Do you remember your first tama?


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I got a V3 for my birthday. (December 15th) Her name was Harly (Harley but it didn't let me go that far.) and she left me. I always let my tamas die then. Now, I have 2 V5s, 1 V5 Celebrity, and a V6 Music Star. (No uproar about the version, Bandai has not decided yet I think.)


Ah, memories.

dont worry about her not being ur friend nemore cause she is popular now... seriously the popular kids i went to high school with now are mostly drug addicts or work in fast food lol
Thanks. I don't worry about it as much anymoe, haha, I jsut wish tamas weren't viewed as lame by most people! :ichigotchi:

My first Tamagotchi was a Tamagotchi Mini. I actually had a few Tamagotchi Minis then, I found it in my grandmother's room. Strange.... since then I liked Tamagotchi. Then one Christmas my mom took me to a shop and there I bought two Tamagotchi Version 3. Those Tamagotchis means a lot to me, my mom actually bought them with her money. I also have 1 V4, two V5, two Music Stars and 1 V4.5. They all tell me a different story. All good ones ~ my friend or other people gave me the rest of my Tamagotchis. I only had to spend my money on my Version 3s.

Tamagotchis ~ tells a story of my life!

OMG, My first Tama! I was at school back and heaps of people had Tamagotchis and I was like those are cool so I went with my nana and she brought me my first Tama. Iv'e had alot of Tamas sence then... There so addictive! ;)

My first Tama was, amazingly, actually a DEVIL!! I saved up and bought one!! lol I forgot the rest... but I still have the unharmed perfectly working Devil!

Well, Sadly, I do not have my first tama anymore--- it was the Glow-in-the-dark-rare V4 design...gave it to a friend of mine...but, gonna see if i can switch with her so i can get it back!! :blink: so, yep! but I got that one from another friend i met at a livestock show...we kept vsing eachother on the jumprope...see who could finish first..she had the sunflower design... was fun! I won, too! :(

I wish I could find my first Tamas. They were Gen 2s. My very first one was yellow with black stripes, which seemed to be a common color. But Tamas were so popular back then, I took any color I could :3 My best friend and I both had one, and I remember making little houses for them out of shoe boxes, haha. It was fun.

my first tamagotchi was a rising sun...yellow and red v4 and my first character was androtchi but I have never gotten him ever again.

but I cant remember my tamagotchis name...

aw I miss him. and I remember that when he was a baby that he got sick and I got scared and I didn't know what to do so I freaked out and tryed every icon until he was better=]


It was my 12th birthday party and I was first introduced to Tamas by an old friend. It was the only thing that I asked for for my birthday, and EVERYONE got me one. I started out with like, twenty tamas. XD And I thought I could keep them all up. Not very smooth. But a really fun time.

my first was the v2... and was a mametchi named shap... when he dies... I cried a BIT xD..... I MISS HIM... XD


I still have my first Tama. I was in primary school and some other kids had gotten Tama's, so of course they were showing them off at recess and even during class. I got a v2 not much later, and pretty much the whole class had them and would keep the sound on, pressing random buttons in class just to drive the teacher crazy. :furawatchi:

Predictably, that school banned them soon after.

I'm at a different school now and they haven't banned Tama's there, but I'm older now so I wouldn't take them to school anyway.

^I still have my first Tama, too! :)

It's the sparkly purple v1 with red buttons. I was in 2nd grade when I got it. I remember being the first one in my entire class to have a Tama, and once I got one everyone else went out to get one, too.

+ing on to my last post, I recently just bought the same v3 that my first one was, the same design and everything! :)
I did the same thing too! I bought a duplicate of my first Tamagotchi (a transparent yellow P2). I still have my actual first Tamagotchi, but I use it for spare parts now (it broke a while ago). Good old days. -_-

I recieved my first P1 in 2004 from a office collegue. In the 90's i didnt get an original one, but a fake duck pet -_-

Since 2004 i'm starting to collect all the models, but my very fisrt love was when i owned some V2's :D Wonderful times!

I think the first tama I ever received was my V2, my friend gave it to me because she didn't know what it was and at the time, neither did I, lol. She was my friend though, until we kind of drifted apart and she became all girly >.<

mine was a v2 i barely knew what to do i was only like 6 (im 11 now i have 5 tamas i got rid of load cos they were outdated im recollecting YAY) i always payed attention to feeding it everytime it was an adult i still took care of it the matchmaker came i still understood it and had baby then it died after a day of school that was when i was like 7 i cryed loads cos it died :huh:
