Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...


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I'm sure that I don't have any mental/personality disorders. It's a known fact that most people who think they have a disorder, don't. And I've read tons and tons of books on psychology when I wanted to be a counselor.

However, I am pretty sure that there is something wrong with my heart. =/ Sometimes, I get excruciating chest pains for no apparent reason. However, my family thinks I'm "making it up" or "it's just gases" (this one makes no sense to me) or "you're just too angry" and they won't let me get it checked out.

Am I the only one with Osgood-Schlatter Disease? I can't explain it like scientists but...

I have a weird bony lump under my right knee. It sticks out under my knee and kills when I knock it slightly. I cried in class because I showed a friend it and she was like 'WTH?' and whacked it hard. It affects my physical activity and I fear it will just burst out from my skin if I run too much and I love running!

It's genetic on the female side of the family for some reason.
My cousin has that too. I don't know why, but I really find the name funny.

As I said before, I think I many have dermographism. Other than that, no. I do have to order things, but it's hardly OCD.

Oh, I think I may have hypochondria. Every disorder I see, I think "...I have that." I manage to talk myself out of it, though.

Well i have been to a doctor, i decided to go one day when i was having horrible chest pains for a week, i even almost blacked out. So the doctor did diagnose me with anxiety disorder and panic attacks as a result. And with the child abuse thing, i've spoken to psychologists on hotlines about child abuse, and they said my symptoms are definate. So no rage for me i guess :blink:

Okay, here goes:

1. Not every few months, but every now and then.

2. Sort of, I lash out at my sister.

3. Yes!

Sorry, I only just looked back through the pages and saw this.

Also, I know this is a double post but they're on two different things, with two seperate quotes. I found this quoted bit after the first one, and I couldn't be bothered editing.
I have confirmed aspergers by a specialist and I have no anger problems. It isn't part of the syndrome. It must just be your brother.

^ ??? I don't have a brother. And also, my Asperger's is confirmed as well. Just saying because you quoted me.

On a different note, I found out this morning that my sister may have OCD. Last night, we were talking about her routines she says she has, and I asked her if she has bad thoughts if she doesn't do her routines, because I read somewhere that people with OCD did, and she said she did. After talking more, I said to her she might have OCD, so this morning I got her to take a test for OCD online. TYhe test showed she most likely has OCD and should see a professional immediately for an official diagnosis. She, however, wants to ignore it because she's not an adult.

My family has mentioned that I could possibly have mild OCD, but I haven't been tested by a professional or anything.

I think my mild asthma is starting to go away, which is good :)

I've got something called Maladaptive Daydreaming. Basically, I can daydream all day long for several days straight without doing anything else. I can't get a lot of things done because of that, and if someone tells me to do something, then I'll forget within just a few seconds. I put myself in fantasies all the time.

But luckily, having Maladaptive Daydreaming helps you live in a fantasy world, therefore it has helped me do professional acting. In order to be an actor and do theater, you have to be able to put yourself in a fantasy situation. :)

... So now they are thinking I don't have Fibromylagia but rather a form of Mania or Hypomania, possibly Bipolar Depression. We've had blood work done, we've had my joints checked out- nothing is physically wrong. All of my doctors and even my therapist is pointing to me having some type of underlying mood disorder and to say I'm nervous and in disbelief is an understatement. I can't accept it... I just can't. I also recently have to come to realize I have a bit of a deviated septum- my left nostril. Its when you have difficulties breathing through one nostril because the septum, the bone that divides the nose, is slightly crooked. I always wondered why it looks like I have two different noses when I face left or right. I don't think I'll need surgery to correct though unless the facial pains continue. I suppose I can say I'm happy not much is off about me that hasn't been corrected or looked into, such as my lazy eye and bodily aches. I guess I could be off way worse and am kind of starting to see that. So now here I am, rambling away...

i have reading comprehension disorder, i have minor OCD and might have innattentive ADHD

I sadly have Asperger's and for being in 8th grade and having little to no friends and losing a friend I've known since 1st grade it sucks .I'm also very emotional cause of that reason and have a little OCD with my feet :I.I was told I had this since I was 1 and was told I had it in 3rd grade(maybe even 4th grade..) but ever since then I've for some reason ever since I was little I hate it when people break the rules (I mean ones like no chewing gum,no hoods/hats in class,etc) I also hate it when people say the R word in the wrong way.

P.S:every time someone says mkay (this happens ever since I was allowed to watch South Park witch was in august of 2011) I have bad habit but to giggle and thats alot of times I've giggled xD

P.SS:I had a very bad ending to my childhood and a bad 7th grade so somtimes I get a little emo and listin to sad songs and stuff (this happend alot in the ending of 7th grade :( )but hasn't since I talked to a docter about it I'm pretty happy about life and laugh at stupid kids xD

P.SSS: I'm currently treating the kids like a sitcom and try to have a good life and so far its doing ok. I just want to get to collage so everyone wants to actually learn xD

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and i would get REALLY ticked off if someone made fun of a thing i like (example: south park) i think i punched a kid beause they called pokemon stupid when i was 6.
same when I was little I hit someone with a tennis racket because they were using it like a bango and I got suspend for it looking back at it I'm glad I did it because she ever since then left me in the dust with her dumb popular friends (also looking back at it its funny because the racket was used as a banjo xD)

I've got Asperger's, ADHD, and Depression, and I'm pretty sure I've got Hypochondria and some form of Paranoia.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Also an ear infection. I am not allowed to go underwater too deep, or the inside of my ear may break.

In other words: No diving boards.
i still have both of these, although the latter is slightly less of an annoyance now.

i have a breathing problem. not sure what tho! when i have a reely large breath [deep breath], my lungs feel too full, and i cough and my voice is shaky afterwards. this may just be because i am stressed out and depressed more often, but i don't know. it's not too serious.

pretty sure i have depression. lots of things have been going on with my social and family life which i'd prefer to share only with close friends.

when bored i bite my nails and skin around them. i am often bored. my nails do not have free edges [white parts that extend past the nail plate]. i have lots of cuticles.

my lips are chapped. i have put on balm recently and it seems to be working a bit.

warning, slightly gross, may ruin your appitite:

i get diarrhea and constipation so constantly i'm not even surprised when i get it. this is part of my IBS.
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OCD and anxiety/panic disorder. Been diagnosed by a psychologist, though they are still testing me for things. It gets kind of ridiculous after awhile, like the rapture, the world blowing up or something, the slender man, moth man, yes even sometimes werewolves... I think aliens were once involved. A big one for a while was ghosts and demons which is why my therapist suggested to try avoiding the show "A haunting" I can not sleep with my feet hanging near the edge of a bed or uncovered because I am convince something is going to grab my feet and drag me down. And I can't stand having my left side touched. I am going to stop there because honestly there is just to much to name.

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