Do you remember your first tama?


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My first Tamagotchi was a V3, the pattern was light blue with blue and green bubbles.

I got it for Christmas and I thought it was the best gift I had got. I played with it for the whole week, and when it turned into an adult Hashizoutchi I thought it was ugly, so I reset it. :)

I still have that Tama, but all the bubbles/paint have rubbed off so now it's just light blue.

Ah, I remeber fondly :3 I saw the commercial (This was maybe...mid-04, or 05, maybe?) and wanted one sooo badly! Finally, after much convincing, my mum took me to Walmart and bought me my first one, a purple V1 with green and white circles. I was overjoyed! I never stopped playing with it :)

I eventually sold it to my friend, but I had at least 4 by then. I'll never forget how much I loved my tamagotchis back then! I really need to get batteries soon... ;;^^

My first Tamagotchi was a v3. Now I don't use it anymore, because it got stepped on, and it's button is all ripped, so I just keep it as a memento.

I got my first Tamagotchi in '97. It was a blue P1. Unfortunately, I have no idea what happened to it. It might still just be lost in the house somewhere, or my mom might have thrown it out a long time ago while going through old toys or something. I'm hoping it's just lost because I'd love to find it again someday! <_<

My first tama was a transparent orange V2. <_<

Me and my friends was playing in school (I was only 8 at the time), I had a rock that I imagned was a pet, and my other friend at a ball, but my third one had a tamagotchi.

I thought looked fun so I asked her what it was. And there it all started. :p

I remember I got addicted and went all the way to generation 21, and that I cried when it died. :)

After that I got a silver one with black buttons. It was beautiful! But then the buttons on my orange one fell out, so I had to put the silvers button into the orange one and throw the silver one away. :eek:

i remember, they were soo popular and i didnt know what it was, cuz all the "big kids" had them, and my sister didnt like them, so i didnt like them, then my aunt bought me one, and i FREAKING LOVED IT!!! i have 2 V2's, a V3, a V4, a V5, and my cousin stole my V6 :p

I remember when I was probably about 6-7 my older brother had one I think it was a v1 and I was mega jealous because he use to rub it in my face etc and I loved toys back then and when he showed me them I was flabagaspered :) First ever one I found was about 2 years ago in a Toy Shop (I was about 14-15) and went ape :L So I ran home, asked for money off everyone in my family and ended up running back to the shop and buying a v5 :D God, good stuff. And still using the same one :) Tamagotchi's aren't that popular around in New Zealand I think? Haven't seen them around :( :mametchi: :mimitchi: :nyatchi: :lol:

I was in year 4 in 2004 and all my friends at school had one and I really wanted one so that weekend, my mum and I went shopping and she got me This tamagotchi and I was so happy I played with it and I got Violetchi ;) but when the matchmaker came, I said no because I thought it would come again and I didn't want my tama to turn old so I restarted it. :mametchi: :) ;)

Yes, a milky blue V1 connection and the first tama I ever had was a masktchi :) called Roxy... When she died, I cried myself to sleep :)

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Okay, I feel kinda bad for making my first post so short haha :) But I'll explain a little bit more about my first tamagotchi....

I was 10 and in fourth grade. My mom had taken me, my little sister, and my little brothers to Wal-Mart. My little sister and I had gone to look at the toys while my mother shopped. I was just going from aisle to aisle, browsing. Then, something small caught my eye. I saw Mametchi (Although I didn't know what it was or anything yet) and thought 'Well that looks cute!' I read the name and remembered it 'cause my friend Ginny had a V3, although she didn't usually care about it. Anyway, I looked at it and read the box and everything and decided I wanted one. I ran and showed it to my mom, who said no at first because she claimed it would end up like my Neopet (I had one of those little electronic neopets when I was, like, 6. I never really took care of it and it ran away) But after begging for a few minutes, she FINALLY gave in and I got my first tamagotchi. I ran back to the rack where they were to help my little sister pick out hers. My design was pink strips, with yellow buttons and yellow ball on the antenna. My little sisters was the sunflower design. When we got home, I fixed both of our Tamas up and hatched them. I remember we used to pause them at night, because we thought they'd die xD But after the 1st generation I realized that you don;t have to 'cause they sleep lol My first tamagotchi's name was Lucky and I took her everywhere. i even took her to school. My teacher let me take her out during recess and such. I even showed her when she evolved :) After that, I raised many tamagotchi and I still have my first tama :)

EDIT-Sorry I meant to post this from my other account, xXxMyxXxImmortalxXx -___-

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Yes, I was in 2nd grade. My friends had gotten some, and they were letting me play on them. It was in September. I decided that I MUST have one or else the world would crack in two and we would all die. I kept pestering my mom, and I finally gave up in December on the idea that I was going to have a Tamagotchi. But on Christmas morning, I unwrapped a yellow Tamagotchi v3. I was so happy I cried. Sometime during May, I was doing GREAT. SO many Gotchi-points, and generation 8, and my beautiful Violetchi named Lola just HAD to die. I remember watching a movie, and as the movie ended, I heard the dying music. I went over to it, and saw the angel, and I just completely and totally lost it.

Oh man...Back in 1998 when I was living with my cousin with my dad and aunt we went to the mall and Christina, my cousin, she took me into an electronic store and bought me a Tamagotchi. It was the most fascinating object I ever saw. I fell in love with it and named it after my hamster "Flubber" Hahaha, I lost it and I now regret it. I haven't seen my cousin in over 10 years. *sigh* I had so many good memories with my cousin tied to Tamagotchis, I miss em' both. I will never forget that day.

It was Christmas in 1997 when I got my first Tamagotchi. It was a red P2 with white buttons and the 'Tamagotchi' logo in white above the screen. I still have it :D

I remember sitting in the car checking up on it every five minutes. I used to always care for it perfectly ^-^

Until recently I thought it was the first version (a P1). I do have a P1 (orange with yellow buttons and yellow numbers around the screen) but I got them mixed up and thought that was the P2.

When the Tamagotchi Connexions came out years later I was all over that! I went to Toymaster in the Trafford Centre and bought a pink one, and my little sister bought a blue one. Mine was a girl and hers was a boy- we named them Pochi and Akito. We used to obsess over them, and connect them all the time. We drew pictures of our characters as well. Then she grew out of it and gave hers to me :( Wow that was a long time ago now! Was it 2003 when the V1 came out?

Ach... First? How would you define "first?" I have many:

My first experience playing with one: I stole my friend's V2 and put batteries in it (not like steal steal, more like borrowing) and loved it.

First permanent one:My sister's blue astro V3. The buttons don't work now, I pressed them too much

First ownership of one: When in Australia I decided that I must have a V4... Bought it the next day :mellow: best day of my life

Every tama my sister ever had was eventually given to me :mellow: YAY

Love, Kuchi :mellow:

I was in fifth grade when I first got mine, now I'm in 11th. Such a long time ago, but I remember so well. I even remember it was a saturday. It was a V1 orange connexion. Everyone in school had them, so they were extremely fun! (Still are, but not the same with no one to connect with :p ) I took extremely good care of him, and I got a hanatchi and then afterwards continued on with generations and got good characters each time :) Ah, I miss those days so much.

Of course I remember my good ol' Angelgotchi!

I don't quite remember when I got it (or where, for that matter) but it had to be around ten years ago.

I still have it too. c:

Both of the screws are missing from the back and the front part with the text is pretty worn off, but it still works fine!

(I really should find where I can buy teeny screws though...)

I feel pathetic.. but I had never heard of them until a year ago when I bought myself a music star and fell in LOVE!! :p

I'll be honest my first virtual pet wasn't a tamagotchi. It was a Nano Baby followed by the Nano Cat and Dog. I fell in love.

Forgot to answer the question haha my first one wasn't until the V1 came out.

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I remember a long time ago in 3rd grade (now im in 8th grade) I had my first Tamagotchi whick was a v.3. I didn't know that my tama could get married, so I kept reseting it when it was an adult. When I first let it get married, I had reseted it because I thought my Tama was going to die since it was an adult. But now I know the match maker is good, and the highest record I got for the generation was 8. Ah, good times.

My first Tamagotchi was/is my European P2 I got back in 1997. This model:


It still nestles neatly in its packaging, though I haven't used it in years. That thing went everywhere with me when it was new!

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