Do you Like Bella From Twilight?


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I strongly dislike her. I cannot find words to describe exactly why, but she really annoys me :furawatchi: Especially in the movie, Kristen shouldn't play Bella in my opinion


I just don't get her.

She is in love with Edward so much that she'll do anything she says.

She wants to give up her life to be with him.

He is way to over protective.

He LEFT her in New Moon and she made friends with Jacob.

He comes back after leaving her emotionally broken and it's all 'Bye bye Jacob. Hellloooo Edward.'

He wont let her be friends with Jacob even though she wants to but no! It's OK, he's just protective.

She constantly hurts Jacob who would never leave her.

She is manipulative! She uses her friends to make Charlie think she has a life and she used Jacob, especially in Twilight, just so she could get information.

She drives me a bit insane.

I just don't understand the way her head works.


I just don't get her.
She is in love with Edward so much that she'll do anything she says.

She wants to give up her life to be with him.

He is way to over protective.

He LEFT her in New Moon and she made friends with Jacob.

He comes back after leaving her emotionally broken and it's all 'Bye bye Jacob. Hellloooo Edward.'

He wont let her be friends with Jacob even though she wants to but no! It's OK, he's just protective.

She constantly hurts Jacob who would never leave her.

She is manipulative! She uses her friends to make Charlie think she has a life and she used Jacob, especially in Twilight, just so she could get information.

She drives me a bit insane.

I just don't understand the way her head works.


Bella's a gold digger.

I hate Bella. She spent all of New Moon, whining about Edward. Then nearly killing herself over some stupid, idiotic alien baby. She's just so annoying. Her personality is so messed up, too.

No offense Bella fans. I love Twilight, but if it had been in, say, Alice's POV, it would have been a lot more bearable. (No way on Edward; he's too emo. No offense. "I'M A MONSSSTAAAHHHHHHH")

She's okay. She Doesn't ALWAYS listen to Edward. She sneaks of to see Jacob,like,3 times in Eclipse. Rosalie on the other hand......XD BTW TEAM EDWARD!!!!!!!!! 8D

Twilight was a good read while I was reading it. Then I look back on it and think about how completely pointless the plotline was after the first book.

Bella simply bothers me. I can deal with her, but everything about her character bothers me.

Her overly expressed uncoordination, how she apparently can't have a life without Edward and yet most of the time she refuses to listen to him, something or somebody always has to be "after her", and the Cullens have to save her again and again, how she chooses to forget Jacob multiple times, the list goes on and on.

There are many things wrong with many of the characters in the series, but I can't say I don't like the books themselves while I'm reading in the moment.

She's too mushy. I don't hate her, but I can't say I like her either. She's always acting emo, (she jumped off a cliff for god's sake) and she's always like "Edwwwaarrrddd I want to have your babies!" At least it me it seems like. ¬_¬
