Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...


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I am a really clean person and I hate mess. Grrrr stupid Obsessive–compulsive disorder. (OCD)

i sometimes self-harm, because i see other people that are living normal lives, while im autistic and people think im retarted (sorry for language!) i might consider suicide when im 15--17. i don't know.

plus i'm starving myself currently. so i might have dipression.

EDIT: i didn't post that, my stupid friend did that. thats what she is going through right now. feel bad for her though.

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i have depression spells they come around and can last up to 3 days

also i have some emotional umbalance and mood-swings along with it

sometimes i'll just fall down crying for no apparent reason.

I have add... My wife is tryin to teach me to be more patient and concentrate better and i think to a certain extent its working

Am I the only one with Osgood-Schlatter Disease? I can't explain it like scientists but...

I have a weird bony lump under my right knee. It sticks out under my knee and kills when I knock it slightly. I cried in class because I showed a friend it and she was like 'WTH?' and whacked it hard. It affects my physical activity and I fear it will just burst out from my skin if I run too much and I love running!

It's genetic on the female side of the family for some reason.

Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease/syndrome/anything like that?

Or do you think you have one?

My 5-yr-old-cousin has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder).
I have that thing where you can only breathe out of one nostril at a time. I have no idea what it is called, but it is not at all serious, and about 1 of 10 people have it

I have that thing where you can only breathe out of one nostril at a time. I have no idea what it is called, but it is not at all serious, and about 1 of 10 people have it
Is that a thing that other people have?

I thought I was the only one.


anyways, my uncle beat me when i was 4, so i started having panic attacks when i was 16, and now i have anxiety, erectile dysfunction (tmi?? sorry, you asked) i have bigger mood swings then your average sensitive joe, and i have a mild delusional disorder, i always have people telling me "what are you talking about!?!?", and it really annoys me :/

My brother has asthma and is dyslexic. which means he has trouble learning and stuff.

I agree, Chizzled It.

Also, about almost everyone saying you have OCD.

Its more serious than "I always like things clean" or "I hate messes", its ANXIETY, something that you HAVE to do. My mom has OCD, and she will seriously freak out if she cant vacuum every, or every other day. This word is being used way too often now, and it just bugs me when people say that they have OCD just because something bugs them. Its more serious than that. Only because everyone is using this word on a daily basis, everyone thinks that they have OCD, when they most likely don't. It's not very fun to have OCD, let me tell you that.

Now if you actually do have OCD, I'm not saying that you don't, I just hate it when people self-diagnose themselves when they're perfectly fine.

Please, see a doctor before you self-diagnose yourself. >.>

I seriously don't know what disorders I have though, I don't think anything, which is very strange. o_O I can't think right now. xD

I agree, Chizzled It.

Also, about almost everyone saying you have OCD.

Its more serious than "I always like things clean" or "I hate messes", its ANXIETY, something that you HAVE to do. My mom has OCD, and she will seriously freak out if she cant vacuum every, or every other day. This word is being used way too often now, and it just bugs me when people say that they have OCD just because something bugs them. Its more serious than that. Only because everyone is using this word on a daily basis, everyone thinks that they have OCD, when they most likely don't. It's not very fun to have OCD, let me tell you that.

Now if you actually do have OCD, I'm not saying that you don't, I just hate it when people self-diagnose themselves when they're perfectly fine.

Please, see a doctor before you self-diagnose yourself. >.>

I seriously don't know what disorders I have though, I don't think anything, which is very strange. o_O I can't think right now. xD
This, definitely. As someone who is diagnosed with OCD (by a doctor, and if you're wondering, I have an obsession with my hair), it kinda makes me angry when people say they have OCD because something isn't straight.

I think it's OK to say "hey, I might have X, but I haven't had it diagnosed by a professional!"

I have a knee disorder. On random occasions, my knee goes out of place, and makes this pop sound, and I fall to the floor , and cry. Ok, so here is one story: Once, I was going inside from outside for snacktime, and my knee popped. I fell to the floor, and started to cry. I couldn't get up because my knee hurt SO bad. When the boys saw me crying, they said "HA HA! CRYBABY!!!!" That made me cry even MORE!

Another story: Once, I was taking a shower, and then my knee popped. I cried for help, but then nobody came. I SCREAMED, and then my sister came to help me. That time was the WORST, it hurt for DAYS!

It's depressing, because I feel like I get less of a chance for dates!!!

My MAIN worry is: what if it happened at the PROM? What would I tell my date?

I agree, Chizzled It.

Also, about almost everyone saying you have OCD.

Its more serious than "I always like things clean" or "I hate messes", its ANXIETY, something that you HAVE to do. My mom has OCD, and she will seriously freak out if she cant vacuum every, or every other day. This word is being used way too often now, and it just bugs me when people say that they have OCD just because something bugs them. Its more serious than that. Only because everyone is using this word on a daily basis, everyone thinks that they have OCD, when they most likely don't. It's not very fun to have OCD, let me tell you that.

Now if you actually do have OCD, I'm not saying that you don't, I just hate it when people self-diagnose themselves when they're perfectly fine.

Please, see a doctor before you self-diagnose yourself. >.>

I seriously don't know what disorders I have though, I don't think anything, which is very strange. o_O I can't think right now. xD
Reminds me of a NZ drama show called Shortland Street. There's a girl called Bella who self-diagnosed herself with Asperger's and she thinks she definitely has it and WANTS to have it. She won't go to see a professional even though she's been told that's the best thing for her, probably because she doesn't want to be told she doesn't have Asperger's. I can even see on the show that she doesn't. It just annoys me because I know she's not like me or Gabrielle (another person on the show who does have Asperger's) but she won't give up!

you have aspergers like my brother! i have some questions for you to compare you with my brother! you go to the doctor every few months to get asessed? you have anger issues?

3. are you fairly smart?

hope you can answer!
Okay, here goes:

1. Not every few months, but every now and then.

2. Sort of, I lash out at my sister.

3. Yes!

Sorry, I only just looked back through the pages and saw this.

Also, I know this is a double post but they're on two different things, with two seperate quotes. I found this quoted bit after the first one, and I couldn't be bothered editing.

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