Do you play an instrument?


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Hanatchi Lover

Well-known member
Sep 19, 2005
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I play the flute...I'm in symphonic band and almost always get first chair....sorry if it sounds like I'm bragging.

Flute! I'm assistant section leader in marching, pep, and concert bands @ my skool!


I might take the recorder or what ever you call it next spring or something.

Saxophone! :D Though I have t admit, over the summer I've been slacking off and not practicing... I can't let my rival get ahead of me!

I play the piano, and I've never taken any lessons! I can alwyas play teh drums (very easy :D ) and thats about it for me :D

Regards, TGD :D

I have been playing the piano for about 1 year now and I have recently got a distinction in my grade 1 exam. I am hopefully going to get a kakeibo tamagotchi as a reward. XD :D

-sk8er girl-

Yup! I play alto saxaphone (I'm not doing band in school anymore, and only about five other people from my grade are doing it next year, and it's because their parents forced them to.) I taught myself how to basicly play the piano, and am going to be getting lessons soon. I can also play the recorder (I hate it, it was a requirement in third grade), and I can play the harmonica pretty well too. I like playing music!

Weizeric667 already made a topic about this. You copied him.
Oh...he did? Well...just because he made a topic like this doesn't mean I copied him. I didn't see it.

I want to play sax..... oh well.

Weizeric667 already made a topic about this. You copied him.
No, she or he probably didn't see it, and it is no longer active. If she bumped it up to post in it, then she would be breaking the rules. What Hanatchi Lover did was perfectly fine, even if she (or he) knew that a topic like this had already been made.

No, she or he probably didn't see it, and it is no longer active. If she bumped it up to post in it, then she would be breaking the rules. What Hanatchi Lover did was perfectly fine, even if she (or he) knew that a topic like this had already been made.
Hehe...thanks. I'm a she, by the way(lol).

My friend plays the french horn, and is always first chair. Well, she has to be. She's the only one that plays french horn, lol!

I play the recorder, and when I start middle school next week I'm going to start playing the clarinet. I tried the flute, but I found it too difficult so I switched to clarinet. I like to listen to music, but I'm not very good at making it. :furawatchi:


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