Do you have to own 2?


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Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
Dallas / Austin, TX
Do you have to own 2 tamagotchis in order for a matchmaker to come? My Tama is an adult and has been for a couple of days now. He doesn't have any friends b/c I don't know anyone else who has a Tama (I'm almost 22 years old) and so I can't connect them. ;)


no you dont have to have 2 3 days after it turns into an adult the matchmaker will come.. itll come 3 times a day for 3 days so thats 9 chances other wise if you miss this event itll turn into and old man or old woman and will never get to mate unless you find some one with a old man or old woman that will breed with you then you can get a baby and itll turn into the secret character Oyajitchi.

the matchmaker will come at around these times:




and will come at the age of 7 up to 15

Actually in my experience:

The matchmaker comes at 10:00am, 3:00pm, and 7:00pm

It will come if you are not married by connecting to another tamagotchi by age 7. HOWEVER, if you have NO MORE than 3 heads with a person, the matchmaker WILL come at age 6 instead of seven.

I wish I had more than one tamagotchi! lol. I do s paper round for £15 a week, so thats one tama a week I guess-LOL

Do you have to own 2 tamagotchis in order for a matchmaker to come? My Tama is an adult and has been for a couple of days now. He doesn't have any friends b/c I don't know anyone else who has a Tama (I'm almost 22 years old) and so I can't connect them. <_<
No you dont, the purpose of the matchmaker is that if you cannot connect your tama, you can still have more generations.


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