Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...


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I have asperger's syndrome. Please don't make fun of it. (that would incredibly inconsiderate)

Same, I have aspergers/autism, dispraxia, had depression, and ocd (obsessive compulsive disorder). I also always think of myself as insignificant/a failure.

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I don't have any disorders. :D

Well I may have some really mild OCD. It's not that big of a deal though.

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I think I have ADHD, OCD, bipolar, paranoia, and minor depression. *sweatdrop*


This isnt all of my problems, but I have anxiety. When I watch movies in the dark, no matter if its rainbows and ponies I have to get somewhere bright or ill freak out. Listening, watching or reading other peoples problems make it hard to breathe too. once on the way back from a movie I was having anxiety 5 mins before it finished and i was freaking out and my mom was like, "its almost over" And of course I was like squirming and getting up and down in my chair, and when we left and we were in the car I was literally crying because this was my first anxiety attack and I was little so I thought I was going to die and thats why I was crying like crazy.

I dont know if this counts but mood swings, OCD. Whenever im looking for something in my room i'll just keep checking the same place, ill check then walk two feet and be like oh wait, then again and again. Sometimes my moodswings get out of controll, im quiet in class and all gloomy and then when we are switching and stuff Ill be like if some annoying person even talks to me ill say all these rude things... That arent appropriate here I do not think. ( not cuss words) I made someone cry once.. Oh and bad story. Once when we were on the bleachers just standing a guy beside me kept tempting to push me off and I was on the edge and so about after the 5th time with me mixing my feeling potions inside I pushed him... Really hard, he flew into a guy, and the guy flew off the bleachers onto a table. noone saw and the teacher had her back on us the whole time that happened.

Oh, yeah, I forgot- I have lots of food allergies (milk, most fruit, wheat)

And I also self-harmed at one point, but it's all good now

And I am easily obsessed- with embarasing stuff, like Thomas the Tank Engine, Tamagotchis (not that tamas are embarassing) being nerdy,being perfect in every way (which actually led me to self-harimng), studying, and the colour pink.

I am very OCD in some things, like I can't be touched on my insoles, or the back of my neck, and I always have COUNT my sweets, lest someone steals them. And if someone takes my food, like a lollie, or a bite of my sausage, then I completely spaz and won't eat the food, usually I spaz out and throw the dinner at them- haaaf, my frind's younger brother stole 3 of my gumdrops once, I ended up flipping out, punching him in the stomach and throwing the other gumdrops at him. Other people eating my food makes me spaz because when I was 7, people used to steal my food at school, to bully me, because I also have an issue with the amount of leptin my brain produces, so I never feel hungry, and if I don't eat regularly or forget to eat, I end up passing out or something. -_- I am very screwed up, but I manage ._.

I think I'm on the autism spectrum somewhere, but I haven't been actually diagnosed.

Otherwise, I have a vague fear of people and constant misanthropy.

Also, I get angry really quickly and find it really hard to calm down.

Not actually diagnosed with anything though.

I've never been diagnosed, but I do have my suspicions about some disorders that I may have. Especially after reading your guys' posts, I think I may need to talk to someone about this. I used to see a therapist when I was little, though, for anxiety. I think I still have it.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Also an ear infection. I am not allowed to go underwater too deep, or the inside of my ear may break.

In other words: No diving boards.

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Don't have any, and I thank my lucky friggin stars that I don't. It makes me feel sorry for people who get made fun of because they have a disorder or something. I think everybody is compulsive about certain things. Also I think I might have a slight anxiety problem, But it's just minor.

Also an ear infection. I am not allowed to go underwater too deep, or the inside of my ear may break.

In other words: No diving boards.
I'm sorry, but in conjunction with your avatar, that's rather funny.

I'm a terrible person.


Um, anyway... :|

Already posted some of this, but I have some things to take out and add in, so yeah!

1. Depression

2. Social Anxiety Disorder

3. Delayed Sleep-Phase Disorder

4. ADD

5. Neurofibromatosis

6. Myopia

7. Strabismus

8. Chronic Tension-Type Headache

9. Still need an official diagnosis, but I'm 99% sure I'm an aspie.

10. Visual snow, halos, starbursts, glaring...

11. I don't know what this is called, but basically my brain doesn't always process words and sentences correctly. Both auditory and when reading.

Like, sometimes when it's just a sentence, I can tell you what each individual word means, but the sentence itself makes zero sense.

Or if it's just words, the meaning doesn't translate in my head. It'd be like if I spoke to you in a language you don't speak. You know I'm making sense, you just don't know what I'm saying.


The above is both reading and auditory. The below is just auditory.


Sometimes words/sentences literally processes as complete gibberish. You say the cat sat on the mat, my brain processes bluhblahgudlkfdgkldhgf.

Other times it just simply doesn't process at all. I hear you, but my brain is just blank...

Other times, what I hear is different than what is processed. you say fifteen, my brain processes fifty. You say eighteen, my brain processes eighty.


Auditory processing disorder, maybe. But what I do know about it, I'd say no. :|

^ Oh no, don't worry, I don't really care much about being teased about it.

It's not that bad, I'm just not allowed to go, like, to the very, very bottom of a very, very deep pool.

And I know, it doesn't make much sense, me being an Aquarius.

(I got it while I had a very bad flu, my ears would bleed. so one day I went to see the doctor, and I had to take these awful eardrops.)

I've also noticed I have a short temper and I get stressed extremely easy.

Example 1: The other day in P.E. we had to play basketball.

I got hit on the head over 10 times.

There is now a bruise there.

I cried a bit, but got very angry if anyone got near me. (I was in a concealed corner at the back of the room.)

Exampe 2: In November I got a notice about having to take needles. (Shots.)

3 of them.

I knew I was getting them later on in December.

However, before I knew this, any time I saw the notice saying I was going to get them, I almost fainted.

So yeah.

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