic to cats.

We have two cats. A male and a female. The male is easily twice the size of the female. He's lazy. She's slim and active. (In your mind picture Garfield and Arlene)

I've got four cats, two of which are pleasantly plump. Floyd, the huge, lazy, psychopathic, fat cat who lazes around on the best chair all day and George who copies Floyd. I wish she'd get a better rolmodel, like Floyd's sister Pinky, but neh.

My grandmother has a dog that can barely get on the couch because she's too fat.

I'm not allowed to have cats or dogs, my dad doesn't like pets, and me and him are both allergic. All i have is fish. I really want a cat though, i wouldn't even mind that i was allergic.

OMG..KaPaKA!!?!1 legoalas! you have been watching way too much lord of the Rings! AND DONT YOU JUST LOVE FAT ANIMaLS!! THERE SO CUTE AND FLUFFy and the have big BELLYS!!! you can poke and grabt her flab!~! :ichigotchi: ///

I named him legolas along time ago. And I don't like chubby animals I mean usualy when there fat there lazy I like active cats. Oh and my kittens at so cute.

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