Do you like The Maccas neopets?


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Well-known member
May 12, 2005
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New South Wales Australia.
Do you Guys Have any of the neopets from McDonalds?

I have HEAPS!

I have:

a Yellow Blumaroo,

A Yellow Ixi,

Green, yellow, and Red Meercas,

Red and Starry Kacheeks,

Red and Yellow Flotsams,

And A Shadow Kougra.

Me and My BF play with them all the Time!

Do any of you guys have any? :huh: :furawatchi: :pochitchi: :pochitchi: :furawatchi: :p

...i use to go every week! :huh:
^Same! We used to go every saturday, but then our car broke down, and we never got another one :furawatchi:

The only reason I've been heaps lately is cuz it's the school holidays! :p

I have these and they are NOT for sale!

Aisha's-2 clouds,1 red

Blumaroo-1 yellow,1 red

Chomby-2 blue,1 brown,1 starry

Grundo-1 red,1 starry,1 blue

Ixi-1 blue,1 green,2 red,1 cloud

JubJub-1 green,1 orange

Lupe-2 red,1 green

Quiggle-1 red,2 yellow

Scorchio-1 Yellow,1 Green

Shoyru-2 Green

Techo-1 blue,1 Shadow

Uni-1 Green

Wocky-1 Green,1Blue,1Red

Yurble-1 yellow,2 blue,1 red,1 Shadow


Bruce-1 red

Flotsam-1 red,1 green,1 yellow,1 cloud

Gelert-1 Blue

Grarrl-1 green,1 Shadow

Katcheek-1 cloud,2 red,1 starry

Kiko-1 red,1 yellow

Kourgra-1 Starry(I WANT A SHADOW ONE!)

Kyrii-1 yellow,1 blue

Meerca-2 blue,1 green,1 red,1 pink

Mynci-1 red,1 blue

Poogle-1 blue,1 checkered,1 cloud

Pteri-3 starry,1 blue,1 yellow,1 green

Petpet clips:ALL!

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I havn't seen you for a looong time! :D

YAY!!! I won

blue, yellow and cloudy MoeHogs,

A Yellow Techo,

A green Uni,

and a Yellow Shoyru on Ebay!!! :D :eek:

When they all arrive, I'll have 21! :D

I have a red kougra, pink meerca, blue poogle, green pteri, yellow kacheek, red kyrii, yellow kyrii, and 2 blue kyriis. Also I used to have a red bruce but I lost it and I dont know where is is now.

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