Do you have a Tama-go and how do you like it?


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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2009
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Chicago, IL
I haven't been on TamaTalk in a little while, and I'm finally catching up with everything.

(And I hope I'm posting this in the right section, haha.)

I'm curious about the Tama-go and whether or not it's worth it to get one!

Give some input??


(I feel dumb)

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Its alright but to get all the fun you must get all expansion figures and goto music city (I hate music city as I cant say what I want to it really annoying and takes to long to find what fits best)

I have the white one and I love it. The only thing I'm disappointed in about it is the size. I like to keep whatever Tamagotchi I'm currently running in my pocket, and there is no way the Tama-Go will fit in there, lol. But it's not that big of a deal. You get used to the size of it pretty quickly.

I might pick up one soon, not too happy about the size, though.

Im from chile... I have a tama go... but... the figures are too expensive (shipping..huh)


I have a mametchi blue one with no additional figurines. Personally I think it is not worth it to buy figurines, 7 bucks for two extra games and more animated graphics for you to look at about your pet.

Here are my Pros and Cons about it.


- I heard there are features on it that is almost like the TMGC+C (I dont have one but I can tell what they mean about similarities, such as the menu options)

- the characters are super cute, the animations are cute, watching them eat, bathe and brush their teeth.

- Dating place to choose a potential mate.

- Lots of different food items available for purchase. (I was shocked about the selection in the store)

- the games are not bad.

- Some of the games on Tama-Town are pretty fun, and you can dress up the character there. And decorate your place.

- potty trained


- I dont like how it beeps at me once every three hours to say hi. it kind of makes me think I missed feeding it or checking up on it.

- Its kind of hard to see the graphics when you are in dark places, or slightly cloudy areas.

- it really doesnt do much. . . once you have figured out the code to make lots of money on tamatown and can buy every item there.. the thrill of it dies down.

- The shape of the egg is quite big... its not exactly portable friendly

- the buttons are not very responsive at times.

- Bandai tries to make us buy more figures to look at more animations. (nice try > :p )

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