Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...


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I have aspergers, phobia of bees and spiders, and I have a bad habit of guilt tripping myself.

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I think I've already posted on here saying that I'm pretty sure I don't have any disorders, etc.

But to the people saying that they have a phobia of bees and scream whenever they're around, a lot of people do that. I don't know exactly what happens to do, but being scared is not a phobia. A phobia is defined as an extreme and irrational fear, not just something you're afraid of.

I'm actually thinking that I may have a phobia of bees, as I get so afraid that I will literally curl up into a ball and cry. I can't even move, talk, or do anything I'm that afraid of them. Even just showing pictures of bees scares the heck out of me. If I'm outside and theres a bee I completely lose my mind, and after it's gone I usually end up going inside for the rest of the day because I can't handle them. Correct me if i'm wrong but I think I do have a phobia?

So maybe I have one phobia, but other than that I don't really think I have any other disorder or disease.

I think I've already posted on here saying that I'm pretty sure I don't have any disorders, etc.

But to the people saying that they have a phobia of bees and scream whenever they're around, a lot of people do that. I don't know exactly what happens to do, but being scared is not a phobia. A phobia is defined as an extreme and irrational fear, not just something you're afraid of.

I'm actually thinking that I may have a phobia of bees, as I get so afraid that I will literally curl up into a ball and cry. I can't even move, talk, or do anything I'm that afraid of them. Even just showing pictures of bees scares the heck out of me. If I'm outside and theres a bee I completely lose my mind, and after it's gone I usually end up going inside for the rest of the day because I can't handle them. Correct me if i'm wrong but I think I do have a phobia?

So maybe I have one phobia, but other than that I don't really think I have any other disorder or disease.
Well, you know, no-one I know is like what I described. I also forgot to mention if I'm in a room and a bee is in that room and I see it, I freak out, leave the room, and refuse to go back in until it's gone. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but idk

Found I have moderate Glossophobia (fear of speaking). I can only speak to relatives and friends I have known for years. Like in school, I only can manage to speak when spoken to, and even then I panic a little, even if it's one of my peers asking a simple question like, "So, what are your hobbies?". I get nauseated and everything.

I always wondered why I didn't have a social life! XD

I have severe depression, anxiety, and anger issues. I'm starting to think I may have an eating disorder but I'm not sure... I think it might be my depression. (I don't eat when I get in a mood)

Hey Guys.

I've been through a lot in the past 6 years:(


Anorexia, Self Harm (cutting) Low Self Esteem, Depression, Bipolar, ADHD, Aspergers..


Hay-fever, Asthma, Joint problems.

I have OCD, and it's really weird. Like say I was to leave the house. All of the burners on the stove have to be faced up exactly matching each other. If I touch something with one hand, I have to touch it with the other. Say I get a mosquito bite, I have to scratch it with both hands. Left first, then right.

I also have synesthesia. It's a little hard to explain, just go on wikipedia and search "Synesthesia". I used to hate it, it made me feel like a freak, but now I actually embrace it and I kinda like it now.

Guess what guys there's more xD. I also have scoliosis, it's where your spine grows and basically...bends out of shape, and it causes some back pains. I have to wear a brace at night when I sleep for it. djslvjewlrw.

And lastly, I was diagnosed with clinical depression in April 2008. But I've had the feelings since January 2007. I've actually been good for quite a while, I haven't been depressed since October 2011.

There's probably so many more (along with my many...many phobias xD and other things). :p

I think I already posted in here... But it may have been another topic like this. I have a minor case of visual snow, anxiety, OCD ( I have to match things by color and the same number of it in each row or it will bother me. I fix things in stores because of it XD ) asthma and this isn't really like a major thing but I'm slower than most people. I'm a "blonde" as people call it. It takes me awhile to get jokes and I space out while people are talking to me.

Oh! I also may have Marfans. Search it up.. I don't feel like explaining

Ugh. I feel bad for a THIRD post.. But I forgot to put some stuff in and I'm on my iPod so I can't edit my posts. Okay, this is the final one. I have eczema on the back of my leg, it's hard to resist it.. And this doesn't really count as anything. Most of you have probably figured it out already but I am an attention addict. I HAVE to make someone laugh or I feel like they are avoiding me. If someone doesn't listen to me whenever I talk I cry. I try to be popular, I talk to everyone, (even the beeps) and stuff. Also back to marfans, my fingers go down to the tops of my knees and my doctor says I'm expected to grow 6'5. ;_; I dont wanna be tall!

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Its highly likely that I have Aspegers ( I went to the doctor once and he said my cure was to get some friends??? )

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I have OCD, and it's really weird.
You're not that weird. I also have an OCD when it comes to my playlist. Whenever I load up songs into my phone, I make sure that everything's filled in, from the title of the song, artist, album and yes --- album cover. I like seeing my playlist very organized and if I see one that was mislabeled, it drives me nuts all day. :p

You're not that weird. I also have an OCD when it comes to my playlist. Whenever I load up songs into my phone, I make sure that everything's filled in, from the title of the song, artist, album and yes --- album cover. I like seeing my playlist very organized and if I see one that was mislabeled, it drives me nuts all day. :p
Oh my god I completely forgot to mention that in my post, I'm the same way xD

Today I have been getting severe anxiety on and off....

There's a spirit in my house that may have been choked to death, so I don't know if I'm feeling her energy, but my best friend has also been feeling the same thing all day. It's on and off.

Right now I feel as though I'm choking, my breathing is very shallow.

I'm trying to brush off the energy though. It's going away now.

TamaTalk, as strange as it sounds, is very therapeutic for me.

I calm down a lot when I get to see pictures of adorable little tamas. It's very calming. I love taking care of animals, so....

And now it's gone. Thanks. xD

Finally have definitive diagnoses of Graves' disease and progressive multiple sclerosis (MS), the latter of which is very hard on me, I suffer depression too.

I've been coping with depressions almost as long as I can remember. The very first time was when I was 6 years old.

Last time that I had a really bad one, was when I was about 19 years old, I had to get anti depressives for a long time, but that's totally over now.

Now that I've found my husband and starting my own family, I never felt happier, and I'm hoping that they will never, ever come back.

I'm allergic to a lot of things, even things nobody would believe I think, the list is way too long, so I'm not going to put it in here, sorry.

Oh and when I turned 21 I had some chest pain, it got worse and worse so I went to see my doctor (that I've been going to since I was born)

He said it was stress, I said he was crazy, because I got my degree, so the stressy times were over!

I went back home, but in the next few months the pain stayed, so I went back a couple of times, he kept saying it was stress.

He didn't even examine me and my fiancé at that time said, go to another doctor, why don't you try mine?

I went there with a little, teeny, tiny heart and after even examining me for 5 minutes, she knew what I had!

I had the syndrome of Tietze. This is too hard to explain, if you want to know all about it, go to wikipedia.

This is for the rest of my life, it makes me sad sometimes, but I'm coping :) .

Oh and I'm really, really, afraid of spiders. Even if I see a little one, I start screaming, yelling, crying, I can't help myself :( ...

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Its highly likely that I have Aspergers ( I went to the doctor once and he said my cure was to get some friends??? )
Oh and a while ago I heard my mom say to one of her friends when she asked how I was doing "Shes talking to a little more people now so shes getting better"

Yeah so I probably have Aspergers or some other type of Autism

I was diagnosed with anxiety 2 years ago but my friend suggested my reason for not talking was Selective Mutism. I speak okay at home its just at school. Is it uncommon in teenagers if it has gone untreated for years?

I had depression from the time I was 10 up until I was 16. It still kicks in every now and again. Not fun :(

Since my mum has Bipolar it's also highly likely I'll get it too. But, at least I'll know what to do. My mum doesn't think she has a problem therefore its left untreated.

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