Do you prioritize connecting when it comes to choosing a Tama?


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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2014
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manila, ph
I was ALSO wondering.

Do all of you guys care if your Tamas can't connect or can?

For example, you only have one Tama, say, the v5. Would you get a v4 even though you can't connect? Or stick to getting a v5.5/v6 so you can connect?

I'd love your feedback!

I dont mind. Connecting has never really interested me lol

I don't mind connecting is only fun to me with friends, I can't handle more than one pet at a time so it's not too big of a deal, plus Japan has found ways of making connection, not just between to tamagotchi but with other things.

I love connecting my Tamagotchis... it's so beautiful to watch their friendship grow and watch them marry! It is not a priority, but I do try to get multiple Tamagotchis of the same version so that they can connect.

I've never connected a Tamagotchi. It hasn't affected my enjoyment of my Tamas at all.

I don't really care unless I have to connect to get connection characters I like lol

Connection is cute but it's not really that exciting if it's not with friends, I don't like how when connecting the characters play a game, one wins and the other one loses, and the one who loses gets all sad, I'd rather have them playing happily together :(

Sometimes. Most of the time I don't connect a lot, but with the Tamagotchi Friends tamas I think it really adds to the experience.

The only times I connected in my life was when I was really little, with my friends at school. I don't really remember how it was, though. Maybe someday I'll buy another v4 so I can connect them and see how it is, but I don't think it would affect my decisions on what Tama to buy.

Being able to connect isn't really a concern, unless connection is necessary to receive special characters/items. Then I will get 2 of the version.

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