Do you.. Just like to think sometimes?


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2006
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In a cardboard Box
Do you ever just stay up for hours, thinking and thinking? About life, death, and time? I sometimes do, and it scares me. It freaks me out because of how much these thoughts get to me, and affect me. Sometimes I stay up, thinking.

I used to be a big religious person- a strict catholic. But these thoughts, of how unlikely a god sounds, got to me. I no longer beleive in religion. I used to pray, but I lost my trust.

I used to not ever think of death, but now I do. I have these sad thoughts of what's going to happen when my family when they die. It scares me to think of lying in a ditch for an eternity, just melting away. To never speak or be heard of again; eternal sleep. It saddens me to think that one day I'll be in a ground, away from the people I love. It scares me to know that one day all the people and things I have to love will be gone.

These thoughts have led me to think differently, and I practically live by them. I now speak my mind, and don't conform with society's standard 'norm' any longer. These thoughts are like, my philosophies to live by now. I often have these 'thinking' episodes, and I think of some weird things.

My question- does anyone else do this? Does this make me insane, that I constantly think?

I actually have those kinds of thoughts sometimes.

I don't think that makes you insane. In fact, I think it's healthy to think about these things sometimes. It's good to have your own thoughts and feelings about life and other aspects of the world.

I have those kinds of thoughts from time to time too, especially on nights I can't sleep. And no, that doesn't make you insane. Pretty much everyone is insane in their own way, anyway.

Real insane would be the extremists who take their beliefs and thoughts to... well... the extreme.

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I used to think like this a lot. How is life possible? I am always scared of Death, I mean eternal sleep? it's scary to think about. . . But, I stopped myself, because every time I would think about it I would cry and feel alone.

I don't think you're insane. It sounds like a lot of other people do the same thing.

I think a lot when I listen to music or when I can't sleep. It really doesn't scare me or make me sad, though. Everything just makes me think even more, until I'm interrupted or in desperate need of sleep...

I think about that type of thing all the time. you are definitley not insane.

I think about those things too, but there also has to be time in your life where you just turn off your brain and take a breather. You have to find your happy medium; because thinking too much will drive you crazy.

[SIZE=7pt]I love to just think, too.[/SIZE]

And you're definetely not insane to do so.

My doc says it's pretty healthy too. ^-^

It either makes me sad, or very happy.

I question myself alot. Like, why am I here?

Anyways, I think mostly at night.

It helps me know about myself better.

No. I stay up thinking about characters and plots, dragons, and magical worlds that only exist in my head. x_x;;

It's human instinct that you may think about death. It's supposed to scare you; if it didn't, we'd be extinct. But remember: How old are you? 14, 15? Do you know how much time you have ahead of you, probably?

Though you may die in two seconds, die today, or die tomorrow, learn to enjoy life. It's short, and you shouldn't be worrying about dead the whole time.

[SIZE=8pt]I swear I fought tears on reading.[/SIZE]

Those.. could have been words stolen from my mouth.

I wonder all the time.

And.. well I'm in a strict Christian and I don't want to lose my religion.

Also.. I'm curiosity as to this whole mystery of death.

You aren't alone.

You aren't insane.

And I'm glad other people think as I do..


I have thos kind of thoughts too. They scare me, so I try not to think 'em.

I think of that stuff all the time. Like what happens after death...and the fact that days just pass...and you can never go back or anything. These thoughts are perfectly normal for me. I've been thinking stuff like that for a long time.

I have those kinds of thoughts, but I am also a big believer in livng another life after you die, like reincarnation. But then I know that one day this world will end and I don't want to be around for that, yea its wierd o_O

I think that once we die, we are born again, and we start life over again in another person.

Yes. I think about this kind of stuff a lot.

Last night I was awake for three hours.

Just thinking.

It happenes to me a lot.

I usually have to blast loud music to drown out my own thoughts,

which makes it hard to sleep anyway.

So now my head's full,

I'm under-rested,

and I have Pas De Cheval stuck in my head.

But that's basically my night routine. I'll just stare out the window sometimes. I think... a lot. It's kinda hard to explain xD

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