Do you have glasses


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I need glasses, but I dont really wear them, I always wear contacts. I've had contacts since I was 10 [i know, a little too young, but my doctor said I was responsible enough xD]. If youre uncomfortable with wearing glasses, ask your parents if you can get contacts : )

Glasses are cool in my opinion xD

They look sophisticated, and smart, if you choose the right ones they can really frame your face nicely. Don't worry, you're probably just not used to seeing yourself in glasses, and to other people I bet they look fine. Use them to your advantage >D

I wear reading glasses. So whenever the teacher is like "start reading blablablaa" I use them. But I hardly ever do anymore because I'm too lazy to get them out.

Glasses are awesome, and well, they make you see better so they're pro. But if you really hate them.. :( consider contacts.

I've had glasses since I was eleven, and honestly they look pretty terrible on my face.

So I have contacts and I looove them <3

I need braces and glasses. xD I'm going to get braces sometime soon, but I don't want glasses. xP

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I've had glasses since pre-school. xDD

They were this really ugly, huge gold pair. But I have pretty purple ones now, and I'm so used to wearing glasses I hardly notice. ^_^ ;

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I've had glasses since I was... 9 maybe? Anyway, I always get the cute thick pairs. :3 I honestly think everyone looks cuter in glasses. Girls and guys. They're not geeky whatsoever. :I

I'm looking into getting contacts this summer, though.

I've worn glasses since the start of middle school. Around 6th grade i switched to contacts and 7th i went back to glasses. It wasn't until 9th grade when i decided i wanted to wear contacts.

Glasses makes some people look cute. Just pick out a pair that you really like and you'll be fine. Maybe soon enough you can switch to contacts, but you have to be really careful with those :eek: Good luck.


No glasses for me, :)

If I needed them, I'd get them, not contacts.

Cause I'd be slightly frightened of putting glass in my eye,

Even if it's beneficial.

I'm short sighted, so I only need glasses to see long distance things, like the boards at school and stuff. Otherwise, I don't wear them.

But it seriously annoys me when people don't wear their glasses because they think they're 'nerdy'. I'm sorry, but something that's going to benefit you, even if it's just to watch TV or something, is better then going without.

Also, I think glasses are cute on guys. xD

Maybe I should wear contacts,

Thank you everyone so far. I look pretty ugly in bright pink dimonte (Can't spell it!) glasses........

They annoy my teacher too! :D She hates it when people wear bold colours and think frames and she accuses you of attention seeking!

:lol: :lol:

I’ve been short-sighted since I was about nine or ten, so I’ve been wearing glasses for four or five years now so I sort of had to learn to like them even though I look like an awful nerd in them xD. You could always just get a new pair of glasses rather than contacts, ‘cause I’ve heard they hurt like hell sometimes (that’s according to my gran though, she complains about everything).

I’ve been short-sighted since I was about nine or ten, so I’ve been wearing glasses for four or five years now so I sort of had to learn to like them even though I look like an awful nerd in them xD. You could always just get a new pair of glasses rather than contacts, ‘cause I’ve heard they hurt like hell sometimes (that’s according to my gran though, she complains about everything).

XD - my gran complains too!

Also, I think glasses are cute on guys. xD
I'm not the only one! My brother's like, "Ohh man. I hate glasses. I'm so glad I finally got contacts." I think he looks just fine in glasses. xD

I hate glasses. They get dirty. I lose them, and mine get scratched.

I like contacts a lot more. I can play sports without worrying, and I just like them more. They schow off my eyes. :3

I've had glasses since I was 12. I hated them at first, but now I love them. I actually think I look really weird without them now.

I had contacts for a while, but I didn't really care for them. I loved that they were colored(amethyst, sapphire, silver, and gold), but I hated having to put them in every morning and take them out at night. It's more of a pain than glasses.

The only thing I don't like about glasses is they get smudged/dirty.

Glasses will always remain cool. [:

I personally love mine - they're a mix of black and red && have these really cool circley drawings on the frame that look like the Olympics logo.

Most people look fine in them - choose a frame that reflects your style and you're all good to go.

Contacts scare the living h/ll out of me.

The idea of putting the lens in my eye seriously freaks me out.

+ I think I look better in glasses anyway, as I'm more used to them.

The only thing that really irks me is when you have to take a shower and your vision is really foggy and blurred and you can't see anything because you have to remove them. >.<

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