do you like P.E.T.A?


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Topic starter asked if anyone liked PETA.

They want to chat with "like-minded" people.

If you hate PETA - suggest you don't post here (you are unlikely to find much common ground with topic starter).

The topic starter will then be more than able to conclude that there are not many PETA fans around ;)

Thank you :)

Yet they don't complain about the dogs who pass away in their care.
Really.. justs eeing PETA on here is pretty much not a good thing.

And yeah. It's sad, isn't it? PETA didn't care about Tanukis(Raccoon DOgs) being brutally beaten for fur coats by poachers in Japan. They also wanted human mothers to use Breast Milk in Ben and Jerry's icecream

PETA does want people to keep roaches in their houses. Roaches carry a ton of germs on them. I am lucky PETA never comes around here often. They were here, once in 2005. They got arrested for vandlising, harassing and holding up traffic.

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I'm afraid you are not going to find many like minded people to talk about PETA as PETA has actually been classified as a terrorist organization.

The topic starter has a lot to learn about PETA.

PETA topics only mean controversy.

I'm afraid you are not going to find many like minded people to talk about PETA as PETA has actually been classified as a terrorist organization. The topic starter has a lot to learn about PETA.

PETA topics only mean controversy.
When you mentioned "Terroist", didn't they blow up some places for their actions?

they are not terrorists! they fight for animal rights! they've had numerous successes!
You're very young and i don't think you do grasp on the real colours of PETA. I do suggest you look up "PETA KILLS ANIMALS" on GOogle or watch the Pen and Teller video.

PETA also uses Goodwin's law, by compairing animal slaughter and abuse to what Nazis did to Jews.

Sad, eh?

Stop throwing PETA at our faces, Tofu. You are not going to get people to follow you. PETA harasses people. They target young children, young as four with graphic pamphlets of "Your Mommy Kills" and "Your Daddy Kills".

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