Do you remember your first tama?


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The same year the V2 came out. My friend had one and I was really jealous, she'd let me play with it and I took care of it on wednesdays and fridays. I went home and told mum about them, then threatened to crawl around woolworths like a baby throwing a tantrum; I did, and it worked :p

My first tama was a mess.. It's fake! and it's easy to reset. If it just hit your fingers, it will easily reset! (the back part)

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I remember my first tama, hehe, i was in the shop with my cousins (i was about 8?) and we were looking around all the toy shelves when my older cousin, rebecca (11), found one and thought it would be really cool to have some, and im really into that kinds of stuff like electronic pets and toys, and so we both looked at them and we decided to get one. We took it to see my nana and my auntie and we spent 20 minutes, in the shop trying to persuasde them to get us one and in the end, we got to my nans and ripped open the packages with alot of force, desperate to get them open to play with them.. My design on my tamagotchi that i picked was a Cameo Version 2 (i was into a tom boy stage back then) and my cousin beccas was a pink one with flowers. :D When it made that first familiar *beep* i got really excited, me and my cousin sat beside eachother on the couch eager to get out tamagotchi's to hatch, about 2minutes after first seeing the egg shake, out popped my little boy which i named Zack, and about 10 seconds after, out popped my cousins little girl, Sunny. We decided that every time i saw my cousin, we would connect, and in the end, they ended up 'marrying' and having kids, twin girls:D I think that the generation that i got to on that tamagotchi was about 34? well, thats my tamagotchi story :L hehe, sorry its a bit long but i thought i would add as much detail as i can as i remember it like it was yesterday:)

(ps Im 13 nearly 14 now and i have lost my cameo version 2 when there was a storm and i dropped it in the mud without noticing :eek: and my cousin becca, now 16 nearly 17, has lost hers when they went on a family trip to the zoo, so.. haha, but i still collect them and im waiting for my next two tamas to arrive next friday, so i can finally start my log!) THE END.. (finally.. ) :p

I got my V3 when I was 5 or 6 or 7. I don't remember much, BUT for some aparent reason I DO remember bouncing and yelling yay. After learning I could not rip the package with my fingers I turn it on. The egg bounced for what seemed like 10 years and I started crying "It's not working!" My mom said wait and I waited, and my baby came out. I threw away the instructions, though. One of my good friends later said that you could call people with it, so I'd grab my tamagotchi to my ear and start talking. I am slightly absent-minded so I'd play with it, leave for a while, and find I'd get a bad tama. I wondered why. :D

Yup. It was a blue v4 mum got off trade me. Groan. Any way I got it and exploded with excitement :D :D . I have had it for about 3 years until a couple off months ago. The first button got kinda hard to press. Then soon it fell out. I cried my heart out. I had a 12 generation baby called Geff. I had to reset him and take out the battery. Goodbye Geef. :( :( :( :( :( :(

I remember mine!

It was the Melon Soda Tamagotchi V3. There wasn't really a fad at my school at all - I just got into the idea of tamagotchis due to my cousin. I asked her 'what's that?' and she said 'It's a tamagotchi!'

My cousin stayed round ours for a 4 day weekend as her parents went on a short holiday. She had her tamagotchi with her. On the second day I really badly wanted one, so me and my cousin practically begged my mum for me to have a tamagotchi. Mum gave in in the end, and we drove to Toys R Us. I chose the Melon Soda one, there was also the transparent pink one and a black one with silver bolts (which I later also got.) That moment when I pulled out the tab was as if my life had changed forever. I called him Scott and he eventually turned into a Warusotchi. :) Me and my cousin would always connect and her's eventually married mine. (she had the yellow+blue v3 one, which she gave to me after she lost interest in tamas.) And here I have mine, and my cousin's tama today. ^_^ They both still work fine and they're sitting right in front of me.

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I still use mine (it's my current one)! It's the Union Jack V3 from Toys R Us. Many of my friends have forgotten about their old V3's/V4's and gotten Music Stars and Familichis instead though. :(

Unfortunately no. This is mainly because I didn't buy just one at the time. I discovered Tamagotchis late and by the time I got around to buying one our local KB toys had them on clearance. They were cheap so I bought a bunch. Then after I found out I liked them I went back and bought a bunch more. Unfortunately I no longer have them. I sold them in what I call the Great Electronic Pet Purge of the mid 2000's. All my Tamagotchis, Digimon, Poo-Chis, Furbys and other electronic pets were sold or given away when I thought I had lost interest in them. Obviously I'm still kicking myself now.

I remember the first time I saw one.

It was a v2 and I thought it was so cool.

I also remember my first one, it was a yellow v.3 with stars and I was standing in my kitchen holding it with my grandmother, and mom, and dad, and my dad's friend ready to go to the beach. I wanted to write this girl (who owned the Tamagotchi's I was talking about before) a letter saying I got one. :p I was like 6. I did write that letter.

My first tama was a v3, with blue bubbles. I loved it, except I hated how I always got this one creepy looking ugly thing for an adult character. It always infuriated me.

I was in middle school... 1997, tama's were fairly new and the virtual pet fad was booming. I remember so many kids having them... although I think it was mostly giga pets. I had a tama, it was white, probably a P2 and my favorite character was Kuchipatchi, although back then, I didn't know what his name was. :p I remember being envious of the kids with giga pets, I think at one point I even had a koala one in a transparent purple shell. Now, I have no interest in any virtual pet but tama's, they seem to hold a special place in my heart... and the poos always make me giggle. :)

My first tamagotchi was a v3, Blue with Bubbles and I still have it! I heard about tamas through a friend and I was immediately hooked. That was back in 6th grade! I'm now almost a senior in high school and I still love them all, though I kind of got bored with the v3...

I can't remember if I had a tamagotchi back in the 90's. I had 11 v-pets and I can't remember all of them. I just remember my first v-pet being a Red Rakuraku Dinokun that my parents brought back from some vacation they went on without me. Dinkie Dino has always been my favorite and I had the same one up until recently. I couldn't find it so I bought a new one in yellow.

I did, however, buy a translucent orange v3 Tamagotchi when they first came out, but I kept getting Gozarutchi (3 generations of him) and thought that was boring so I gave it to my guy friends, who probably broke or lost it. :(

I remember I was about 7-8, it was about 2005 when I got my first Tamagotchi. I had seen an ad on the tv and thought it looked great. I got it somewhere in London, it was a black V1 uk connection. I got up to the adult with the semicricle red and white face (can't remember the name) a few times and reset every time but then I realised that he could have babies, I think I got memetchi a few times too :) I've lost the tama now, but sicne then i got a v2 a v3 and a v4 they're all broken now but I recently got a tamagotchi plus colour/color. It's great but recently it sometimes freezes and come up with a white screen or the character just pauses in mid air. I thiink it's cause of old batteries, seriously, if batteries are more than a year old, don't use them in this tama, it can't function properly. Can anyone tell me if this happens to other colors or is it just mine, and is it maybe not the batteries?

I don't remember what year it was, but I was bowling with some friends when I was about 4 or 5, and my mum and sister came to pick me up. She had bought both me and my sister a Tamagotchi V2. Mine was pink with lips and lipstick on it (I liked pink back then >w<)

I remember my first tamagotchi! I miss it so much. It was a V1 back when I was 8 years old.. yellow with red arrows all over it.. it was a beauty until i dropped it so many times that it became scratched haha :L but yeah.. my first tamagotchi character was called Mutt and it grew into a tarakotchi :) ive had all the versions sold in the UK but I think my mum threw them all away.. apart from my musicstar which i still use and love :) i want to collect more from ebay and stuff but my parents will think I'm weird cause im 15 and i love tamagotchis! :L

I remember my first tamagotchi! I miss it so much. It was a V1 back when I was 8 years old.. yellow with red arrows all over it.. it was a beauty until i dropped it so many times that it became scratched haha :L but yeah.. my first tamagotchi character was called Mutt and it grew into a tarakotchi :) ive had all the versions sold in the UK but I think my mum threw them all away.. apart from my musicstar which i still use and love :) i want to collect more from ebay and stuff but my parents will think I'm weird cause im 15 and i love tamagotchis! :L
Yeah, my parents were annoyed when I asked to get a Tama-Go from eBay just over a year ago. Back then I was 14, and I'll be 16 soon, and even now I still find them fascinating.

My first Tamagotchi was a V2 and I was probably in grade 5 or 6. My sister was in like grade 2 and everyone in her grade had them and her and I always played together so I wanted one too. I was always the kind of child that liked to play with things not meant for my age. I still like Barbies in grade 8 and so on.. But anyways my parents got us 2 V2's and I was supposed to get the one with lips and lipstick kisses on it and my sister was supposed to get the blue one with a beach on it. As soon as I seen the blue one I had to have it so I traded her. My first character was named Wavey, a girl, and she grew up to have children and the generations carried on. I still have it and it should still work :)
