Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...


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social anxiety, depression, PMDD.....bleh....but i'm much better now :chohimetchi:

Err...I'm...let's say...vertically challenged.

Seriously. When I was in 6th grade, my art teacher was always mistaking me for a kindergarten kid who was taller than me and happened to have a similar name.

I got tested for growth hormone deficiency, but didn't have it.

So it's not really a disorder, but if you're short enough it's legally considered a disability and you can get disability scholarships for it. Yay.

I probably have Aspergers or some type of autism as well.

I'm really quiet as school. Actually I got quiet all of sudden. I have many problems with communication and learning. Basically everything about Aspergers applies to me, plus when I'm with my mom and sometimes she talks to me like to a kid when once in a while she is happy and hugs me and tugs me around the room I laugh like a happy little child. I also sometimes move like a kid with autism. And like to make stuff out of things too.

I might be bipolar, but I'm not sure of it.

For sure I have split personality. I often really fight with opinions on things. Sometimes I like something, sometimes I hate it, sometimes I don't mind.

I thought about having Tourette's, but on the other hand the symptoms I have are too light to be called that.

I think I have Orphan's disease, that's for sure. Mom never had time for me when I was younger, I had nannies, etc. Always played alone. Talked to myself. I still do.

I might have a light case of depression. I really can't learn anything. I probably won't ever graduate. I won't ever get a job. I won't have any normal friends. I just want to be still a little kid. I don't want to grow up. High school was already too much for me.

Math is my biggest problem. I just don't. Get. ANYTHING. From it. But I don't want to ever die and I would NEVER hurt myself. Sometimes I just feel down.

It's all mom's fault anyway I guess. She NEVER let me out with anyone when I still had some real life friends. She once called police because I was doing groceries for too long. She cares about me too much. And now I'm an Introvert. I want someone near me but I hate people.

And no, I wasn't diagnosed with anything, because mom doesn't even let me to any doctors.

Maybe only with ADHD, dyslexia, discalculia, disgraphy and some other things...

I feel like i'm ranting. Sorry.

I don't have any disorder (I don't think?), but I spoke with mom the other day and she said that I did have OCD once. -_-

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None of these have been professionally diagnosed, so, yeah.

I seem to have quite a weak immune system - almost always coming down with the 'latest' sickness that is going around the school. At one point, when I was around 7 - 8 years old I came down with tonsillitis multiple times. I've also had a few not so minor ear infections. However; I have no

known allergies - although, I've had bad reactions to bee stings, but (luckily), I haven't had one in ages

I think I could have some type of OCD. I tend to obsess over things like; take water type pokémon, for example. Let's say my sister says her favorite type is the water type. Suddenly I've persuaded myself that she is trying to steal something very important to you and attempt to reclaim it by; attempting to talk her out of it, then, throwing a tantrum and a few threats around, lastly, violence. However; you can ovoid this by talking yourself over and over telling yourself that it is OK.

Possible split personality disorder. Considering you are able to talk yourself out of a rage; well, you kind of find something that's you, but well, pure and feels like one half of of your head. One of my friends has commented that I tend to act different ways around different people.

Insomnia. Well, it is currently 10:30pm and I don't usually get to sleep any sooner, gadgets or not. When I'm sick I tend to take longer or shorter time to go to sleep.

Anxiety - well. Put me at a party and if I happen to lose my parents, even for a few minutes I'll panic and pretty much break into tears. I can't even do something simple at some place I've never been without a friend, or I'd pretty much have a panic attack.

I'm also VERY short-sighted. So I have glasses. Mum and sis were laughing when I was struggling with the SECOND ROW in the eye test.

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Anxiety - well. Put me at a party and if I happen to lose my parents, even for a few minutes I'll panic and pretty much break into tears. I can't even do something simple at some place I've never been without a friend, or I'ld pretty much have a panic attack.

I'm also VERY short-sighted. So I have glasses. Mum and sis were laughing when I was struggling with the SECOND ROW in the eye test.
Oh, that's me. I'm old as hell and I still cry when I lose my mom somewhere... Way to go in life.

I do have a bad eyesight too. And possibly insomnia. But sometimes I don't sleep AT ALL. Or fall asleep at 4 AM.

The only disorder I have is Autism Spectrum Disorder. (the doctor confirmed that I don't have aspergers) I'm very sensitive to sound, and I have Sensory Overloads, a trigger for the overloads are mostly when people in a small room (like a classroom) are all talking at the same time. What happens is that I get really fustrated and overwhelmed and just break down in tears. What's sad is that most of the time I have to hold my pain in because I don't want to be scaring the other students/people.

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Well, um, I'm sort of like....Scrooge, you know...I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate people soooo much and I can't stand other people and I get really irritated at the slightest things. :( And I've been getting even MORE depressed because I'm gonna have a new sibling soon and I DON'T WANT IT TO EXIST! It's just going to ruin my yeah, I'm just ultra depressed. =_=

Well, um, I'm sort of like....Scrooge, you know...I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate people soooo much and I can't stand other people and I get really irritated at the slightest things. :( And I've been getting even MORE depressed because I'm gonna have a new sibling soon and I DON'T WANT IT TO EXIST! It's just going to ruin my yeah, I'm just ultra depressed. =_=
... I really don't want to judge based on one post, but "hating" people and being irritable doesn't always mean it's depression. It could be from a wide range of conditions, or just plain teenage moodiness ( depression is a serious neurological condition after all ).

Also, while there are some kids who truly love the idea of a new sibling, I doubt many kids look forward to a new baby brother or sister taking up their parents' love either. It could be just a normal phase, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's a mental illness.


Anyhow! I see a lot of people both online and in real life who go around saying they have Aspergers or call themselves "Aspies", when they're usually just a bit shy or quirky and it's really frustrating!

It's just that, when people self-(mis)diagnose like that, and throw around words like "OCD" / "Depression" / "Aspergers" in such a lighthearted way ( especially when they haven't even done any proper research on all the symptoms ) it sounds kind of disrespectful to the people have actual, diagnosed cases.

As for me, well, I have this thing called "fibroadenoma", which is basically a breast lump. I had to have some tests done to make sure it wasn't breast cancer, but apparently it's not anything serious and I can relax. ( Although I have to take medication for it and if it continues to get worse I'll probably have to have surgery to get it out :c ).

Well, um, I'm sort of like....Scrooge, you know...I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate people soooo much and I can't stand other people and I get really irritated at the slightest things. :( And I've been getting even MORE depressed because I'm gonna have a new sibling soon and I DON'T WANT IT TO EXIST! It's just going to ruin my yeah, I'm just ultra depressed. =_=
Yeah I agree with Brutal not to really throw around the word depression to much. There's a surprisingly big difference between depression and feeling sad. Depression is like being locked in an endless tunnel with no light. You feel like the whole world is against you. So yeah, not judging but please be more careful with diagnosis :)

I have this thing called Psoriasis. It's basically a skin condition that causes your skin to be all red and flake, at least in my case. There's around 5 different types of it, and I have the most common 'Plaque'. I have it on my scalp, and behind my ears but it's not as bad as it was a few years ago. It's kind of embarrassing though because it looks like dandruff but it isn't.

Apart from that, a very minor case of asthma, and a very irrational fear of needles. I don't think it's a huge phobia, but every time I have to go get an injection, I'll be fine until I get there and then I'll just start sobbing and jerking away from the needle, just kind of staring off into space for awhile. Probably just me being stupid about it.

I don't know if it's just me not liking people in general, but I think I may have a small case of social anxiety. Waking up in the morning, I'll just feel nauseous about having to interact for a whole day and every time I go to school I just get so paranoid about what people are saying, what they think and little things like that. Sometimes I'll end up making myself feel so nervous I throw up. Even going out in public alone is terrifying. I feel like I have to be with people I'm friends with or close to so I don't get judged. It's the same with group activities, and anything requiring talking in front of my class. It all makes me sick to my stomach. Again, it's probably just me being stupid, but I don't know.

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It wouldn't surprise me that I've "so-cald" mental illnesses. My brother for example, is very active and talk to everybody, strangers etc.. You may say he has a ADHD or something(we never checked) but it's just his personality. I'm a bit more silent, don't have (m)any friend really, but that's just how I am.

Also, if that counts, I'm colorblind(green/red).

Thats a incurable disease, I wish my parents did an abortion on me. :rolleyes: (just kidding)

I have TERRIBLE eyesight. I'm wicked nearsighted. I cannot see more than 4 inches away from my face without my glasses.

I would be pronounced legally blind if glasses didn't correct my vision. I have really thick lenses even though they are specially condenced. If they weren't condenced they'd be literally three inches thick...

Sometimes it's fun to run around without my glasses yelling that I'm legally blind.

I also have an odd skin allergy to squash. I can eat it, but I cannot touch it when it's not cooked. The juices irritate my skin and will make my fingers rough and numb.

This applies to all kinds of squash: zucchinni, pumpkin, cucumbers, pickles, acorn squash, and etc. I have to wear gloves to cut any of these.

It's nothing to major, it just poses as an inconveinience. No pumpkin carving for me (unless of course I had gloves)

Idk if it applies, but I have a calcium deposit. More info on calcium deposits here --->

They usually form on the shoulders of elderly women, but mines on my leg and has been there since I was in first grade.

It's just a hard lump on my leg but is a major inconveience when shaving. If I accidently cut the skin on it, it literally won't cease bleeding for 3 days.

I could've had it surgically removed but it would've left me with a big disgusting scar. I didn't see the point in removing it since it has remained the same size and haven't moved at all.

I have a speech impetiment. I mispronounce "th"'s , only if they're not the start of the word like "the" or "theater". If the "th" is at the end of the word like "earth" or "math" then I mispronounce them with "f". Example: "earf", "maf", "gof"(goth), etc.

It's like having a lisp (which I also do have slightly). It's not really too noticeable in normal conversation, but can be confusing to people if they didn't know about it beforehand.

It's kinda funny because there is absolutely no difference in my pronounciation of "death and "deaf". They're both pronounced as "deaf".

Yeah I agree with Brutal not to really throw around the word depression to much. There's a surprisingly big difference between depression and feeling sad. Depression is like being locked in an endless tunnel with no light. You feel like the whole world is against you. So yeah, not judging but please be more careful with diagnosis :)
Yeah yeah, I knew nobody would understand how devastated I feel. =_= I mean, I've been the ONLY daughter for 14 years! I think I wouldn't mind at all if the new baby was going to be a boy, but it's a girl...

It's hard to explain...I don't see that purpose of my existance anymore. The only reason why I'm not putting an end to my life is because my Tamagotchis need me. They're my only purpose in life. Nobody else needs me. All everybody else wants is ANOTHER BABY GIRL TO FUSS OVER and I'm just gonna be replaced and forgotten and I just can't stand it, waaaah! My other two little siblings don't do anything but bash me to pieces and say the nastiest stuff ever to me, and the new sibling probably won't be any different. Why...I just don't understand the purpose of having so many kids...I'm not needed in the world anymore... :(


:( And I've been getting even MORE depressed because I'm gonna have a new sibling soon and I DON'T WANT IT TO EXIST! It's just going to ruin my yeah, I'm just ultra depressed. =_=
That doesn't sound like depression to be honest; it sounds more like jealousy (which is not a dysfunction / disorder / disease)

Yeah yeah, I knew nobody would understand how devastated I feel. =_= I mean, I've been the ONLY daughter for 14 years! I think I wouldn't mind at all if the new baby was going to be a boy, but it's a girl...

It's hard to explain...I don't see that purpose of my existance anymore. The only reason why I'm not putting an end to my life is because my Tamagotchis need me. They're my only purpose in life. Nobody else needs me. All everybody else wants is ANOTHER BABY GIRL TO FUSS OVER and I'm just gonna be replaced and forgotten and I just can't stand it, waaaah! My other two little siblings don't do anything but bash me to pieces and say the nastiest stuff ever to me, and the new sibling probably won't be any different. Why...I just don't understand the purpose of having so many kids...I'm not needed in the world anymore... :(
I can understand that you might be devastated that you're not going to be the only girl in your family any more and jealous of the fact that you won't be the centre of attention, but it kind of makes you sound just a little bit selfish and again, that's not really a dysfunction/disorder/disease.

That said, feelings of depression are very common for teenagers. On the other hand, I suppose knowing that lots of other kids suffer from very similar feelings doesn't really make anyone feel better about the situation or special or different.

I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh - it's not really intended that way, but I think you're better than this and you don't always show yourself in the best light.

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I probably have Aspergers or some type of autism as well.

I'm really quiet as school. Actually I got quiet all of sudden. I have many problems with communication and learning. Basically everything about Aspergers applies to me, plus when I'm with my mom and sometimes she talks to me like to a kid when once in a while she is happy and hugs me and tugs me around the room I laugh like a happy little child. I also sometimes move like a kid with autism. And like to make stuff out of things too.

I might be bipolar, but I'm not sure of it.

For sure I have split personality. I often really fight with opinions on things. Sometimes I like something, sometimes I hate it, sometimes I don't mind.

I thought about having Tourette's, but on the other hand the symptoms I have are too light to be called that.

I think I have Orphan's disease, that's for sure. Mom never had time for me when I was younger, I had nannies, etc. Always played alone. Talked to myself. I still do.

I might have a light case of depression. I really can't learn anything. I probably won't ever graduate. I won't ever get a job. I won't have any normal friends. I just want to be still a little kid. I don't want to grow up. High school was already too much for me.

Math is my biggest problem. I just don't. Get. ANYTHING. From it. But I don't want to ever die and I would NEVER hurt myself. Sometimes I just feel down.

It's all mom's fault anyway I guess. She NEVER let me out with anyone when I still had some real life friends. She once called police because I was doing groceries for too long. She cares about me too much. And now I'm an Introvert. I want someone near me but I hate people.

And no, I wasn't diagnosed with anything, because mom doesn't even let me to any doctors.

Maybe only with ADHD, dyslexia, discalculia, disgraphy and some other things...

I feel like i'm ranting. Sorry.
Get professional counseling or ask for it. Tell your mom how you feel and ask how you two can overcome it. There is hope. Your well finish school, and get a job, have a great life if you take charge of it now and get the proper help. Nothing wrong with counseling. They actually recommend that everyone attend counseling whether they have a disorder or not.

About 3 years ago now I was diagnosed with major depression and an eating disorder. (They didn't give my eating disorder a specific name, my therapist just called it a "generic" eating disorder, whatever that means) I was almost anorexic, I'd say.

It got rather serious, I was in the hospital for two weeks gaining weight back but that's not so bad considering there are patients that stay in there for months.

I've definitely recovered...I still get mildly depressed from time to time but considering where I've been, that's a huge improvement. I wish I could tell people who are experiencing the same thing that it really does get better. Stay strong!

I might have Aspergers (not diagnosed but I have symptoms of it).

I also have Reading Comprehension Learning Disability and OCD.

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