Do you like Digimon?


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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2005
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Britannia, hiding under Suzaku's bed <3
I luv digimon. I have my own. Her name is IceRenamon. Well... at least that's her rookie. Please post w/ your favorite Digimon pictures, but try to change them and add onto them. Erm... how do ya post images?

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Hey, spread the word! We are starting a Digimon RPG topic. I'll go first. If anyone wants to get more info, PM me.

PLOT: You are either a Digidestined or a Tamer, your pick. You have to hid your Digimon from everyone EXCEPT other Digimon owners. You MUST use this format.

  • Name
  • Age
  • Digidestined/ Tamer
  • Personality
  • Appearance
  • Digimon
  • Evolutions (ALL OF 'EM!)
  • Digivice
  • Crest (Optional)

If you have images, please post 'em. Erm... would some one PLEASE PM me on how to post images.

I like Digimon Bandai pets very much.

I have only 1 Digimon, he usually digivolves in my favorite character Greymon.

But I can't join in a RPG about them.....

Name: Artemis Sizumi (doesn't have to be your real name)

Age: 12

Digidestined/ Tamer: Digidestined

Personality: Easygoing, funny, loves to read and cook

Appearance: Gray and white shirt w/ a kitten on it, blue jeans, Red Converse shoes, gray fingerless gloves

Digimon: Take a look at my signature

Digivice: Season 1, only gray and pink

Crest (Optional): Faith

I'll try to post pictures

I like original Digimon and wish Bandai would release new ones.In fact I like original Digimon better than original Tamagotchi ( connection still owns them all though. ) The Digivices however I can do without.

Digimon are so awesome.I wish they were real.But that will never happen.But I wish they would come out with more digimon v-pets for America.
